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Chapter 7 "Don't Run Away"

  • Amelia’s Point of View
  • I saw my son in his room, his eyes empty, gazing into the distance. I walked over with a smile, like a mother hen checking on her chick.
  • "What's on your mind, son?" I asked.
  • Ethan turned to me, looking unhappy. "I'm thinking about the party tomorrow."
  • I raised my eyebrows, staying calm. "And what's bothering you specifically?"
  • Ethan ran his hand through his hair, loosening his tie. "It's my sister's engagement."
  • I couldn't help but smirk to myself. It was about my stepdaughter, just as I had expected.
  • "Is Dad really gonna announce my sister's engagement to Alpha Alex in front of all the guests?" Ethan asked, clearly ticked off.
  • I placed my hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle tap like I was singing him a lullaby. "Ethan."
  • Ethan glanced upwards. A sudden flash of lightning illuminated his face, with ominous clouds looming overhead.
  • "Alpha Alex holds the key to our financial security. Your father is just struggling to get by. And Harriet is our way out," I reasoned, as Ethan interjected, "But..."
  • I gently placed a finger on my son's lips, silencing him.
  • "Hush, my dear boy..." I affectionately ruffled his hair as if calming a restless animal. "I understand what you're thinking. You don't want Harriet to wed Alex, do you?"
  • "Don't misunderstand me, Mom," Ethan replied. "Alex is known for his aggressive behavior as an Alpha. I can't stand by and let my sister marry someone like him!"
  • Ethan winced, a pained expression crossing his face.
  • Maybe he couldn't believe he was using that excuse, especially since he had a history of hurting Harriet when he got annoyed.
  • But I noticed and gave him a reassuring smile, silently letting him know he was doing the right thing.
  • "You can take her away," I whispered.
  • Ethan was surprised. "What do you mean?"
  • "When we bring the company back to life, and you inherit your father's wealth, everything will be yours. You will be the Alpha," I explained.
  • My son's eyes widened. "Mine?" he asked. "Not Alpha Alex's, but mine?"
  • I embraced him and whispered, "Yes. Everything. The company, this house, the Pack, and even your sister."
  • A glimmer of excitement sparked in my son’s eyes.
  • Everything is going according to the plan.
  • ** **
  • Harriet’s Point of View
  • I woke up feeling heavy-hearted, knowing that there would be a party going down at the mansion today.
  • "Good morning, Miss Harriet," greeted the maid, Mary. "Luna Amelia said you're fasting today. She wants you to stay healthy and fit."
  • I glanced at Marie, who seemed puzzled since I was already so thin. She probably couldn't comprehend why Amelia was so strict about my diet. But as a servant in this Alpha's household, she couldn't question my stepmother's orders.
  • "I understand. You're free to leave. I wanted to be alone," I told the maid.
  • "Of course, Miss."
  • The maid left.
  • I sighed and affectionately pet my cat.
  • "She's always nagging me about watching my weight. But she won't notice if I indulge in that huge steak from last night. Right?"
  • Without the barbecue Lucas gave me, I wouldn't have the stamina to make it through the day.
  • Phew, I'm so relieved that I had a good meal last night. Now I don't have to worry about passing out in the middle of the party. Dad would be so angry if I caused a scene.
  • Letting out a sigh, I glanced at the box sitting on the table nearby.
  • Hold on a second.
  • Is that the same box that Lucas gave me?
  • "I remember dropping it earlier. How did it end up here in my room?"
  • It must have been Lucas who brought it. Well, my mouth started watering as I approached the box and opened it.
  • "Maybe if I just had one, Mom wouldn't even notice. Yeah, just one."
  • I grabbed a dried Kalu fruit that Lucas had given me. As I took a bite, it brought me so much joy.
  • “Now that I think about it, that werewolf was the only one who gave me food even when I said I couldn't eat.”
  • I realized that the first person who cared about her was that rogue.
  • "Is he alright? Did he cause any trouble with Alpha Alex last night?" I found myself worrying about him, although I couldn't understand why.
  • "Nope, he's not foolish. Let's put him out of our minds and take a break before the tiring party begins."
  • I tried my best to forget about Lucas, but his image lingered in my thoughts throughout the day.
  • As evening approached, the clock struck 7 p.m. and the party commenced at the grand mansion. Guests started to arrive, and I emerged wearing a cream-colored dress that my stepmom had chosen for me. Unlike the other women's attire, mine exuded innocence and elegance. It was Amelia's way of portraying me as a pure lady.
  • ‘Hah. She doesn’t know that I am not a pure wolf anymore.’
  • I walked into the hall and immediately caught snippets of conversation from the guests.
  • "Is that Alpha Connor’s daughter?"
  • "Harriet. Yep, that's her."
  • "She's stunning in person."
  • "And her skin is so perfect!"
  • "But seriously, what's the use of dressing up if you're just going to marry someone like Alpha Alex?"
  • The women in the hall tried to suppress their giggles, but I pretended not to hear. I was used to this kind of ridicule by now.
  • "I ain't gonna get anything out of starting drama with these ladies who are just looking for their mates," I mused. I decided to ignore the whispers around me. But then, I overheard a conversation that caught my attention.
  • "OMG. Who's that hot guy?"
  • "Wow, he's so attractive!"
  • "Isn't that the wealthy Lucas Hayes?"
  • My head snapped around, and in that moment, my eyes met Lucas's intense red gaze, which felt like it was peering into my soul.
  • Dressed in a sharp black suit, Lucas exuded sophistication and elegance. His choice of a crisp white shirt and a bold red tie perfectly matched the striking color of his eyes. He was truly a sight to behold.
  • "He seems fine," I whispered. "Which means Alex didn't hurt him. Thank goodness."
  • Thank goodness?!
  • Wait, why am I so relieved that Lucas is okay?
  • "Why am I even concerned? Why am I wasting my time thinking about that troublemaker? I must be losing it." I averted my gaze from Lucas and stared off into the distance.
  • But soon enough, a dark shadow loomed over me, causing me to jump in shock.
  • "I was hurt that you ignored me earlier," Lucas declared, standing right in front of me, capturing the attention of everyone around.
  • "If you've already seen me, you better not turn away."
  • In front of all the guests, he took hold of my hand, leaned down, and gently kissed my pale knuckles.
  • "Don't even think about looking away, Harriet."