Chapter 2 Crazy Lady
- Sebastian POV
- Saturday was always the best time for me,I get to relax and do nothing.
- I could sleep all day without a care in the world.I sat in my living room watching a football match with popcorn in a bowl,that's how I liked it.
- I loved enjoying this peaceful time because I know that the weekend doesn't last long for those who work long hours.
- I am an assistant manager in our company and I am just working diligently so that I can get promoted or better more get transferred to the main branch.
- My phone rang and I contemplated answering the call,I knew he just wanted me to get out of the house.
- I answered the call the second time the phone rang.
- "Hey man how ya doing?" Lucas asked.
- "Fine Lucas, why are you calling me?" I asked impatiently,his disturbing my football match.
- "I wanted you to remind you that we would be meeting later this evening for Daniel's bachelor party...I hope you will be there,"Lucas said.
- I had even forgotten that.
- "I will". I said.
- "That's what you said the last time and you never showed up". Lucas said as I took the remote and changed the channel ,he didn't have to remind me each time that he called me that we made an appointment and I didn't show up,I was so exhausted that I slept throughout that day.
- "I told you I would be there".
- "Fine,do you still have the address of the hotel?"Lucas asked.
- "I don't know, I think I do," I said and I heard him scoff.
- "Baby what's taking you so long". I heard a female voice at his side of the line.
- Figures he's with a girl that's the only thing he knows how to do best,I can't imagine Lucas being faithful to one woman.
- "I will send you the address again..well then enjoy your day".Lucas said as he dropped his phone.
- "Come here my sexy baby" I heard as I ended the call.
- Lucas didn't even have the decency to end the call first before going off to his one time mistress.
- I wonder how I became friends with him.
- I decided to sleep for a while before going to the bachelor's party and I knew I screwed up when my phone woke up and it was already 7:05 pm.
- I was supposed to drive there and get to the hotel by 7pm.
- Lucas was calling me.
- "Are you on your way?" That was the first thing he asked.
- "Yes I am heard up in traffic".I lied as I got out of bed.
- Lucas sighed. "Just make sure you come ". He said as he read through my lie.
- "I will be there". I said as I hung up.
- Of all the days I had to sleep it must be today. Oh my goodness, I got dressed up hurriedly.I don't know what I put on but I just dashed out the door straight to my car and I drove off.
- Daniel and I have been good friends for so long that if I didn't show up he isn't going to take it well.
- Seriously it would seem as if I didn't want to come to any events my friends held,it has made me lose a lot of friends but that was far from the truth I was just so busy.
- I drove like crazy just to get there in time but there was this black car in front of me that was driving slow .I pressed the horn and tried to overtake the car but it blocked me.I tried driving to the left side to overtake and the car blocked me again.
- What is this? Who could be driving this way and not care about where others were going?I pressed into the horn angrily and the car in front of me stopped abruptly without any warning and my car hit the black car and it stopped.
- I didn't need to be told that my car was damaged,I got out of the car angrily and matched it to the black car in front. The owner refused to come out so I knocked on the car glass,the car door opened and I stepped aside as the owner came out.
- It was a woman,no wonder she was driving slowly. Most of my anger was depleted.
- "You can at least apologize for what you did". I said as she removed the black eye glass she was wearing ignoring that I did anything and walked to where the car collided checking the damage.
- I was baffled at her behavior but as the gentleman I was I ignored it and walked up to her.
- "You are going to pay for damaging my car". She said and I couldn't utter a word.
- "Did you just say I would pay you?When you were the one who stopped your car in the middle of the road!". I yelled.
- "Don't you dare raise your voice at me!". She yelled back and I was taken aback by how intimidating her voice was.
- "Tsk let's just let this go since the damage isn't much". She said in a calm tone.
- "You have to pay for the damaged lady". I said firmly and she tried walking away and I held onto her shoulder and she turned back to me.
- "You caused the damage....". I didn't even finish the statement as she held onto my hand on her shoulder and grabbed my cloth and flipped me and I fell flat on the floor, my eyes widened in surprise. She was so fast that I didn't even get a chance to respond.
- "Don't freaking touch me!" She snarled at me.
- I was still taken aback as she got into her car and drove back once more hitting my car again as I got up and she drove off.
- I brought out my phone and wrote down her plate number.I can't believe a woman just flipped me. I was too surprised at her strength.
- I knew I recognized her voice from somewhere and then I remembered it was the woman from the elevator.
- I checked the tone on my phone at 7:34 pm Oh shoot I have to go to the hotel.I took another glance at my glass. She has caused much damage to it. What's up with this lady?
- I can't drive this type of car to a hotel,oh my goodness why did I run into such a lady today?