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Chapter 8 The Media Exposure

  • "What do you mean?"
  • She asked again after he ignored her the first time.
  • Rapheal grinned and pulling the little duvet over him, he shut his eyes quickly.
  • There was no way he was going to talk about Fanny to anyone, he felt, talk more of speaking about her on a plane.
  • "Let's say it's a part of my life I cant speak about."
  • Scarlett nodded emphatically.
  • She hated this feeling.
  • She knows she was not in any way meant to feel anything for this man, but it was also obvious that he had been through alot.
  • She pulled up her own duvet and convering herself with it, she drifted into sleep.
  • Three hours had passed and they had landed at San Jose. It was almost 3pm and Scarlett stepped out of her room to join Raphael on the elevator.
  • Dressed in a black coporate dress and a blue heel and holding her tablet firmly, she bit the corner of her lips, determing to create a scene soon.
  • Earlier, she had hidden a camera in the elevator and set its time to capture.
  • "Good afternoon sir."
  • She greeted and bowed her head in reverence, but Raphael grinned.
  • He could feel the awkwardness in all the gestures and wondered why she was still doing the whole bowing thing.
  • "Dont you think it's time you stopped doing all these-"
  • "Ouch!"
  • Scarlett cried, attempting to fall again, but Rapheal's hands quickly reached her back and her waist, grabbing it on his hands.
  • Multiple snapshots were taken and Scarlett grinned lightly.
  • Her plans has already been set from the very moment Damian ordered her to seduce him.
  • Pretend a fall, get him close and take the damn pictures, because her heart was still brewing pains to ever want to get intimate with him.
  • "Are you okay?"
  • Rapheal asked hurriedly as he lifted her up. He still felt something in him was touched, and he doubted if he would ever want to watch her get hurt.
  • "I- I'm fine Sir, I'm sorry for the fall."
  • Scarlett pleaded.
  • But Rapheal saw nothing to apologize about, if anything, he felt happy within him that he offered help.
  • "I think you apologize too much miss Scarlett."
  • He sounded, a prickling awareness that he hadn't called her Miss Johnson enveloped him.
  • Rapheal checked his wrist, and turning to Scarlett who had pretended to still be putting herself together, he said, "just two minutes before we are at the meeting. Hope you wont fall again this time."
  • Scarlett nodded emphatically, and Raphael grinned.
  • "Welcome Mr Jobs, it's good to finally have you here at the Venia Ventures."
  • A lady decleared as he bowed her head.
  • The other lady had proceeded to take his briefcase while Scarlett tuckled her legs along.
  • The meeting which lasted for two hours and some minutes were finally over, and Rapheal was set to go.
  • Everything seemed go be going normal for him and Scarlett until the big door to the building opened.
  • They were startled by the crowd at the exit.
  • Camera taking snapshots, microphones struggling to be positioned on his mouth, while some tugged his coat to get his attention.
  • "What the hell is going on?"
  • Scarlett muttered, visibly surprised by the crowd at the venue.
  • Rapheal shook his head in pain, feeling defeated.
  • "Fanny!"
  • He groaned as he dragged his suit with one of the men who was trying to get his attention.
  • "Mr Jobs, is it true that you're now dating your secretary, Miss Johnson just few days after she started working for you?"
  • One of them asked enthusiastically running down the stairs with him in speed.
  • "Are you inlove with her?"
  • The other who had gotten hold of a little space queried, positioning his phone for him to see the pictures in there.
  • Scarlett shut her eyes in disgust as soon as she saw thoes photos. Muttering curse words to Damian, she could tell that was his hand work because she had just sent him the photos about two hours ago.
  • "Was this the way you cheated on your ex wife with your former secretary Cary?"
  • The other asked again.
  • "These photos have been circulating online..."
  • Rapheal pulled the hand closer, and there it was, the picture Scarlett had taken in the elevator.
  • Now he felt completely defeated and lost. There was nothing that would convince him that it wasn't Fanny's doing.
  • She had always stalked him, hiding cameras in strange places and ordering camera men to follow him around.
  • "I'm sorry to bring you into this mess."
  • He apologized to Scarlett without saying any more words.
  • Finally, with the help of the security guard, they were able to be whisked into the car and headed to their hotel.
  • The chauffeur packed at the lot and Scarlett was the one to get down first.
  • In rage, she began to walk into her room.
  • "Scarlett...Scarlett."
  • Raphael called out, rushing to get hold of her, but she brushed off his hands immediately he tried to touch her.
  • "I'm sorry but this is too much sir."
  • She thundered, pretending to be angry at him.
  • But What Rapheal didn't know was that her anger stemmed from the fact that Damian wasnt keeping to the rules.
  • The pictures had been taken to privately submit to the Jobs and warn them off any political career, but Damian had chosen to make it a public display, putting her out there when she wasnt ready for it.
  • "I understand how you feel, Lett.."
  • There was a brief silence as Scarlett looked up in suprise.
  • He had never called her Lett before as that name was specifically for people that were dear to her.
  • Rapheal gulped, his eyes plastered on her in surrender " I understand how you feel. I truly do, and I'm sorry."
  • He watched her reach for the door and placing her card infront of it, it opened immediately.
  • "It's all Fanny's doing, and you know, I'm so tired too. She's a pain in my ass..."
  • "You're going to talk about Fanny now or?"
  • "I'll talk about Fanny, I think you deserve to know at this point."
  • Scarlett swayed her hand signaling he came inside and as soon as he did, she shut the door.