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Chapter 61 Orb

  • I don’t have time to comb through my emotions and see what I think of King Harvey. How much does he love me to break protocol so we can go to this Fate Party? He is mad at me, but I am mad at him so is that fair? He listened to me but didn’t understand. Did I understand him? Of course, I would keep him away from a war zone. That is all he was trying to do… but is he overreacting?
  • I hear King Harvey punching the punching bag in our training room. One hit after another, each grunt of force he exerts echoes through the hallway. I wonder how loud we are when we make love… maybe that is why he jumped at buying our cottage.
  • Walking into the training room, I hear clear as day the power of his punches against the bag. Each punch is an impossibly hard hit against the bag. I walk by him, and watch his fist go straight through the bag.
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