Chapter 420 Fate Led Us Here
- I knew at that moment that I might not be able to move on if I did not have a good understanding of the prince’s involvement. One of the reasons that made me so happy when I was with the prince was because I could fully trust him, and this issue was clearly putting that trust into question. I desperately needed to find out the truth in order to continue trusting him.
- "Please tell me the truth," I pleaded. I had decided that no matter how severe the truth was, I would rather hear it directly from him so that at least I could still trust his words to be truthful.
- "Honestly, I only found out about it a couple of days ago when I had a talk with my father, and he told me to make my decision about becoming the next king. I met up with him today to further discuss things and also about plans for our wedding," the prince replied.