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Secretary To The CEO

Secretary To The CEO

Lawrence Vivian

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 I Got Jilted

  • I jumped off the bed with puffy eyes. I felt my body quiver after a palm caressed my back.
  • "Shit!" I exclaimed, looking out to the window, a bright light shunned meticulously on the hotel room, casting patterns on the silver blue bedspread, and donating a chunk on the strange figure lying on the bed.
  • "What have I done?"
  • I whimpered, watching my cell phone vibrate again for the umpteenth time.
  • The other times the phone rang, I was fast asleep, but even then I was wide awake I still couldn't get myself to pick it.
  • "What exactly have I done?"
  • I whispered again as her eyes drifted away to the bed.
  • A perfectly built figure laid on it, fast asleep.
  • Noticing bloodstains on the bed, some trickling down my thighs, with a pair of masks on the floor, I cried inwardly
  • as it dawned on me that I had given away my virginity to a strange man on the eve of my wedding.
  • With hands shaking, I struggled to pick up the phone. I had 57 missed calls already, and now the last call has ended making it 58.
  • "Ryan will kill me!"
  • I cried, feeling defeated. Just then, I shut my eyes as the thoughts of last night struck me.
  • "Come to my bed tonight!"
  • "Is that for me?"
  • "Oh no!" realizing I had gone drunk and was invited to the bed by this man.
  • It was a mask club, and my friend Victoria had convinced me to go clubbing that night.
  • The last clubbing as a single lady she had called it.
  • "What was I thinking?" I howled silently, trying not to wake the man on the bed, as I wouldn't want to add to the shame I was feeling.
  • I struggled to pick up my clothes, planning to disappear before he woke up.
  • Plastering my gaze on the wall clock, I realized it was past 9am.
  • My wedding was set to start by 8:30am, and there I was, jumping off another man's bed!
  • I looked at the man's face and quickly got consumed by rage.
  • I had gotten a glimpse of what he looks like, and my mind told me to wake him and confront him.
  • "He must have taken advantage of my weak state!"
  • I cried, making my way to wake him up, but my phone had buzzed again.
  • I picked the phone immediately and slid the green button, not minding who was calling.
  • I was too nervous to think.
  • "Where are you, Scarlett? Everyone is waiting for you!"
  • "I'll be right there!"
  • I recognized the voice as that of my aunt, Sally.
  • I quickly slid into the black dress that I wore that night to the club, and zoomed off the room, leaving most of my belongings behind.
  • The door to the St Peter's cathedral opened silently and I walked in in a hurry.
  • Everyone turned to look at me.
  • My blonde hair was badly fixed, my face looking flushed as a result of the hangover, while I struggled to get hold of my large wedding dress.
  • It was obvious that I hadn't taken time to prepare for my own wedding, I had only managed to wash my face when I got to my hotel to dress up.
  • The strange look on everyone's face was alarming, stained with a little bit of worry.
  • But what I found more terrifying was the look on Ryan's face.
  • I knew grooms get excited at the first sight of their bride, but that wasn't the case with Ryan, he looked like he had seen an enemy.
  • My heart sank, but I continued walking hoping the look was as a result of my lateness, but Ryan scoffed as soon as I got to the altar.
  • "I'm sorry for the lateness, Ryan, I hope-"
  • "I hope you had a good time?"
  • Ryan cuts in, shutting me up at the instant.
  • I nodded emphatically, my lungs begging to explode as I read Ryan's countenance.
  • It was as if he was reading through me, his eyes attempting to pierce my soul.
  • I gulped hard, sliding down the bodice of my dress, and struggling to keep calm, but Ryan's next few words, yanked off all the confidence I had gathered.
  • "You had a good time with him too?"
  • I shut her eyes immediately as I felt the heat of his gaze scrutinize my body.
  • How did he find out?
  • "You can go ahead and spend your whole life with him, slut!"
  • Ryan roared, causing me to vibrate violently.
  • He turned to face the distressed crowd, "there shall be no wedding with this slut!"
  • He declared, jilting me at the altar as he made his way to the exit.
  • I felt my world crumble before me.
  • My eyes flooded and were already overflowing and my lungs begged for oxygen.
  • Ryan's men guarded him closely as he left the cathedral.
  • Ryan was a renowned businessman, who had picked interest in me after I served him a drink that night at the timeless bar where I used to work at Luican.
  • He was proud and considered himself a god in my life, something I was foolish enough to overlook all these while.
  • I had agreed to marry him, after he made me fall head over heels in love with him.
  • I stood transfixed, watching the congregation leave, my pain was unmatched and I cursed myself for ever listening to Victoria.
  • "But how did he find out?"
  • I asked inwardly, while trying to control the downpour from my eyes.
  • Aside from the fact that what I did was unforgivable, I still would have loved to plead, but I was too frozen to do so.
  • I felt numb, lost in pain.
  • "Hope you had a good time, slut?"
  • Victoria's voice landed on my ear like a loud volt.
  • I popped my eyes open to be sure she was the one speaking, I couldn't believe my eyes.
  • "Well, watch me take your place."
  • She continued. She smiled evilly displaying a dark smirk before turning to leave.
  • I watched my world crumble before me.
  • Having been jilted at the altar, and losing a best friend to betrayal.
  • Shortly, the whole church was empty, with only aunt Sally still sitting at the corner.