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Chapter 6

  • Gabriella opened her eyes slowly, her vision blurry, she noticed what seemed to be two shadows standing afar. She blinked twice as the blurry vision became clearer revealing Enzo with his hands in his pocket speaking to the female doctor earlier in the day.
  • "How is she now?" Enzo asked the doctor, his tone hushed.
  • "Much better, thank goodness the blow to her head wasn't severe. I will advise she get some rest, I noticed some unusual markings on her-"
  • "You didn't touch her, did you?"
  • "On your request, I didn't, but she needs to be checked."
  • "Very well, you may leave. Maria will take it from here," Enzo muttered. The doctor nodded and left the room closing the door behind her.
  • "Looks like our little bait is awake," he chuckled walking over to Gabriella, he reached out to touch her cheek but she moved her head to the side irritated and angered by the feel of his hand on her skin.
  • He touched her chin and tilted her head forcefully to face him. "Now, now, Angel. No need for such hostility. You've been a very useful pawn in my little game," he said, his voice smooth yet chilling. "Thanks to you, we've flushed out more of the resistance hiding in the woods today."
  • She glared at him, her anger boiling over. "You used me? I was bait?" The realization hit her like a physical blow, and she felt sick to her stomach.
  • Enzo Saviano's smirk deepened "Of course. Did you think it would have been that easy to escape my estate? I expected some days to the plan for you to think of escaping but I must commend you, you played your part beautifully. And now, you've earned a bit of a reprieve."
  • Reprieve? Gabriella thought. The word tasted bitter in her mouth. "What do you mean?" She asked, wary of his intentions.
  • He stepped back, folding his arms across his chest. "Let's just say that your little escapade proved more valuable than anticipated. You've shown considerable... resourcefulness. And that's a quality I can use."
  • She didn't know whether to feel relieved or even more terrified. "Use?" She said between gritted teeth. "I am not going to end up being your bait, you better get that straight in your....." Ahhh she groaned touching the back of her head as she felt a sting.
  • "I believe the doctor advised that you shouldn't strain yourself so much," Enzo chuckled and it only fueled Gabriella's anger as she glared at him.
  • How does he find this funny? Of course he would, he was just a cold-hearted monster, enjoying the suffering and manipulation of others for his gain. She clenched her fists, trying to push away the throbbing pain in her head, focusing on the loathing she felt towards this man standing before her.
  • "You may find this amusing now, but you won't be laughing for long," she spat out, her voice laced with venom. "I will find a way out of this darn estate."
  • Enzo raised an eyebrow, amused by her defiance. "Ah, the spirit of a fighter. I admire that. It's what makes the game interesting," he said, stepping closer. "But let me be clear, Angel. You're in my world now. And in my world, I make the rules."
  • She wanted to lash out, to fight, but her body felt heavy, drained from the injury and the emotional turmoil. "Why are you doing this to me?" She asked, hoping to understand his motives, to find any hint of humanity left in him.
  • Why did she get roped in all of this when it was her father who owed him? Why must she pay for her father's mistake?
  • "Your father's debt," Enzo answered candidly. "I intend to use you as much as I like, usually I would have discarded you long ago but if you play my little game maybe I did -"
  • "And what if I refuse to play your twisted games?" She challenged, though a part of her feared his response.
  • Enzo smiled, a cold, calculating smile. "Refuse? Oh, I don't think you'll find that to be in your best interest. Besides, whether you like it or not, you're already playing. But, I'll give you a choice—become a player on my side, or remain the bait. Either way, you'll serve your purpose."
  • Gabriella gritted her teeth, feeling trapped by his words, but also ignited by a flicker of defiance deep within her. "I will be a part of this," she declared, her voice stronger than she felt. "I won't be a part of your cruel games."
  • Enzo chuckled as if amused by a child's tantrum. "You seem to misunderstand your position, Angel. You don't really have a choice in this matter. But, let's not spoil the mood further. You have an event to attend tonight."
  • What?
  • "Maria!" He called out as the door opened, Maria stepped inside bowing her head. "Get her ready for tonight's event."
  • Maria looked at Gabriella, then back at Enzo, hesitating for a moment before she answered. "Sir, I don't think that's a good idea," Maria said but Gabriella could sense the fear in Maria's voice. Maria bows her head again waiting patiently for her boss's response.
  • "Exactly why she should grace the event tonight," he replied. "Now, what options do you have for her to wear tonight?" He continued.
  • "We have several dresses that would be suitable for the evening, Sir," she replied staring at Gabriella with a worried look before walking over to the closet, she pulled out several dresses, each more elegant and elaborate than the last.
  • She held up a beautiful, flowing gown that shimmered under the light. It was a stunning piece, but the thought of wearing it for whatever twisted event Enzo had planned sent a shiver down Gabriella's spine.
  • "This one will be perfect," Enzo decided, his eyes gleaming with a kind of satisfaction that made Gabriella's stomach churn. "Make sure she looks her best, Maria. We wouldn't want our guest of honor to disappoint."
  • Guest of honor?
  • The title feels like a heavy chain around Gabriella's neck. She knew this event, whatever it was, was just another part of Enzo's game, another way to use her for his own ends.
  • Maria nodded, her hands slightly trembling as she set the dress aside and began to gather accessories. Gabriella could see the concern in her eyes, the silent apology for what she was being forced to do. It was clear she was just as trapped in Enzo's world as Gabriella was.
  • "Remember, Gabriella," Enzo said heading for the door, his tone hardening again. "You're still under my watch. Any attempt to flee again and the consequences will be... severe," he warned before leaving the room.