Chapter 43
- Spotting a clear path, I pushed him in that direction so I could get both of us to someplace safe to assess his injury. Before we could reach safety, another maniac came at us with a saber, almost as long as I was tall, with crazy shining from his glowing eyes. At home my raptor was a serious weapon, if I planned on fighting here I think I needed to upgrade to something much larger.
- Tim deflected the first swing from the new opponent and then dropped to one knee. I had to hustle around the downed guard to block the next swing with the tonfa. Thankful this wand was made of metal and not a wooden practice one, or the saber may have sliced right through it and my arm. There was no time for reflection on what he was going to do next, no time to get either my dagger or raptor ready as I danced in front of Tim trying to keep both of us in one piece.
- I felt the sting of the blade in my thigh from a lucky upswing from the man wielding his blade like a scythe but I didn’t look down to see how much flesh was missing. Tim managed to get back into a crouch and bought me the seconds I needed to get my dagger in hand. When the blade came towards me again I ducked down to roll but the slice out of my thigh muscle prevented me from completing it. I felt heat go through my side as the gleaming metal cut through me. Pain screamed from my nerves and I stumbled, trying to keep the attacker in sight as I collapsed onto the ground.