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Chapter 4

  • "Oh Banny, can't you get that stain off for thirty bucks?'' Bella found herself asking Banny, the laundry man she had known just a few days ago when her mom went to do laundry for her step dad.
  • He had charged her a cool hundred bucks to get the stain off the suit and still claimed it was at its best price. Bella had to give him the puppy eyes and ears probably but then he was definitely not backing down. "Take a good look at the quality of this suit Bella, it's fucking platinum girl!!!"
  • He had expressed and this further etched her uneasiness, What the fuck was he bloody bubbling about, she had just raided her last few cash for this and now this sorry ass is telling her some shitty stuff about platinum and gold; no thank you mister, she thought. Picking up the suit jacket, she measured the stain and thought ‘Ain't nothing a good amount of soap and brushing wouldn't get out, then perhaps a little bit of ironing. What does Banny bloody know' she then turned to leave when he grabbed her arm and then, leaning in close, he whispered,
  • "But you do know that I could cover that cost for you if you roll with me a little Bella,"
  • The anger glint in her eyes should have been a warning but he probably was an idiot or bluntly chose to ignore it, so she gave him an equal measure, ''Back off snake, or lose your tail."
  • Bella was still infuriated when she left the store and vowed never to set foot there again, even if it would mean battling her super mom. She stopped by on her way home to get scented soap, that much she could do and took a bus home. Getting inside, she could suddenly feel the familiar scent from the jacket and the thought of what she had done earlier left a crooked smile on her lips but right now, she needed to get this business done or face... Whatever he was cooking up for her. Taking hold of the jacket, she entered the restroom, then rubbed the soap gently on the stained part and gently brushed the stained part calmly and softly as possible, after some time, she used water to rinse off the soap suds, that's when she discovered that the stain was spreading, getting worked up, she rubbed more soap and started hand washing proper, soon the red stain was reduced to a bit of pink on white but then she discovered that the pink had spread around the suit, getting frustrated, she soaked the entire suit, and left for some time.
  • Few minutes later, Bella set back to work, the suit stain was almost totally gone but it was looking quite different.
  • 'Ain't nothing some good amount of ironing won't solve' so she thought and washed again for the last time. Then she rinsed and set it up to dry. Bella heard the noise at the door and saw her grumpy step brother walk in, pretending not to see him, she retired again to her room but not without grabbing a bite of some ham and cheese. Then she dozed off. When she woke, clearly it was a day far away and going to check on the jacket, she discovered it was damp but then it was not dropping anymore. So she slept again, this time, she dreamt. She dreamt about Jay Martins. She dreamt of them taking a tour on a magical carpet just like Aladdin and Jasmine. It was such a beautiful night's rest until her alarm set off at five.
  • "What a short rest," she said as she tidied up.
  • Getting the jacket, she smiled as it was only cool this time. Okay, maybe a bit cold. She prepared the iron, set the jacket and started ironing, that's when she perceived it, the burning smell, raising the iron, she discovered it burnt the jacket.
  • "Bloody hell!!! I'm done for."