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Chapter 303 – Big Changes

  • “That was awesome!” Jesse pants, pumping his fists in the air when we arrive back at the Castle forty-five minutes later. Both Jackson and Rafe beam at each other as they, too, catch their breath, apparently agreeing with him.
  • But as I drag myself gasping up the last little hill towards the door, my arms screaming against the weight of the rifle, my legs aching and my heart pounding, all I can do is glare to demonstrate that I vehemently do not agree with them.
  • Jackson’s plan was as devious as it was simple. All I had to do was run our regular route and then, at intervals that he planned out, stop and…shoot. You know, just attempt to aim and fire accurately at a moving target – usually Jesse – while my heart pounded, and my breath rasped, and my hands struggled to hold the gun steady.
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