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Chapter 4

  • After submitting the required documents, Ruby walked back to Room 201, her classroom. The atmosphere was bustling with activity, and unfamiliar faces filled the room. She couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness, her anxiety bubbling up within her. She tried to hide her nervousness, but her slightly shaky movements betrayed her emotions.
  • With sweaty palms, she entered the classroom, whispering a silent thank-you to no one in particular as she found an empty seat on the second bench. Before settling down, she couldn't resist glancing at Caden, her arch-nemesis. To her surprise, he appeared cheerful and content, surrounded by his group of friends. How could he sit there looking so delighted after receiving a month of detention? The injustice of it all frustrated her, fueling her loathing towards him with each passing moment.
  • Shaking her head in disbelief, she contemplated the decision to leave her former school and friends behind. It had only been one day, and she was already filled with regret. The prospect of enduring a month of detention alongside Caden seemed daunting, and she couldn't help but question if her decision to transfer to this new school was the right one.
  • Ruby was determined to stay focused on her studies and not let the prank or her dislike for Caden distract her. With a hopeful grin, she opened her notebook and began reading a chapter.
  • ***
  • Olivia had been waiting for Caden outside Mrs. Cooper's office, curious to hear what had transpired. When he finally emerged, he spilled the details of the incident, from the slap to the month-long detention. She understood his anger and frustration toward Ruby, but she couldn't help finding the whole situation somewhat amusing. The image of a girl slapping her best friend so hard that it left an imprint on his cheek seemed strangely funny to her, despite the seriousness of the act.
  • They had playfully chased each other in the corridor, but their fun came to an abrupt halt when Caden collided with Mr. Smith, their teacher. In the chaos that followed, they managed to escape before any consequences could catch up to them.
  • Now, sitting beside Caden in the classroom, Olivia couldn't help but wonder what Ruby was thinking. She observed her quietly sitting on the second bench, engrossed in writing something in her notepad. Ruby seemed isolated and focused, and Olivia couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility to clean up the messes that Caden often created.
  • Being Caden Miller's best friend came with its fair share of fun, but it also meant taking on the role of fixing the aftermath of his mischievous acts. Olivia silently contemplated the dynamics of their friendship and the challenges that lay ahead.
  • She cracked her knuckles, debating with her inner-self.
  • With a sigh, Olivia raised herself from her seat. But she couldn't move. Someone had gripped her arm tightly.
  • "Where are you going?" Caden asked, the ghost of a smile evident on his face.
  • "No where," she shrugged him off and walked down to the second bench.
  • Ignoring his burning gaze on her back, she lightly tapped Ruby's shoulder. The girl jerked back and met her black eyes.
  • "Am I disturbing you?" she asked tentatively.
  • Ruby glanced at her textbook for a millisecond and closed it along with her notepad and gently placed her pencil aside.
  • "No. Of course not." Ruby gave her a warm smile.
  • Clearing her throat, she signaled at her bench. Ruby shifted aside, giving her enough space to sit.
  • She sighed, relieved. Carefully, she studied her face. Nothing about it gave away any kind of anger or frustration.
  • Had she recovered so quickly?
  • She parted her lips to speak but was cut by Ruby's dismissive tone, "If this is about the prank, then it's okay. I'm not mad about it anymore."
  • "Oh. You aren't?" Her voice reflected her shock.
  • "I don't have time to hold grudges. I will lose enough time in detention for a whole month anyway."
  • Olivia got up from her seat about to leave, "Okay. I'll..." But then she shook her head and sat again. A smile spread across her face as she asked, "Have you got time to make friends?”
  • As Olivia continued to share her stories and Ruby found herself surprisingly entertained by her animated storytelling style, she couldn't help but marvel at how easily Olivia had opened up to her. It was a refreshing change from the usual small talk that Ruby dreaded. Olivia's trust and willingness to share even the most trivial details of her life made Ruby feel a sense of connection and camaraderie.
  • Amidst the conversation, Olivia recounted the various pranks they had played on Mr. Smith, each one successfully escaping his notice. She expressed her frustration with her conservative and over-possessive family, but also shared her deep affection for her younger brother, whom she described as the most adorable person in the world.
  • When Olivia mentioned her relationship with Caden, referring to him as the chosen family, Ruby couldn't help but disagree. She voiced her disagreement, causing a playful argument between the two about the nature of their friendship.
  • "The class is canceled, I guess," Ruby stated with an exasperated sigh.
  • Olivia's eyes widened with excitement. "Oh, no way. I'm sure Starlene is busy gossiping with the other teachers so intently that she forgot about the class," she responded, her tone filled with anticipation.
  • Ruby's frown began to form, ready to express her doubt, but it vanished when she spotted an exhausted-looking Mrs. Cooper entering the classroom. The realization brought a mix of disappointment and relief to Ruby's face as she settled back into her seat, preparing herself for the lecture ahead.
  • She was dragging behind a student. Ruby examined his face carefully and realized it was the same guy who had taken her video. Daniel.
  • He was standing with a half-amused, half-ashamed expression on his face. It made Ruby laugh.
  • "Another failed attempt at bunking. He hates Chemistry," Olivia pointed in between her hilarious giggles.
  • "He had recorded a video, right? Of the prank?"
  • "What? Oh, yeah." She patted her cheeks which hurt from the outburst of laughter. "He may have already posted it on our Instagram page," she admitted with a guilty tone.
  • Ruby felt as though all the air from her lungs was sucked out, "What?!"