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Chapter 27 Raging Storms And Hard-ons

  • “Shit!”
  • Layla leaned against the wall and rubbed her foot. She’d known going barefoot was a bad idea, but she hadn’t expected it to be an obstacle so soon in her escape. There was something sharp in the bushes. She couldn't see what she had stepped on. But there was no time to worry about the pain now. At any moment, Jackson would realise she hadn’t returned to the table.
  • It was darker than usual because of the storm clouds, and the rain was pouring down faster than she’d expected. The light from the bathroom window showed it was already forming puddles and flowing in rivulets. She had been drenched in seconds. Her hair was plastered down her face and getting in her way. She did a quick braid before she pushed the sides of her dress up and tucked them into her panties to allow her more movement. Her dress felt like a second skin and would not protect her against the elements, but it would have to do.
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