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Chapter 524 The Strangers

  • Nina
  • The next morning, I somehow managed to get up early with Enzo to go to training despite the fact that I had been up studying so late the night before. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, we headed across campus to the athletic fields. A light snow had fallen once again and blanketed the field in a thin layer of white powder, but lately the recruits had been in much better spirits now that they had learned how to channel their wolves. In fact, when Enzo and I walked up to the recruits, a few of them were running around in their wolf forms and playing in the snow. I stifled a laugh as I watched them frantically look up and shift back, as though it was against the rules to be in their wolf forms.
  • “You guys can actually stay in your wolf forms,” Enzo said to the group as we approached. “You’re gonna be in your wolf forms for some agility training today.”
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