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Chapter 4 Returning “Home”

  • Kadeem
  • It was like looking in a mirror.
  • The child before Kadeem looked exactly like him, like a miniature version. Not only because he had the same dark hair and green gaze, but the shape of his nose and eyes were almost a spitting image. Surprising Kadeem was no easy task, but he was left completely in shock as the child blinked back at him, his wide eyes adorable as he studied Kadeem towering over him.
  • How could the boy look this much like him? Who was he?
  • Trying for words, Kadeem’s lips began to move as if he planned to speak. However, he hardly uttered a single sound before there was a desperate voice calling off in the distance - one he recognized.
  • “Kadeem! Help me!”
  • Mateo - his childhood friend who he’d come to pick up. And from what Kadeem could tell, the man was in trouble.
  • He knew he needed to go run and see what happened, but he was hesitant to move as he remembered the boy in front of him. Swiftly, he turned back, ready to address him that time. Only, as he looked forward again, the boy was nowhere to be found.
  • It was as if he’d vanished. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
  • “Kadeem! Quick!” Mateo’s voice was louder, causing Kadeem’s eyes to snap in the direction, watching as Mateo emerged from the crowd. Only, the man was disheveled, his nose and lip bleeding.
  • Mateo. Always getting himself into trouble. Sure, the man was good at his job and a pure professional, but he always seemed to cause an uproar here and there due his lust. And considering the messages Kadeem had received from Mateo about some “hot babe” on the plane - he couldn’t help but feel they were correlated.
  • A sigh emptied from Kadeem then as he spotted another man chasing Mateo down, a deadly look in his eye as he drew closer. If Kadeem had to guess, this was likely the “hot babe’s” boyfriend, ready to give Mateo another beating.
  • “Come back here, you fucking asshole!” the man yelled, still hellbent on making Mateo pay. But Mateo didn’t care for the man’s words as he officially reached Kadeem’s side, helplessness clearly shining in his eyes.
  • He’d brought his troubles straight to Kadeem, leaving the Alpha to clean up his mess.
  • ~
  • Ardal
  • “Julia!” I call out, trying to manage the four children gathered around me as I search through the crowd. Other people continue to bump into us, causing me to try and hold the babies’ hands or shirts wherever I can.
  • I can’t believe that creep distracted me, which caused Erbao to slip away without my notice. I was only glad that I was able to get that other man’s attention, causing him to give the creep a couple of good punches to the face.
  • With Mateo fleeing, all of our attention is on finding Erbao. It’s a good thing Julia was here and was willing to go look for him.
  • “Julia!” I yell again, still searching. But then I spot my best friend coming through the crowd, a wave of relief meeting me as I see Erbao in her arms.
  • “I’ve got him,” Julia says as she reaches me. However, my son seems distracted by something over Julia’s shoulder.
  • “Erbao?” I begin. “You okay?”
  • Finally, my son turns around, his eyes glossed before he blinks it away.
  • “Yes,” Erbao says. “I was just watching daddy. There was a man in trouble, but daddy is handling it.”
  • Together, Julia and I stiffen as we take in his words, both of us sharing a look.
  • “What is he talking about?” she asks me quietly.
  • “I have no idea,” I tell her. “But you know how kids are…sometimes they spout nonsense.”
  • We nod at each other, both of us figuring that must be the case. After all, Erbao has proven he has quite the imagination.
  • When we’re finally driving away, the quieter the children become until we don’t hear them at all. Finally, I glance over my shoulder, seeing all of their sleeping faces as they lean on each other and Lottie practically lays across her brothers’ laps.
  • “So what’s the plan now?” Julia asks then, causing me to turn to her.
  • “Get the babies settled first,” I say, relaxing in my seat. “And then start my new job - they’re expecting me within the week.”
  • “Good,” Julia comments. “But, you know, if you want to save some money then you and the babies are more than welcome to move in with me.”
  • I smile at her offer, knowing it would be wonderful to live with my best. And yet, I shake my head. “I appreciate that, but we’ll be okay. I have plenty saved up from my last training position. And I already made the down payment to rent out a villa for us. It’s nothing special, but at least we’ll finally have a place for our family to live.”
  • “Ardal!” Julia says then. “That is so awesome. I had no idea you set that up!”
  • I smile before offering a shrug. “Like I said, nothing special. But it will be a home.”
  • “Well, I’m proud of you,” Julia comments. “But I have to ask…now that it’s been so many years - don’t you think it’s time to maybe…expand the family?”
  • “Meaning what?” I ask.
  • “Meaning,” Julia begins. “Don’t you think you should get back out there? Start dating? I’m sure the babies could use a father figure. You’re hot - a pure catch. Any guy would jump at the chance to be with you - if you let them.”
  • Julia’s words are flattering, and yet I don’t warm at their touch. Instead, I almost become cold, feeling myself freeze as I think about the babies’ actual father and the mess I’d left behind years ago.
  • “I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” I whisper, thinking of Kadeem’s hateful expression. “Besides…I don’t have time to focus on dating. I need to make sure I work hard, make money, and keep the babies healthy. You know Erbao’s kidney disease is serious - I need to keep saving up so he can get his surgery as soon as possible.”
  • “I understand,” Julia replies. “I’m sorry, Ardal. You’re right. Let’s just make sure the babies are okay.”
  • I nod back at her, now able to relax back in my seat again. And then Julia and I drop the topic completely, leaving me to glance out the window once more.
  • But I don’t see the distant trees or surrounding shops. All I can see is Kadeem's face as it still hasn’t left my thoughts.
  • Erbao
  • Erbao has never had a real home before and he still couldn’t believe they would be staying here. Seriously - he couldn’t believe it. No matter how many times mommy insisted that this was “theirs,” he still felt like someone was going to come in and take it away.
  • Everyone had already settled in, made themselves comfortable. And they’d even been introduced to their new nanny, Hannah, who mommy had already hired. Hannah was nice, funny, and she already seemed thrilled by the quintuplets' “adorable personalities” as she happily looked over Silas’ books.
  • “You are all so smart!” Hannah said enthusiastically. “And so darn cute,” Hannah continued, ruffling Silas’ hair then. But then she seemed to pause, noting the black shade of the boy’s strands before looking at the other children’s same color.
  • “Does your daddy have black hair?” Hannah asked, her eyes eventually falling on Erbao.
  • “We dunno,” Lottie replied instead. “We’ve never seen him.”
  • “Well…he must,” Hannah tried, her tone still kind. “None of you have your mommy’s brown hair.”
  • “Guess so,” Lottie replied.
  • “So, you’ve never met your father?” Hannah asked, looking around at each child.
  • “No,” Erbao answered that time.
  • “Wow,” Hannah said. “I wonder who he could be…”
  • “Mommy says daddy is in heaven,” Ezra announced then. “He went there before were even born.”
  • “Oh…” Hannah drew out, seeming to realize the truth.
  • However, Erbao wore his own frown as he stared at Hannah. The shock she wore made Erbao sink into his thoughts, his memory sparked as he remembered the man from the airport.
  • The man had looked so surprised when he’d seen Erbao and the little boy knew it was because of how similar they looked. It had been like seeing himself all grown up, the resemblance between them practically undeniable.
  • It was so undeniable that Erbao knew that someway, somehow - this man had to be their daddy. He had to be. Mommy may have said that daddy went to heaven, but she lied.
  • Daddy hadn’t died - he was very alive.
  • ~
  • The room was filled with yawns as their mommy turned off the light, telling the quintuplets she loved them just before she shut the door. Erbao could hear his siblings shifting in their bed, rolling around as they made themselves comfortable.
  • However, he had no intention of falling asleep - he had matters to attend to first.
  • “Pssst!” Erbao hissed out as he glanced toward the room. “Psssssssst!”
  • “What, Erbao?” Lottie whined then. “I’m tired!”
  • “This is important,” Erbao stated as he sat up, winning the others’ attention as they did the same.
  • “What is it?” the fourth baby, Milo, asked.
  • “Mommy lied,” Erbao announced, unafraid to deliver the blow.
  • “What!? No, she didn’t!” Lottie cried out.
  • “Shhh! Quiet, Lottie,” Ezra drew out before his eyes returned to his brother. “What are you talking about, Erbao?”
  • “Mommy said daddy went to heaven, but that’s not true,” Erbao stated then. “He’s alive.”
  • “What? How?” Silas asked, pulling on his round glasses as if needing to see his brother to believe him.
  • Knowing the news was important, Erbao officially climbed out of bed, taking his position of power as he stood in the center of the room - acting as their little military advisor.
  • “I saw a man today,” he said. “He looked like us, like me. I think he’s our daddy and mommy is keeping it a secret.”
  • “Why would she do that?” Milo asked.
  • “I dunno,” Erbao tried. “But he looked surprised to see me. We looked exactly the same! Our daddy is here. We have to find him.”
  • “We can find him?” Silas asked, moving to Erbao’s bed and climbing in, as if needing the support. As a result, the other babies did the same.
  • “Yes,” Erbao said, welcoming them as they all began to slide under the quilt. They wiggled down, needing privacy as they pulled the blanket over their little heads.
  • “What are we gonna do?” Ezra asked as they all cuddled together.
  • “Yeah, I wanna see daddy,” Lottie added. “I wanna know what he looks like.”
  • “Me too,” Milo agreed as Silas nodded.
  • “Don’t worry,” Erbao whispered finally, silencing them all.
  • “I have a plan.”