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Chapter 7

  • Zoey p.o.v
  • I sat on the same spot in the big living area where I'd been waiting for Marco to return. I don't what time it is now. I didn't bother to check either because I was very sure I would get even more angry than I already was.
  • At some point, I fell asleep. Woke up not too long ago by the maid, she has been begging me to eat something. But I am too angry to think about food. The only thing I can think of is how I was going to blow off Marco's ears.
  • At the point I can feel the rage boiling within, I fist my knuckles and my feet tap on the floor, anticipating the moment where I would unleash the anger.
  • "Ma'am. please, you really need to eat something. My boss won't be pleased if he comes to know that you haven't had anything since morning." She pleaded, but I easily ignored her like I'd been doing before.
  • "Ma'am please...." She was interrupted by the sound of the door being swung open. Immediately, my grey orbs lock on the intruder. Well, not an intruder, because this is basically his house.
  • I know I'm glaring daggers at him with the way I'm tensed and breathing heavily. But why won't I? This is the second time he has been holding me hostage, and I'm not about to allow a third time to happen.
  • I won't be pushed around like a kid, enough of people trying to dictate my life. If he hadn't showed up in my life suddenly, I wouldn't have been in that situation in the morning.
  • I'm not naive. Neither am I stupid, I know for a fact that we were being targeted. I will not be a subject to anyone's game.
  • "Good evening sir." The maid greeted him. I didn't bother with her name because I was sure I wouldn't be there again. But what she just said struck me like a bolt of thunder.
  • What the hell! It's evening already?
  • Now my glares are more severe.
  • Marco grunted in response to her and he took off his suit. Note, not the same one I saw him wear in the morning.
  • "Is there any problem?" He directed the question to the maid but his stares were fixed on me. I matched his stare, I would not back down.
  • "Yes sir, Madam refuse to have anything." She reported, it almost seem as if she was reporting me to my mom.
  • He nodded and waved his hand, dismissing her. She hurriedly went her way. My guess is that she is scared of him, but who wouldn't? After all, he is a Mafia don.
  • That's a well-known fact, he is ruthless when it comes to those that offend him. That was why he is labeled VENOM.
  • "Why didn't you eat?" He hissed at me the second the maid went out of sight.
  • "Because someone made me too angry to feel anything else." I hissed back at him, he won't come here and act angry while I should be the one to be angry.
  • He ignored my statement.
  • "You should eat. You didn't eat breakfast." He affirmed. Taking the cover off the food, the maid placed it on the table before me.
  • "Whether I eat or not should not be your concern, it's either you take me home or I'll find my way home." I retorted. What was he thinking, that I would gladly accept anything he told me?
  • "You wouldn't dare." He challenged, daring me to go against him. Sorry my darling, people change. The younger me would have done what he told me to.
  • "Try and stop me." I challenged back, I stood up from the couch and turned on my heels, even though my legs are stiffed I made my way to the door. But before I could reach for the door, I was spun around and pressed against the door.
  • I glared at Marco, who was looming over me ready to swallow me whole. I felt his hand go around my waist circling it, he grabbed my chin with his free hands, forcefully making me to stare at him.
  • His minty breath was over my face, luring me.
  • "I told you to eat something, yes? When you are done, I will take you home." He spoke, leaning closer. Our faces were an inch from each other and that brought our lips dangerously close. Any slight movement from me, we would be kissing.
  • He pulled away, backing away from me, I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. What was that? I should leave before something I would regret happens.
  • I turned to the door and twisted the handle and pulled, but nothing. It didn't open. I repeated the action a few times but to no avail.
  • "Stop wasting your time, it won't open. Make sure to eat before I get back. Don't blame me for being ruthless when you didn't." He walked away, disappearing into a corner, probably to his room or something.
  • I took a deep breath to calm myself, I needed to get out of here and in one piece. The only way that could happen is if I comply with him.
  • I walked back to my previous seat.
  • "Why are you so eager to leave me?" Marco asked once we were on our way to my house.
  • Why? He had the guts to ask that question? He of all people should be aware. In fact, he's the main reason I don't want to be near him.
  • I chose to ignore him. All I want right now is a space away from him. Since he came back, he has been all over my personal space. I need a breather.
  • I saw from the corner of my eyes as he gripped the wheel. Again I ignored him and looked out the window.
  • The sun set, creating an orange glow. I watched the trees, tall buildings and the normal buildings and stores, using them as a distraction. The ride back to my house is longer, I guess because we came here on a record breaker.
  • Thankfully, Marco rode to a stop in front of my house. I quickly unbuckled myself and alighted the car without a glance at the person left behind. I hastily walked up to the door, unlocked it and practically ran inside, slamming the door shut.
  • I could feel his stare on my back and placed a palm over my chest to calm my racing heart immediately I get out of his sight.
  • "This guy is going to drive me crazy one day, I wish we hadn't crossed paths in the first place." I mumbled to myself.
  • "Zoey! Is that you?" Mom's voice came from the kitchen. I must have startled her with the slamming of the door.
  • "Yes mom." I replied while making my way to my room. "I'm going to my room to freshen up." I added.
  • "Okay, dinner will be ready in a bit." I groaned at her words, knowing I was too full to have anything else.
  • I toyed around with the food on my plate mindlessly, my mind was preoccupied. Thinking about anything and everything, I couldn't even focus on anything.
  • I sighed again tiredly, what should I do now?
  • "This is the tenth time you have sighed. What's wrong. I've noticed that you look troubled these days. Is something bothering you?" mom dropped her utensil noisily on the plate, her stare was piercing, clearly warning me to come clean with.
  • I rolled my eyes. It was not as if I was going to hide anything from her. We've shared our problems together, so of course I have to tell her.
  • "Remember the whole big boss coming to the company for the first time thing?" I asked and she nodded gingerly.
  • My mom loves a good gist, I smiled wickedly knowing the suspense was killing her.
  • "The boss is Marco." I told her and watched as her mouth fell open, her jaw hitting the floor. I groaned silently, knowing she was going to throw a lot of questions at me. Questions that I might not have the answer to.
  • "Wow! That's great." Mom said happily. "Is that what's been bothering you? You should be happy". I gaped at my mom, so stunned. Why did she sound excited? This is the same guy that hurt me, he left me broken when I needed him most.
  • "Mom!" I exclaimed. "How could you say something like that, have you forgotten what I went through because of him?" I think she needed a reminder of some sort.
  • "I know, my dear, but people do change." She defended not meeting my eyes. I scoffed in disbelief, she was behaving abnormally.
  • "Yeah, they changed and this Marco is not the boy you used to know, mom. He is fully grown and the leader of the mafia business." I urged, hoping for her to see my point.
  • I continued when she didn't say anything.
  • "Do you have any idea how he has changed my life since he showed up? And just today his rivals came at us. Can you imagine how scared I was? Why does he even have to show up now that I'm trying to get my life back together and move on." I was angry, sad and thrilled at the same time, I don't even know how I should be feeling right now, my emotions are all messed up.
  • "I understand what you must be going through, but maybe his coming back isn't that bad. His intentions maybe good." Mom reasoned.
  • "Good intentions? What can his good intentions fix?" I'm starting to think mom is just siding with him for no reason. Is she my mom? Or his?
  • "From my experience, I think he's trying to get back with you." She smirked, wiggling her brow suggestively.
  • My mouth fell open, I blinked rapidly. What is wrong with mom?
  • "Where is my mom? What have you done with her?" She rolled her eyes. "He bought the company for his wife, what does that say to you?" I folded my arms on my chest and slumped on the chair. I don't know why mom is saying these things, but I'm done listening to them.
  • Overall, I'm done with this Marco drama. Since he has moved on, I should too. And the first thing I need to do is to stay away from him.
  • "I will be submitting my resignation letter tonight," I informed mom as I stood up and left for my room. Writing a resignation letter is tiresome. I might as well start now.