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Chapter 3 Spend your time with me

  • After they ate and talked, Gael decided to come to his room. He looked around and saw that his old room was still unchanged. The white and black motif of his room didn't change at all and the things still look clean.
  • He went to bed as he think of what his father said to him. He sighed as he think of what Zoey did to him.
  • 'Stop thinking about her, Gael. She's not worth it,' he remind himself.
  • With that thought in his head, another memory pop out to his head again. A memory of a girl wearing her huge smile but has pain in her eyes. Gael suddenly felt the ache inside in his heart. As he thought of that, he can feel that it's more painful rather than the moment he divorce Zoey.
  • 'Where are you now, Nics?' He asked himself.
  • He still remember the time when he needed someone but couldn't vent his pain on someone he didn't trust at all but the person he needed left him.
  • He force her to leave through hurting her.
  • He didn't know that it would be hurt like that not until he wake up remembering the things he thought that was a dream and with that, he tried to called her friend that he met in the charity that his ex-wife's family held. When she didn't pick up the calls, Gael went to her house but found nothing. Realization hit him, the things he thought that is a dream is not a dream at all.
  • It's real but it feels like surreal.
  • Gale find himself a drink before he went to the patio of their house. He didn't even realize that he is not the only one there. The moment he sit on the chair and put down the wine and a glass. He look up and saw the people who were looking at him too.
  • "Did you see a ghost?" He asked sternly. "What now? You already forgot about my presence? Come on, let's have a drink." The five went to him and sat down on the chairs.
  • "Boss, you change a lot." Randy, the person who pick him up at the airport said it.
  • "Cut the formalities as if all of us didn't became friends." Gael pour his glass a red wine before looking to the person beside Randy. "Please get us some—"
  • "A glass? Hey, Gael, I am the only girl here, you should ask them to get their own glass." Gael chuckled as he drunk his wine.
  • "Andy, you didn't change at all. No scratch that—Did I heard you say that you are a girl? Last time I check you had a girlfriend." Everyone laugh the moment those words escape from Gael's mouth. Andy rolled her eyes and glare at her twin brother who were the loudest among the men.
  • Whack!
  • "Fuck! It hurts! Why did you did that to me, Andy?"
  • "Fuck off! Grr.. I will choose to sleep rather than to talk to you guys." She stood up and was about to walk when she look back to Gael and said, "anyway? How are you, Gael?"
  • Gael raised a brow, "your mood change quite fast." He said and followed it with a sigh. "Well, I feel relief that I already a free man again and I think I couldn't trust woman again."
  • "Wait, let me get some wine glass and other wine." Randy said. An orange hair chipped in as he also stood up.
  • "I will help."
  • The two went inside while Andy went back to sit again to listen to Gael.
  • "You didn't feel the pain?" Another man asked as he look with pity to Gael.
  • "Don't look at me with pity, Raven."
  • "Sorry, boss."
  • Gael pour some wine again to his glass and said, "well I felt the pain because I love her but it was before. The moment I realize how fool I am—I felt disgusted to myself. I am hurt, yes but it is temporarily but the real pain that I felt when she left—its permanently and more painful than I thought."
  • "So, your wife...I mean your ex-wife left you too? Boss, I thought you are the one who filed for a divorce. I heard from other that you are the one who decided to end the marriage." Caven, Raven twin brother chipped in the conversation.
  • Gael nodded, "how I wish that regret has a rewind button so that I can choose the other way around rather than to be with an ungrateful woman like Zoey. I should choose the other choice." He then stood up and started to walk out while the others were glancing at his back.
  • When he is already at the door, the two came with a wine and glasses. They saw Gael walking out from the patio.
  • "Boss..."
  • "You guys should have fun." The two look at each other curiously before they quickly went to the patio.
  • "What happened to young master?" Isaac asked while the other shrugged their shoulders.
  • "He became sentimental." Caven said with a grin.
  • "Tsk, let see if you can still smile when someone hurt you." His twin brother said before he added, "His choice of words doesn't seem to match with one another."
  • "Idiots! He looks like talking with different persons. In my perspective, there is a woman inside his heart aside from his ex-wife."
  • "You mean, boss is also cheating to his ex-wife?"
  • Andy rolled her eyes, "what a bunch of idiots!" She then marched out of the place too.
  • In the next day, the family of three gather in the table with a lot of foods being served.
  • In the morning, during breakfast, the table has a lot of dishes, most of it were Gael's favorite. Gael look to her mom with a pleasing smile as he saw how attentive his mother on serving him foods. Mrs. Fuentabelle kept her smile too with her son because she is happy that her son is finally at home.
  • "Do you want more Pork Steak?" She asked lovingly and when Gael nodded, Mrs. Fuentabella put it immediately in his plate.
  • "Thanks, mom."
  • His mother went back to her seat before she darted her looks to her husband.
  • "Son, how are you now? I couldn't reach you for the past years. How is your wife? I heard that you are inlove and happy?" When Gael look to his mother, he saw pain in her eyes. "And you didn't bother to call me?"
  • "Mom, I am sorry that I didn't inform you. But to tell you the latest, I got my divorce and sorry for not seeing me getting married again. That will be the last time I will marry someone."
  • His mother eyes widened, "wait? what?!" He took a glance to her son and then to his husband. "You didn't inform me?"
  • "Sorry honey."
  • "So, you're not getting married again?" Gael chewed his food first, wipe his mouth with a table napkin before he decided to talk again.
  • "Mom, I think I had enough with painful experience I have for the past years and I don't want to experience that again."
  • "Stop talking like that. You can't swear or speak like that because no one could tell on what will happen to the future. You might be getting married again. In addition to that, just because your ex-wife hurt you, you can't give chance to other woman."
  • "Mom, please. Let's not talk about it."
  • Her mother flickered het hands on his ear but Gael didn't flinch for a second. "If you didn't continue to listen to your father then this would never happen. If you let me observe your woman first, you wouldn't went at this point." She then sent a glare to her husband.
  • "Come on, honey. Your son is not a child anymore. We can't always tie him to us especially when he needed to build his own business."
  • The room went quiet as both mother and son look at each other. There is something on their child's eyes that only a mother know what is it and what they feel. Mrs. Fuentabella know that Gael is still in pain. She suddenly hold his hand and caress it.
  • "It's okay, son. I am just telling this to you because sooner or later, you need to build your own family with the woman you love and the woman who will love you. I know what happened between you and that girl is very painful but please...don't close your heart wholeheartedly."
  • "I don't know, mom...I already gave everything that were inside of my heart to the woman I love but what I receive in return? She having an affair with another man."
  • "You didn't gave it all. You wouldn't know that you gave everything, not until you felt the real happiness and felt broken not for yourself but for the person you love. You just gave the half of your heart and you receive one-eight of the results. If you gave it all, you will still feel regretfull and looking to your eyes—there's is something that you wanted the most and fate could only tell what is it."
  • "Mom, I don't think I can handle it anymore."
  • "But son—"
  • "Mom, please."
  • Her mother surrendered, "okay, fine. No one can change your mind. Anyways, what is your daddy talking about?" He finally asked before looking at his wife.
  • "He will go back to the Peeran to build our business. His own business."
  • As expected, Gael's mother was surprised and looked at the two.
  • "What?! You know what our son suffered there but you still want to send him back."
  • "Honey, he can manage beside he already agree." His mother look at him.
  • "That's right mom. It's better if I start my business so I wouldn't have to defend on the decision of grand father."
  • "But then again, you said that you were hurt."
  • Gael sigh, "I am, mom. Business is a different story, of course."
  • "Which business you will handle then?" His mother asked while still glaring to his father. "I swear to God, Gael. If you ever—"
  • "Come on, mom. I am still in my right mind and I will never be giving it a try. You know I don't want that."
  • "I know but that girl made you change your personality. You are not like your father."
  • "What could that mean, honey?" His father said to his mother who is obviously angry.
  • "And when do you plan to go back?" She asked, ignoring what her husband told her.
  • "Tomorrow, mom."
  • "Gosh, I hate you Arthur for that."
  • "Come on, honey. Don't be angry." He said softly as he continue to coax her while Gael just shook his head before putting down the utensils, wipe his mouth and then stood up. Both his parents looks at him.
  • "I will go back to my room first to be prepared, Mom and Dad."
  • "All right. Then spend your time with me. Mom miss you a lot."
  • "Of course, mom."
  • "Honey, you can spend your time with me."
  • "Heh, no way. Spend your time with yourself." Gael chuckled as he saw how his father and mother show their love with each other. Sadly, he didn't experience that and he would rather not experience that because he will never let a girl to hurt him.