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Chapter 6 A Gift From Mr Anonymous

  • Not quite long after Sir Nicholas death, Grandma P celebrated her grand seventieth birthday.
  • The grand hall was lavishly decorated and only prominent people attended the function.
  • As orchestras commenced their music, people began dancing slowly on the dance floor.
  • Grandma P was seated on a large white chair which looked more like a throne with exquisite marbles at the edge.
  • Even with how wonderful the party activities went, she felt empty as she couldn't see Adrian.
  • "Here grandma, please accept this as a token from us." Scott, Claus and Valerie said with subservient bow as they presented a large golden box to Mrs Penelope.
  • Mrs Penelope opened the box and smiled at the breathtaking content: A royal diamond crown, a medallion, shimmering golden ornaments, accessories, jewelries and rings etc. Since they were aware of her love for jewelry, they decided to contribute to get her the most expensive jewelry in the world.
  • "Wow! It's a brand from Madison." Mrs Penelope exclaimed as she took a ring from the box and wore it on her finger.
  • "Yes granny. We hope you love it." Scott replied to her with a smile, hoping to win her heart since she always disliked him for being irresponsible.
  • Madison jewelry was the most expensive brand of jewelry with the least jewelry having a worth of fifty million dollars.
  • Just as the activities went on with noble people presenting their gifts to the celebrant, the door flung open with two men in cladded suits catching the attention of everyone.
  • They walked towards Grandma P and said to her, "Congratulations on your seventieth birthday Mrs Penelope Luther. We have a present for you from our Master."
  • "Master?" Grandma P asked, her mouth dropping and her face etched with curiosity.
  • "Yes," one of the men admitted before whistling and signaling for the guards to bring the gift.
  • Everyone gaped and were awestrucked at the sight of the large gigantic statue which was a captivating image of Grandma P. The statue was sculpted and made of pure gold and it shimmered in the grand hall which was filled with various shades of light.
  • "Oh my God! Th-this is unbelievable." Grandma P exclaimed as she got on both feet, her eyes fixed on the statue which was a lifeless replica of her.
  • She took slow steps towards the statue and assessed it, it was the first time she would receive something as huge as this.
  • "This must have cost a fortune. Who gifted me with this? I am willing to see the person." Grandma P asked as she faced the two huge men in suit.
  • "Here," One of the men said as he extended a letter to her while she took it and read its content.
  • After scrutinizing every detail on it, her eyes widened when she noticed it was from someone anonymous.
  • "Anonymous?".
  • "Yes ma'am," The man replied to her with a faint smile.
  • Grandma P's countenance was filled with shock and confusion. She knew what it must have cost to make a golden statue.
  • Not just millions but billions.
  • Who in the world must have done that?
  • She checked the paper and was shocked to see a stamp and badge from the famous Grand Roberts company.
  • "Is this from Grand Roberts?" She asked, her eyes widened in disbelief.
  • "Yes ma'am. The gift was issued by the new manager."
  • She couldn't believe it. They were in no way the same league and class with a worthy company like Grand Robert and she was shocked that they not only sent representatives to show up at her party but they also offered her an expensive gift.
  • "But Mr Nicholas is late. Who could have sent this?" With a quizzical expression on her face, she asked, turning to face the two men.
  • "From the new manager of Grand Roberts restaurant,"
  • "If you'll allow us, we'd love to take our leave now."
  • *****
  • One day while Telsa was returning from her friend's party, she bumped into a young handsome man, causing his items to fall on the floor. Just as they both bent to pick it up, their eyes locked as they stood up immediately. After Telsa apologized and made her leave, the young man gripped her wrist and stared at her lustfully.
  • His name was Henry Walter and he was the heir to Goldmann group, one of the high ranked groups and enterprises in New York City.
  • After an attempt to flirt with a beautiful Telsa, she gave him a hard slap on the face and insulted him.
  • Little did Telsa know that her action caused Henry to retaliate by informing his father to cut off all business ties with Sea force group.
  • Telsa's father owned a company called Sea Force group, but it is nothing compared to the Goldman groups. Even the Luthers and Williams companies were no match to Goldman groups.
  • That evening, Telsa showed up at Adrian's small restaurant with her friends, Dave and Amanda.
  • Since she was a good friend of Adrian, she decided to let him know her current plight.
  • "My dad's company has bad news today. I'm worried because several partnership has threatened to cancel." Telsa said, placing her hand on her forehead in worry.
  • "Goldman's group must have done this. I've seen information about them on the internet. The boss of the group, Donald Walter, is Henry's father, and he's bad news. He's very ruthless in his business dealings." Amanda admitted as she ran through the content on her phone.
  • Adrian placed their order and sat to eat with them.
  • "Henry and his father are posing a threat to your father. It's not your fault that you slapped him for trying to flirt with you." Dave said before drinking his tea.
  • Adrian nodded his head, trying to understand. He turned to face Telsa and asked, "How can this issue be fixed? What can we give Henry to make him stop threatening you?"
  • "Nothing, Adrian." Telsa admitted, her eyes glistening with tears.
  • "To fix this, he wants me to spend a night with him, otherwise his dad, Donald, is going to ruin my family." Telsa added more light before cleaning her tears with her handkerchief.
  • "Both father and son are bloody shameless." Amanda cursed, boiling in rage.
  • Just then, Telsa's phone chimed. It was a call from her dad, Joseph, who was an elder brother to Mrs Daphne Luther. Joseph knows that she was the one that caused this trouble and he shouted at her over the phone. The dad told her that if she can't sort things out, she'll be in a lot of trouble.
  • 'Damn! What kind of father is he?' Adrian thought as he looked at Telsa whose face was plastered in sorrow.
  • "I guess he's in a tight spot," Telsa muttered. "After all, several of his business partners are threatening to cancel the contract. Anyone who hasn't threatened yet still might."
  • "Telsa, don't cry. If Donald's family goes too far, we'll call the cops to arrest them." Dave suggested.
  • "Don't!" Telsa cried and looked up.
  • "It's useless to call the police. It will only make things worse."
  • The police might anger Donald and if he is completely enraged with his strength and power, the situation could get a hundred times worse than it is now.
  • "We need someone else to help." Amanda suggested, looking at Telsa.
  • She continued, "If we can find someone even more powerful, they might be able to sort it out. I'll call my dad right away and ask him if he knows anyone."
  • "I'll do so too." Dave added.
  • They all knew in their heart that with their family's connections, there was no way they could stop Donald, the boss of Goldman group.
  • "Don't worry," Adrain said out of the blue.
  • "It will all be sorted out soon."
  • The door of the restaurant was flinged open, breaking the silence that had ensued some moments ago.
  • It was Valerie and her fiancé, Stanley, who barged in.
  • "I know you'd be here. Is this where you're supposed to be in a tensed situation as this?" Valerie yelled at her cousin, Telsa, as she walked into Adrian's restaurant.
  • She dragged Telsa by the hand and said, "Your dad's business is at stake and you have the time in the world to visit someone as low as Adrian. What help can he offer you, tell me!!"
  • "That's enough!" Adrain yelled, stepping forward and dragging Valerie's hand away from Telsa.
  • "Don't you dare interfere in this! She created this mess and we, the Luthers, will find a way to solve this. You don't have to interfere in our personal matters." Valerie said to Adrian before grabbing her cousin by the wrist again.
  • "It's okay if she tells me what happened because I can try to help in the little way I can." Adrian said but Valerie gave him a snug look.
  • "Have you forgotten you're a loser? What do you have, urh? You can't even help yourself so how can you help her?"
  • "Let's go! We don't have to waste any more time talking to this fool." Stanley suggested and they all left the restaurant in the blink of an eye.
  • The next day…
  • Adrian dialed a number and put the phone to his ear.
  • It was Nathan, Late Nicholas's butler who was now under the service of young master, Adrian.
  • "Hello sir Adrian. I'm glad to receive your call. I hope you're doing fine sir?" Old Nathan asked over the phone.
  • "I am. I just wanted to ask if I can use the family's connection?"
  • "Yes, young master. You're the sole heir to the Thompson's properties. You can do whatever you want."
  • "I want to confront Henry of Goldman group."
  • "Goldman group, Goldman group…" Nathan said, trying to recall.
  • "It's one of erm.. New York's local businesses,"
  • Adrian's family influences the world. Although Goldman Group was larger than Luther and William's company, it wasn't as impressive from a global standpoint, even if it was one of the top ten businesses in New York.
  • "It is, of course, managed by our family's west coast section. I will notify Bryan, the west Coast Division Manager,"
  • "Sir, what are you going to confront him for?" Nathan asked.
  • "Tell him to stop all actions against Sea force group."
  • "Okay, don't worry sir, it'll be settled."