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Chapter 6 Chris Messed Up

  • Snow's POV:
  • I got back to the gang house and headed to my room as everyone greeted me as I passed by and made way for me.
  • My clothes were still wet but it didn't bother me one bit,I honestly didn't care if I would catch a cold,I rarely got sick,my body was so well built and strong that I just couldn't get sick like others did.
  • "Snow the boss wants to see you" .One of the gang members said to me and I mentally slapped myself.
  • Boss always gets the information first,but I don't think he would mind if those novices were asking for it besides I didn't kill anybody and I didn't release a bullet.
  • "Let me get changed, I will be there". I said.
  • "He told me to come along with you". The guy said as he blocked my part,I glanced up to him and he gulped.
  • He is one of the boss's bodyguards. If I rough him up, I am sure the boss won't like it,I would just pretend as if he didn't just do this.
  • "And if I don't want to go along with you?".I asked and he took a step back at my intense gaze and averted his eyes.
  • "I..I..". He cleared his throat.
  • "I...Well..".
  • "Lead the way". I cut him off.
  • He was stammering like a fool and it was beginning to get on my nerves.
  • When he first came here he thought that he was above me but after I taught him a lesson and he got to know more about us he knew that when the boss wasn't around am the boss.
  • "Any idea why the boss sent you to fetch me?". I asked him.
  • "No idea".
  • We both walked back to the boss's office and I walked in alone.
  • "Greeting boss you sent for me?". I asked.
  • Boss was staring out the glass window of his office with his back turned to me.
  • "I told you to stay low for a while ,I just said that today". Boss said.
  • I said nothing in reply because he didn't ask a question and I saw no need to reply.
  • "Why did you fight in the restaurant?". He asked.
  • I knew this was why he called me.
  • "It couldn't be avoided….they deserved what they got". I replied.
  • My cloth was still dropping water on the floor as he turned to me and looked at my drenched state.
  • "You should have at least changed". Boss said .
  • "Your bodyguard refused". I replied.
  • Boss sighed deeply.
  • "Just leave Snow and don't cause any other trouble. I don't want you to go on a trip to the police station".Boss said.
  • "Yes boss". I replied.
  • "The man you injured severely survived so there is no need for you to apologize since they are coming after you already... just protect yourself". Boss said and I nodded slightly.
  • Despite everything my boss cared for me as a father ,he cared for everyone but I was special maybe because I was a woman thrown into a man's world or because I did better than most of his men.I was the longest that stayed and never betrayed him, not even once.
  • "Can I leave now boss?". I asked because I knew despite how strong my body was I needed to get out of this wet clothes.
  • "Get yourself prepared in advance". Boss said.
  • "Is something going to happen?". I asked cautiously.
  • "Chris might have failed in what I asked him to do,no matter how troublesome you are, you always get the job done exactly the way I in case he fails, indeed get yourself prepared". Boss explained and my lips turned up slightly.
  • This was the type of thing I liked hearing.
  • "I will do that boss". I said as I left for my room.
  • This is the best feeling ever.I knew that my time off won't last because I was the only one who always did what my boss liked best. No matter how messy I can be with my assignments, I always get it done no matter the cost,that's why he likes me.
  • I got changed from wet clothes and wore another. My closet was just filled with black trousers and leather jacket.I didn't have a dress because I never wore one. I saw no need for it.
  • The gang house was more like a mansion that had many rooms and offices and escape routes. We had an underground that was meant for escaping but we never used it because dirty deals and tortures weren't carried out in the gang house but somewhere else,even if the police searched it nothing would be found. It was all clean.
  • The police were too scared to come here so I know we had nothing to worry about.
  • I hopped into my bed and switched on the tv and started watching a wrestling match. That was all I could do today since I wasn't on any assignments.
  • I was enjoying my wrestling match,learning new moves I could use when someone banged on my door interrupting me.
  • "Tsk who's that!". I yelled angrily and the banding stopped.
  • "The boss wants to see you". The trembling voice said from behind the door.
  • What could it be this time?
  • I got off the bed and opened the door to see the trembling rookie, he's new that's for sure.
  • "Where is the boss?". I asked.
  • "The hall". He replied and I raised an eyebrow.
  • "The hall?''. I asked just to be certain I didn't mishear him.
  • "Yes, the hall". He confirmed.
  • "Any idea what's going on there?". I asked as I walked in front and he walked behind me.
  • "It has something to do with Chris failing his mission". The rookie said and I clenched my fists.
  • Chris always had a way of getting on my nerves and despite him being the second best he never ceases to disappoint bois.
  • I hastened my pace because if a meeting was called at the hall that means it's serious because such meetings are only held when another gang wants to attack us and going to war never ends well.
  • Why can't Chris just do this damn job properly?