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Chapter 72 Completely Lost

  • Jackson blocked out the insistent chatter in his head from Dylan and sat on the smooth rock on the edge of his territory that looked over the forest.
  • Things had been quiet the whole week. According to Micah, there were no more sightings of rogues or the red wolf, and his scouts had nothing to report. Whatever issues Dylan had to talk about all had to do with the amount of time he’d spent locked away with Layla, and he wasn’t in the mood for that. Especially since he didn't want to listen to how they had to kill her and how bad it would look when others found out he was shacking up with a half-blood.
  • The past two weeks had put things in perspective. He’d realised he just didn’t give a shit about what they thought, but his biggest realisation was that he wanted to spend his dying days with this woman.
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