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The First Human Luna

The First Human Luna

Eve Above Story

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Luxury Party

  • "Mate." His voice booms against my heart that batters against my chest.
  • On the night of the full moon, the Lycan king presses me under him as his calloused hands greedily explore my body. My eyes shut in fear, I know I will lose my virginity to him tonight.
  • ——
  • Elena’s POV
  • “Well, well, ladies! I believe you know what happens next!”
  • My heart stops.
  • The werewolf in the center raises his jeweled pointer finger and smiles luridly. “Ladies! Stand in a row!”
  • Not even one beat is missed, all the women in the hall rush in a line. I grab onto Sally to prevent our separation. When the lining up ends, Sally stands beside me and we follow the line.
  • A half hour ago, my friend Sally convinced me to wear the white slip dress she bought me for the party.
  • Now, Sally pulls me into an opulent massive ballroom, with golden walls and overflowing with beautiful women all covered in jewels. It is not cold; however, they are wearing these furs to look more appealing to the werewolves.
  • “There are werewolves here! Why are we here?!” I whisper.
  • “Honey,” Sally sighs dramatically, “the owner of this house is Gamma Kevin, he oversees the humans in this pack, right? So, the pack of werewolves are searching for a mate for their king. A human girl in the pack over the age of 18 is up for grabs! Once the lucky one is chosen, she can be the pack’s luna! Ta-da! Happy birthday!”
  • I swallow dryly. “Sally, I have a bad feeling…”
  • Why would a werewolf want a human Luna? Why?
  • To have outcast children? A weak bloodline?
  • We are all humans that live in a werewolf pack. This world and pack are ruled by werewolves. Due to the obvious and powerful gap of power, we humans are nothing more than tools for werewolves.
  • The elusive king is the epicenter of power and prestige of these werewolves. The werewolves are scattered about the world, but they all bow to this one king. The pack that rules over me is in the westernmost area.
  • I live in an area covered by forest. This is no fairytale, however. The werewolves, a few years ago were known to drag humans out and kill whoever they like. The howls at night were not a collective call for them to get together, but a mocking of their victims’ last drawn breaths.
  • This area is overflowing with wolves who have committed revolting crimes and were banished to this barren wasteland by their own kin, to be free to kill to their bloodied heart’s content.
  • At that time of exile, werewolves were the reigning nightmares of all.
  • A few years ago, an elusive powerful werewolf appeared to rule all this wasteland. He established the Dethroned pack, and reigns as the second Alpha king among the werewolves.
  • King Harvey, rumored for his violence and malice.
  • No one human has ever met King Harvey.
  • Under his prestigious rule, King Harvey has stopped the violence against humans, calming the werewolves from exerting their power to the degree of killing when they desired. However, there’s little peace for humans. We remain the lowly creatures of the pack.
  • I hear Sally whispering. “I wish I had been chosen; I know the King of the Werewolves is mega rich.”
  • I know Sally is always eager to make money, because the poor human group is the lowest level.
  • Sally is an orphan, and I lost my mom at 16. My father is an alcoholic that gambles away our money. I had to drop out of school to work and earn money for my sister’s tuition.
  • Human beings pay an insane price to go to a werewolf school. I do my best, but my sister’s tuition is a massive black hole, suffocating me.
  • “No, Sally. It is impossible for werewolves to choose a human as their luna, we need to flee!”
  • I don’t trust these werewolves; they look down on humans. Imagine that brutal Alpha King.
  • This is a trick!
  • "Who cares! Money is money!" Sally didn't take my words seriously.
  • In desperation, I stare at the table in front of us, I pocket a knife to protect us.
  • “Only the most beautiful women are eligible to meet the great and desired King Harvey!” Gamma Kevin calls out to us as he walks down the line of us. Not even a glance is spared at me.
  • Behind him, are several werewolves, all wearing pelts of grey fur around their necks, called Reviewers selected by Gamma Kevin. I know that because Gamma Kevin wears the same pelt of grey fur. There are always color associations with the werewolves, they color code themselves.
  • It would be a great honor to wear dusty red fur, that is King Harvey’s color, so I have heard.
  • The Reviewers walk leisurely behind Gamma Kevin, heads held high, gazing up and down our bodies as if we cuts of meat. Low comments are uttered under their breath, and they laugh when they feel like.
  • “This blonde has a big butt!” A short werewolf with a shaved head loudly growls.
  • “What would it feel like to touch it?” The guy besides the short werewolf has long black hair, and snarls just as meanly as his friend.
  • “Something is wrong here,” I whisper to Sally as I try to take her hand and drag us away. Sally doesn’t move, she’s reluctant.
  • We are in the front row but one step back and we can sneak off.
  • One step…
  • Two steps...
  • The werewolves didn’t notice, but…
  • “Stop.” The leader of the werewolves’ commands with an open palm.
  • My heart races till I feel ill.
  • “We,” I draw in a shaggy breath. “We gave up running… can you let us go, please?” I try to be polite and convincing.
  • “Giving up?” The smile on his face is nothing but fake fangs, most likely shaved down to fit in with the werewolves. He likes his lips, wet them heavily. “You have already been chosen, dear.”
  • How, why? I've done nothing!
  • My chest closes in on my heart as I force breath through my closed mouth. My heart slams against my ribcage as if trying to escape. A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead.
  • “I-I think this might be a misunderstanding…” I whisper between my clattering teeth.
  • “Misunderstanding?” The blind wolf laughs heartily. “If you want to be the king’s mate, you must serve us well.”
  • When I gasp, he smiles.
  • “After all,” he whispers hotly. “If your sex skills are not good enough, what will you do when King Harvey blames you?”
  • Unable to breathe, I take a step back and swallow dryly. Is that why they want us?
  • To be sex slaves?
  • Gamma Kevin shoves a crooked sausage finger in my face. “Be nice! So, I consider being gentle with you.”
  • As my heart races, he reaches behind me and tries to get to Sally. Brandishing my knife and courage, I jam it into the right side of his face, down to the cheekbone and twist.
  • Pulling the knife out, I blindly grab for Sally from behind me with my free left hand.
  • “Run!” I yell as the two of us break off and rush to the front door.
  • The last thing I hear is the leader wolf whimpering and cursing. He punctuates his pain with a bellowing, “Damn you, bitch!! I am going to kill you!’
  • Hot breath at my back freezes me, a malicious wave of heat slams into my back and I have no time to twist my neck to see. Furry werewolf claws grab me from behind and throw me to the ground.
  • A burst of blood in my mouth awakens cold unending fear. Exhaling wisps of my blood, I stay down my body heavy.
  • My hot blood mixes with the wine cabinet I have been thrown into, and glass and blood scatter across the floor.
  • The women scream and scatter in panic.
  • A sudden sharp pain claws up my back, as the wolf’s claws rip through my flesh and blood fills the white dress, I am in.
  • “Go, just go!” I yell at Sally.
  • The copper taste of my blood awakes a desire to stay alive, and the tears rolling down Sally’s face as she tuns away make it worse. Clawing my way through my blood and wine, I do my best to stay.
  • “Gamma Kevin, is that what you should have done...? After all, King Harvey doesn’t allow…” A wolf to the right of him asks quietly.
  • Gritting my teeth, I spit out blood as I manage to stand on unstable legs.
  • Fear flows through all the werewolves’ eyes at mention of King Harvey. By his slight trembling, I can tell the fear that overtakes him over the mention of King Harvey.
  • “Shut up!” The werewolf yells in a rage. “Seal all the doors! No one is allowed out!”
  • The women all begin to panic further, running for their lives to the front door. The werewolves jump over the women and stand at the front door, all growling lowly.
  • As I gasp to breathe and pain flames up my back, all the women dissolve into soft sobbing and whimpering.
  • Cold claws suddenly rip at my dress and for a moment I black out. Pure fear overtaking me.
  • “You bitch,” a snarl awakens me harshly. “I’m going to kill you!”
  • It is a leader wolf threatening me in my ear, and when his sharp fangs close around my neck, I shut my eyes.
  • Silent tears drip down my face as I continue to taste my blood.
  • The door swings open violently as a whiskey baritone asks with defined authority:
  • “What are you doing?”
  • The wolves scatter like scared kittens.
  • “King Harvey! Why are you here?!”