Chapter 316 Endless Search
- Darius had already heard the ruckus in front of the room even before Asana opened the door. He already knew that she was there and why she had come to see him. Unfortunately, he had to meet up with Salena for her regular report and didn’t think that there was a need for him to avoid the Sacred Chambers even if that meant encountering Asana. When he ordered Madame Sand to send her away, he already knew that she wouldn’t be so willing to leave peacefully, and he wasn’t wrong.
- “Welcome, Asana. It’s good to see you again,” Darius said passively.
- Asana stood in the doorway with her chest heaving up and down. With a slight nod of her head, she slowly closed the door before locking it firmly behind her. A mere honorable maiden having an audience with one of the princes was unimaginable unless the invitation was extended by the prince himself. Asana knew this very well and understood that this was a rare chance for her to see the prince again. She may get punished severely for this, but she didn’t feel like there was anything that she wouldn’t dare risk for the sake of uncovering some truth regarding her missing sister.