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Chapter 2 Sleep?

  • ❤ Kiera POV
  • ah....what the heck, this boss of a guy just let me fall😣.
  • "what the !" ted gasped
  • I slowly looked round and yeah eyes were on me. i gulped down heavily and sighed as I turned to my boss.
  • " me in my office" he stammered as he turned back to leave.
  • "hey kiera!" Ted gasped as he helped me up
  • "I'm so sorry" he said
  • "ah its okay..." I laughed
  • What...I'm really hurt he did that but I can't let them know... especially Ted.
  • "c'mon to his office" Ted said as I trailed behind him.
  • in less than five minutes I was in my boss office.
  • I walked in with ted and found him seated on his chair. That cold face, Cold eyes glaring at me.
  • "good morning boss" I greeted as I walked in with low steps
  • "and what's good about the morning?" he asked as he pulled forward.
  • "I'm really really sorry!" I hurriedly apologized with my head low
  • "kiera... you're a secretary for god's sake...why will you be late!" he yelled angrily as I flinched back
  • "believe me boss..I didn't mean to" I apologized once more
  • "just get.....get out!" he said as he groaned aloud. I sighed and turned to leave.
  • "and wait!" he said as I paused but then a call came in
  • The look in his eyes were don't dare.....and I didn't
  • "there'd be a meeting 10" he said as my phone kept ringing
  • "oh...OK Sir"
  • "get're dismissed" he said as I ran out and answered my call.
  • Gasped as I looked at the caller ID
  • "mom!" I squealed .....she did call me
  • I got into my office, grabbed my water bottle and cupped large amount in, I don't want mom to suspect my tone then I swiped the screen and placed my phone on my ears.
  • "mom!" I greeted
  • "oh my baby kiera.. how are you?" she asked sweetly over the phone.
  • "good's your day going?" I asked
  • "great....and yours?" she asked suspiciously
  • "good mom!" I lied
  • "hope you slept well?" she asked
  • What...I didn't. You should have seen how my boss even yelled at me for coming late
  • isn't he acting like a ....arrgh how do I even explain his stupid behavior.... I wished I could say all those but if I did, am sure she'd just force me to come over to Thailand.
  • "yep...! I did" I faked a smile
  • "how's dad doing?" I added
  • "well baby...He's at work now" she said and I'm a hundred percent sure she was smiling
  • "OK.....miss you mom" I sighed
  • "baby...miss you refused to spend life here, Thailand is really treating us well...its a great country dear" mom convinced
  • "I know that but you know I can't" I said lowly
  • "yeah yeah your bossy boss" she said sarcastically
  • "mom!" I laughed
  • "he's a really good guy...probably he has something's in his head...or yunno guys like him don't let out their story" I said
  • "you believe he has a story behind his cocky behavior?" mom asked
  • "exactly.. even if he doesn't... I'm gonna change him" I said
  • "that's my girl!" mom said as my eye widened in shock. She has never approved anything about my boss
  • "kick his ass!" she added
  • "I knew it!" I exclaimed... she'd never accept
  • "what...wait you mean change him... love?" mom asked
  • "yeah..." I replied
  • "future impossible tense...that's completely mission impossible" she added
  • "I know you've read a lot about Tibby Wilf...the arrogant, super rich and annoying CEO..your daughter's boss but mom people change!" I replied
  • "lecturer.. I've heard you...the good care okay?" she said
  • "sure thing mom.." I smiled
  • "don't skip breakfast... sleep well..have fun" she added
  • "I already called Rae, she said she was gonna come to your home tonight"
  • "oh least I won't be bored" I smiled
  • "yeah...bye then" mom said
  • "bye regards to dad" I replied
  • "he'd hear dearie" she replied as I ended the call.
  • I smiled as I turned back and was shocked at who was in.
  • "Ted!" I gasped as he winked at me
  • "how long have you been standing here?" I asked as I walked to my table
  • "since when you stated giving good comments about Wilf" he replied
  • " what brings you here?" I asked as he leaned forward on my table
  • "you should know you'll be having a meeting"he said
  • I turned to the files and books I have to go through and sighed
  • "got piles of work"
  • "I can those you can do so you'll rest a little bit before the meeting, sure you didn't slept well" he said
  • "yeah thanks a lot" I smiled
  • "okay!....guess I'd be going now" he said
  • "coming over for dinner?" I asked sweetly
  • "hmmm...should I ?" he smiled
  • "yeah...please" I pleaded
  • "okay then" he laughed as he left
  • that Ted would be coming, same as Rae... good one. Rae happens to not do boys and I'm sure Ted likes her..though he knows she don't do guys but he hasn't posed hope...oh poor boy.
  • 9:45am.....
  • 🔰 Wilf POV
  • I just ended a call...Mr Elliott would be here soon with his team... He's here to buy shares. I'd see and know if he's worth it.
  • It would soon be time...I got my files up and headed to the conference room.
  • "Ted!" I called as soon as I sighted him
  • "dude..was coming to check on you" he said as I smiled
  • "conference took right?" he asked as I nodded my head
  • "let's go then!" I replied
  • ❤ Kiera POV
  • 9:53am....
  • Gosh...still not done..I should have just listened to what Ted said. I packed up and went down to the conference room.
  • As expected... eyes were on me as I stepped in
  • "sorry if I'm late!" I muttered
  • "you are!" I heard my boss say as I pulled my chair out to sit
  • What...I already apologized
  • I ignored and sat least those we'd be meeting with haven't arrived yet.
  • "oh my goodness I'm sorry I'm late!" I heard a male voice say from behind. I turned back and saw Mr Elliott
  • "Mr Elliot!" Wilf said as he smiled
  • Mr Elliot and his team had their seats as we all exchanged greetings.
  • 🔜🔜🔜🔜
  • Arrgh....sleep was knocking and my boss is still talking. Ted gave me eye signaling hold on.
  • I nodded and blinked my eyes rapidly
  • "Kiera don't sleep!" I said in thoughts as I grabbed my water bottle and drank.
  • A female turned to me as I gave her a smiling face...this was the 13th time I'd pick up my water bottle
  • Sure they'd be thinking I'm something else
  • "wow your secretary love water a lot" Mr Elliott said
  • "yeah she does" my boss smiled as I furrowed my brow at him
  • "she..." he trailed off
  • "the amount in total is $40.8M" my boss interrupted him
  • "oh...yeah sure" Mr Elliott replied
  • I could hold it anymore... ...I began dosing
  • 🔰 Wilf POV
  • I could see Kiera head fall and rise for more than 3 times.
  • She was gonna get attention.
  • I then cleared my throat.. hoping she'd understand but no
  • Her head was back up...and wait what!!!
  • She was dosing!!!?
  • I then picked up my phone and dailed her number...
  • I could see her phone on the table before her but looks like it was in silent mode.
  • "yeah...!!" I exclaimed
  • "I really enjoy your products.. you're blessed like man!!" Elliott said as I faked a smile
  • No one knows what I'm gonna do to Kiera after this meeting
  • "ways wrong with kiera?" I heard Ted say to himself
  • "dosing" I replied
  • After ringing and ringing.....she raised her head up and saw her phone ringing.
  • I could see a staff or probably a member of Mr Elliott peep at her phone
  • "rude boss!" she gasped as my eye went wide again
  • "when will you ever stop!" I asked lowly
  • She slowly raised up her head...and on top of it...she was seating opposite me
  • Just as her eyes met mine. it went more wide....
  • "I'm sorry!" I could read her lips
  • "you're done!" I replied and sure she can read my lips
  • "meeting dismissed!"
  • TBC