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Chapter 2 You will go back there to build our both business

  • Gael sighed as he looked out the window of the plane. He wasted no time because after he left their house, he chose to leave the country immediately.
  • He knows what he did to Zoey earlier was wrong because even though they were married he shouldn't have forced the girl but because of the anger he felt he did that thing. That was the first time he touched Zoey because during the two years of their marriage, nothing was happening between them and Zoey. He should feel happy that he finally touched the woman he loves but he couldn't fathom his feelings right now.
  • What Zoey did was painful for him. He didn't feel happy that they made love earlier. He really didn't think Zoey would be able to fool him. He sighed again before putting the headphones to his ears. He was not only tired in mind and body but also in his heart so he preferred to sleep first so that he could somehow forget what happened between him and his wife.
  • "Gael, you need to go home. Zoey won't come," said the woman with long brown hair. "Let's go."
  • "Nics...go home if you want but I'll be here. I'll wait for my wife."
  • "But you have a fever. Come on, I'll treat you. Don't be naughty, hmm." Gael stared at her carefully.
  • The girl looked at him with a teary eyes, "she's not my friend. You're the one reason why I came here. I don't know her. Gael..why did you still love her? Why not just me? You'll only be hurt when you stay by her side.
  • "Nics, don't be mean. Just please. I only think of you as a friend. Please, leave. Zoey and I will not get along if we are seen together again."
  • "I love you so much, Gael. You're the only one there when I have a problem with my family. Please Gael...just me. I'll love you completely." The girl cried in front of him. Gael shook his head as he said.
  • "'re beautiful. Many men will like you."
  • "But I want you." Gael was about to speak when he saw his wife leaving the restaurant.
  • "Zoey! Hon!" He run to her. "Hon, are you done with your..."
  • "Fuck! How many times do I have to tell you that I have a shoot! Don't bother me."
  • "I will cook for dinner. Come home tonight, okay?" Zoey rolled her eyes.
  • "I said don't bother. Where will you get a penny? You will cook for food that I am the one who lend you money to buy the ingredients? Stupid!" Zoey walk away and Gael was about to chase her when he suddenly felt that surrounding is spinning until his vision went black.
  • In his sleep, he heard a soft voice that he didn't know where it was coming from.
  • "Gael, I love you and I will always love you. Since I love you...I will set you free. I will not bother you and Zoey anymore. Please take care of yourself because I will not be here anymore to take care of you. I love you, Gael." Gael felt that something landed on his lips.
  • ***
  • Gael woke up because of that dream again. He held his cheeks when he felt a wet thing on it. When he looks at it, it is his tear drop. He remembers that day again. He didn't realize how he lost something important in his life not until now when he realized how foolish he is to stay by Zoey's side when he has someone who can love him but the person is no longer by his side anymore.
  • Gael sigh as he look to the window again. It's not longer that the plane landed on their place. Gael stood up and went outside only to realize that it is afternoon in the A country, his home. The moment he set a feet on the land, it feels great and the familiar feeling came up to him.
  • "Welcome back, young master." He saw how Randy smiled at him as soon as he got off the plane. Gael tapped his shoulder with a smile and said.
  • "It's nice to be back and nice to see you. Let's go." Randy nodded as he followed his boss to the car. Randy is one of the trusted person of Fuentabella. He is great when it comes to martial arts. It took them thirty minutes before they finally arrive at home.
  • The moment he got out of the car, he heard his mother voice.
  • "Gael! Oh my Gosh, my son is back!"
  • Gael greeted his mother with a warm hug before he carried her inside the mansion. Besides his father, he saw another person that their family trusted.
  • "Welcome back, young master!" They all said in unison before they bowed. Gael just smiled at them before he look to his father.
  • "Dad."
  • "Let's talk." His father turn around that's why he followed.
  • "Luis, how can you treat our son like this."
  • "Honey, it just for a few minutes."
  • Gael saw how her mother rolled her eyes, "whatever." Gael just shook his head before he followed his father who walk again.
  • Gael turned around once they entered the study, locked the door behind him, and strode over to his father, who was seated in a leather chair that had the appearance of being very costly.
  • ""What do you want to tell me, Dad?"
  • "You will go back to Peeran"
  • Gael immediately frowned when his father told him that. He didn't want to go back there anymore and he also knew in himself that his father knew what happened to him in that country so he couldn't believe it when his father told him that.
  • "Dad, you know what I been through in that country." He said coldly as they both stare at each other. "You know how those people treated me like a trash and I know to myself that you been monitoring me."
  • "Yeah, right. What I said cannot be change. You will go back there to build our both business."
  • Gael couldn't help being annoyed when his father said that. He knew what his father meant.
  • "Dad, how many times do I have to tell you that I don't want to be involve."
  • ""That's why I want you to go back. If you don't want to be involve then focus on building our new business there. It's great to start your own business, another branch of ours, in a place where someone didn't know who you really are. I want to say sorry for not helping you, but you know my reason, right?" Quietly, Mr. Fuentabella stood up from the couch and added, "Son, I know I am too hard for you and I didn't do anything to help you while you are staying in that country."
  • Gael thought because of what his father said. He took a deep breath before nodding at his father.
  • "I will do what you said but I will stay here for a while."
  • "All right. I'm glad you grown up." His father tap his shoulder before putting an arm on his shoulder and they both walk inside of the house. His mother's face appeared to them, obviously surprised by what they talked about.