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Chapter 447 – Assignation

  • Mark walks down the hall with a heavy heart, his hands sunk deep in his pockets, a scowl across his lips. God, he just…can’t seem to do anything right, can he?
  • He regrets it, of course. Immediately he regretted it, treating Rafe’s news so lightly, laughing about it, not paying attention enough to realize that the door was open, not realizing – truly – the gravity of the situation. He’s devastated at the effect on his brother but Maryam – seeing her face…
  • Truly, he acted horribly to the girl who should one day be his sister-in-law. Of course the news was hard on her – a human who doesn’t even feel bonds, can’t possibly understand them. She deserved to have the news broken to her in a much gentler way – or, even better, to have Rafe…fucking befriend her first.
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