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Chapter 2 "Met Again"

  • Harriet’s POV
  • I woke up, recalling the insane thing I did last night. I actually paid a rogue to take my virginity. And now, that man is lying next to me on the bed.
  • My heart was racing as I shifted to my side. I held my breath when I realized his long arms were wrapped around my naked body. He was still fast asleep, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to make my escape.
  • Just as I was about to slip away, his massive arms grabbed hold of my waist. "Ahh!" I gasped, quickly returning to my previous position.
  • "Where do you think you're going, my dear master?" he whispered in my ear.
  • My breathing became heavy as I turned to face him, getting lost in his mesmerizing gray eyes. Feeling the heat rise within me, I pushed him away. "Let me go. Our agreement is finished."
  • "I'm not so sure about that. You said you would pay me, but I still haven't received my money. Don't you think it's necessary for you to stick around a little longer before we finalize our deal?" His grip tightened, trapping me in his embrace.
  • I shot him a defiant look. "The money is in my bag. Just let me go and I'll give it to you right away."
  • He chuckled and released his hold on me. I took the opportunity to distance myself and wrapped the blanket around my body.
  • This guy shamelessly turned to the side, not caring that I could see his bare upper body. Well, I saw a lot last night, but it felt uncomfortable seeing it in the bright surroundings. Plus, he was undeniably good-looking.
  • ‘Good-looking? Ugh. I need to snap out of it. He's just a one-night-stand rogue.’
  • I shook my head and then gathered my clothes. After getting dressed, I tossed the envelope of money onto the bed before getting up.
  • “Ouch,” I grimaced. My thighs and back were killing me. All because of that guy with the massive lower weapon.
  • Ignoring the pain, I faced him.
  • “There’s your payment. Count it, and if it’s not enough, let me know,” I stated.
  • He took the envelope and peeked inside. “Wow,” he whistled. “You’re rich. This is a hefty sum.”
  • “Now, we’re done. I’m leaving,” I declared, turning away.
  • “Why did you choose to lose your virginity to a rogue like me?” he inquired, causing me to halt in my tracks.
  • I stood there, unable to respond.
  • “Are you running away from something? Or maybe, seeking for revenge?” he continued.
  • Since this will be our last time seeing each other, I thought there’s nothing wrong with answering his question. Thus, I slowly turned around and answered him, “I wanted to die.”
  • He looked at me intently, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly pursed.
  • It seemed like he was analyzing me, trying to understand my motives. I half-expected him to give me a pep talk, telling me to find a reason to keep going.
  • But instead, he surprised me with a question of his own. "Why do you want to die?"
  • I shrugged my shoulders. "I just don't see the point of living anymore. It feels like my life is nothing but misery, and I'd rather escape it all."
  • Suddenly, the room fell silent.
  • The weight of my words hung in the air, and I couldn't help but feel like I had revealed too much to a lone wolf.
  • The tension became unbearable, and I decided it was time to leave. "If you're done interrogating me, I'll be on my way," I said, preparing to make my exit.
  • "I've got a secret," he whispered.
  • Once again, I turned to look at him. "What is it?"
  • "It's something that might make you regret sleeping with me," he said, grinning mischievously.
  • I narrowed my eyes and asked, "Do you have some kind of disease?"
  • "No, it's nothing like that," he replied. "I'm actually pretty healthy," he added, running his fingers through his dark hair.
  • I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "So, what is it then?"
  • Suddenly, his playful expression turned serious. He sat up and looked at me intently before saying, "I'll tell you all the details when we meet again. So, until then, hold on to your life. Don't die just yet. Can you promise me that?"
  • I thought it was highly unlikely that we would ever meet again, so I made a hollow promise.
  • “Okay. That’s a promise.”
  • And the two of us parted ways.
  • ** **
  • A week went by and I had finally recovered from experience aching body after my first s*x with someone I don't know.
  • Today, there was going to be a visitor at our house. My maid, Ary, informed me that my stepmother had ordered me to come out and greet the guest with them.
  • "Who is the guest?" I asked.
  • "He's Lucas Hayes, a potential investor for your father's business. That's what I heard, Miss," Ary replied.
  • “Which Pack did he come from?” I asked.
  • “Well, I wasn’t that sure, Miss,” she said.
  • With a nod, I made my way to the living room. My father's company was on the verge of bankruptcy and I could sense his desperation to save it.
  • "Where is mother and brother?" I inquired.
  • Just then, I sensed the presence of people approaching. I turned my head and saw my stepmother, Amelia, and my stepbrother, Ethan, making their way towards me.
  • My body instinctively trembled and I lowered my head.
  • "Harriet, you're already here," Amelia greeted me.
  • I managed to respond, "Yeah, Mom. I was told to come out and welcome Dad's guest."
  • When I raised my eyes, I noticed my stepbrother staring at me. He had a smirk on his face and asked, "You seem pretty excited to see our guest."
  • Ethan, my stepbrother, is quite good-looking. He has gorgeous blonde hair from Amelia and possibly inherited his blue eyes from Dad. He will also be the next in line in Alpha position. However, despite his attractive appearance and his power, I couldn't find anything to like about Ethan. He's the worst.
  • "I just wanted to show some respect. I heard the guest is important to Father," I explained.
  • "Who said that?" Ethan asked. "Was it you, Mom?"
  • In a gentle tone, my stepmom replied, "Yes. Our guest is a potential investor for your father's upcoming project. He has no Pack.”
  • “You’re saying, he’s a rogue? Then why the f*ck should we need to respect him? We’re an Alpha family,” Ethan complained.
  • “Even though he’s a rogue, he is a rich investor. We need to treat him well, as he might stay in this house for a few weeks,” Amelia answered.
  • "This isn’t an inn for any useless wolf,” Ethan grumbled.
  • "Be careful with your words, my son. You can't speak like that when we have a guest," Amelia warned.
  • "Yeah, right. I understand how desperate everyone is to save the company. Didn't you and Dad even sell my sister to that arrogant but ugly old wolf, Alpha Alex?” he said.
  • As I recalled my unfortunate situation, a lump formed in my throat.
  • Yes.
  • I was engaged to Alpha Alex, an old and ugly wolf. It’s not just about his appearance. It wasn't just his looks that made him repulsive, but also his notorious reputation as a wolf with insatiable desires for young female wolves. And I, a half breed, caught his eyes.
  • My father, driven by money, sold me off to Alpha Alex, forcing me into this engagement. I would prefer death over living with that man.
  • However, I couldn't help but anticipate Alex's reaction when he discovers that I am no longer a virgin. What's more? I gave my body to a rogue. It will hurt the Alpha's pride, won't it?
  • “Ethan, can you please stop talking like…” My stepmother's voice trailed off as the door swung open.
  • We all turned to see my father entering the room.
  • "Oh, everyone was waiting," my dad, Connor, the Alpha of Moon Walker Pack, said.
  • My stepmom replied, "Of course, we were excited to meet our guest. That's why I asked our children to join me. By the way, where is Mr. Lucas?"
  • "Mr. Lucas is here," my dad announced, gesturing towards someone outside. "Mr. Lucas, please come in."
  • The door screeched open, and in walked a towering man. I couldn't help but widen my eyes at his imposing figure, his tanned skin and gray eyes.
  • 'No way. Is he our guest?'
  • Father broke the silence, introducing “Meet our guest, Mr. Lucas Hayes. Starting tonight, he will stay at our mansion,” Father introduced.
  • As my breathing ragged, Lucas’s eyes locked onto mine.
  • My mind raced, struggling to make sense of the situation unfolding before me.
  • "It's been a pleasant evening. Nice to meet you all. I've been eagerly anticipating this visit," Lucas, the stranger I had paid to take my virginity, greeted.
  • He stood in front of me and smiled slyly.