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Chapter 2 I'm Not A Whore

  • POV: Victoria
  • “This money should be enough for your precious virginity. Take it and get out of my office, I don’t ever want to set my eyes on you again. Stay away from me and keep that unfortunate incident between us. You can never mention what happened that night to anyone no soul must hear about it, else you’ll face my wrath!” he yelled and threatened furiously, throwing some bundles of cash at my face.
  • “You don’t have to be so mean about it, Raphael!
  • You can hate me if you want to, but I won’t let you treat me like trash. I would never have come to you if it wasn’t for my moms illness. I can’t stand the sight of your arrogance, I can’t stand you!” I told him angrily, glaring daggers at him. He stole my virginity and calls it an unfortunate incident. Can you believe that?
  • “You fucking gold digger!
  • I know your type. You pretend to be calm and modest, but you are nothing but a trick star, a fucking whore!
  • If you think you can waltz in here and demand money from me anytime you want, then you need to think again. That mistake happened only once, so out of the goodness of my heart, I’m only going to indulge you this one time. Take the money and disappear from my life. Don’t ever show your face here again, don’t contact me or speak with me, and for your sake, and the sake of your miserable family, don’t speak about that night to anyone.” He warned harshly, throwing more bundles at my face like a dog. He doesn’t believes word I’m saying, he thinks I’m a whore and a gold digger. I caught him smirking as I rushed to grab the money he’s throwing at me.
  • The fucking asshole!
  • He’s enjoying my misery like a cold hearted monster that he is. If not for mom’s illness, I would never have shown up in front of him. All I’ve gotten since I got here are insults and threats. No wonder he’s called the weird CEO. He’s such a mean and ruthless boss, that’s why he’s hated and feared by everyone around him.
  • It’s been four days since it happened, but it still felt like it was yesterday. That night, I didn’t just lose my virginity, I lost my dignity too. I don’t know how I ended up in that room or why I was feeling so drunk and horny. But for some weird reason, I could remember everything that transpired between Raphael and I that night. I guess it’s because he made me see fucking stars when he made me cum over and over again. It’s bad enough that I lost my innocence to a stranger. But to be treated like a whore the next morning?
  • That, I just can’t take!
  • He offered me money like a whore, paying me for sex. I couldn’t believe my ears, there is no way I would accept such money because I’m not a whore, I’m just an escort who finds herself in an unfortunate situation. I rejected his money and asked him to forget it. He left his card on the table and walked away, leaving me to my regrets and sadness.
  • I left that hotel room with tears in my eyes. All I want is to push that unfortunate incident behind me and move on with my life. I tried reaching Lisa and the client I’d escorted to the party last night. But they weren’t taking my calls anymore and I don’t know why. I was supposed to be paid for that job, and I wanted to use that money for mom’s hospital bills. But I couldn’t get through to Lisa nor the client. I tried for three days, I called and texted repeatedly. Yet no response from either of them. The doctor was threatening to discharge mom without performing the surgery on her.
  • I had to find the money for her surgery, that’s why I came to him. He had offered me money that morning and I stupidly thought that he would be sympathetic to my plight, seeing as we are both victims here. But, he doesn’t care one bit about me. He still doesn’t believe me, he called me a whore and an opportunist.
  • “Just pick up the cash and leave my sight!” he let out dismissively as he sat on his seat and concentrated on his computer, ignoring me. He is pretending not to see me anymore and that hurt my feelings.
  • “I’m not a whore, and I’m going to prove it to you. Consider this a loan, Mr Raphael Hawkins. After my mom’s surgery, I’ll work harder and pay you back your money. I’ll repay every dime you gave me.” I promised him as I picked up all the money he threw at me and walked out of his office. I can see the hate in his eyes and his actions. I have nothing more to say to him, I just have to work hard and pay his fucking money like I promised just now.
  • “How did it go, did you get the money?
  • Is mom going to die?” Claire asked me the moment I stepped into the hospital building. She spends more time by mom’s side because have to work to pay the bills. Her face is red and teary, it’s easy tell that she has been crying since I left. Her boyfriend Kyle sat next to her, I wonder if he has nothing to do. He’s not good for her, and I don’t pretend to like him. He knows I don’t like him, so he walks out the moment I walked in, his eyes fixed on Claire, winking at her before leaving.
  • “Don’t ever say that, mom is not going to die. I have the money to settle all her the bills. I’ve paid it in already, The doctor will attend to her soon and she will be fine.” I told her, smiling warmly as she threw herself into my arms, hugging me tightly.
  • “No Claire, Don’t ask!” I warned with a weak smile, tousling her hair playfully.
  • “I got the money in time for mom’s surgery. That’s all that matters.” I told her with a warm smile, assuring her and myself that everything was fine. She wanted to asked me how I got the money, but I’m not in the mood to explain all that to her. Besides, no one needs to know that I’m in debt. That’s between Ralph and I.
  • “I’ll be right back, I need to share this news with Kyle.” She spills excitedly and ran out in the direction he had gone. I saw her grab a backpack from under the bed, but I didn’t think too much about it because I knew it was Kyles. He’s a drug peddler, so I assume that bag contains some wraps of coke to sell and probably some for himself too. That boy would get my sister in trouble some day, I just hope she realizes it before it is too late.
  • The nurses came to prep mom for surgery, she was wheeled away on the bed and I prayed in my heart that everything should be fine. Clair came back when mom was already in the theatre and together, we waited for good news from the doctors.
  • It took a few hours, but finally, mom’s surgery was a success. She was weak and unconscious after the surgery, but the doctors assured us that there was no complications, everything went well. I was so excited, it felt like a huge weight was taken off me.
  • After they settled my mom down in her hospital room, I sat by her bed, holding her hand and talking to her, despite her unconscious state. I told her everything was okay and that I can’t wait to see her open her eyes. I spoke to her as if she was already awake, and Claire and I stayed by her side, waiting for her to wake up.
  • While I spoke to mom, I couldn’t help thinking about Raphael. After I witnessed the way dad treated mom, I have always dreamed of a normal relationship with a normal guy that would care for me and treat me right. I never expected my first night would end up like this, with a weirdo that treated me a whore and a gold digger.
  • But that’s okay, I won’t think about his mean attitude anymore. All that doesn’t matter as long as my mom was fine now. And I believed that I would never see Ralph again, I won’t go to him for help anymore, and if I can help it, our paths will never cross anymore. I will still pay him back one day when I have his money. I’ll pay him and prove to him that I was never after his money, I not a whore or a gold digger.