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Chapter 7 - A Proposal

  • Sophia POV
  • I wake up feeling my body throbbing. It’s an uncomfortable pain, but not unbearable. I look around and see that I’m in one of the break rooms. The light is off, but I can still see a little of the light coming through the curtain and from under the door.
  • My purse is to the side, on the bedside table. I open it and take out my cell phone. It’s 5 pm already. I’ve slept for 14 hours, which is almost a record for me. However, considering my exhaustion from the extra shifts, and everything that’s happened, maybe the sleep I’ve had was still too little . I see Miriam's message asking me to go and see her when I wake up. I get up and stretch, grab my purse and go to the bathroom. I wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and finally notice my face in the mirror. I actually look fresh and rested. The corners of my lips lift in a smile.
  • "Everything will be fine…" I tell my reflection
  • I take my medication and put on a little deodorant and finally leave the room. I know I need to take a shower, but this has to just be good enough for now until I’m able to go home. I greet people as I pass them and soon the elevator stops at Miriam's office’s floor. I didn't pick up a tablet, from reception, to view my patients' information as I didn't need to do that right now.
  • I get off the elevator and cover my mouth as a yawn escapes my lips. I wave at a few doctors on my way to Miriam's office and knock 3 times when I reach her door.
  • "Come in!" she calls.
  • On entering, the first thing I notice is that Hyperion is also present sitting in front of Miriam's desk. They look as though they are discussing something serious. I tilt my head to the left.
  • “Have a seat and I’ll explain everything to you.” Mirriam tells me as she
  • points to the chair next to Hyperion's. She knows that I have the habit of tilting my head to the left whenever I need to analyze or understand something. I close the door behind me and take the seat as indicated.
  • "It's good to see you're on the mend ," Miriam starts, wanting to interact with me to see if it would ease the tension in the office, but I don’t respond. This visit isn’t between two friends but something completely different.
  • “Mr. Perseus Houroux woke up this morning and he’s out of danger” She says. “In two hours he will be transferred to the family's private hospital.” Miriam and Hyperion exchange glances.
  • “I know these last days have been hard on you Miss Sophia and I am very sorry that this is because of my family, but I would like to ask that you take responsibility for the transfer. I know it's a lot to ask, but I would really like you to go with the medical team and take care of everything, both here and at the family hospital.” Hyperion's voice is deep and I get the feeling that perhaps Miriam doesn’t understand what I understand from what he is asking. There's an undertone of urgency to it. An almost desperate plea that I accept his request.
  • '’But why? Is it because it's me?' I ask myself in my mind as I wrap my arms around my waist in a self-protective gesture. I can’t go back to that world and get involved with these people. The rational part of my mind is telling me to protect myself, decline the offer and to run as far away as possible, while the irrational part of my mind is screaming at me to accept as it will keep me close to Achilles and Perseus.
  • "It's only for a few days, until my son is fully recovered." Hyperion explains probably sensing that I’m conflicted.
  • These words don’t bring me any comfort though. On the contrary, it rather proves to me that they are very serious about wanting me to accompany them. Am I being paranoid? It can’t possibly just be my imagination. They asked exclusively for me. They even posted a bodyguard for my protection and one of them was there when I had my crisis.
  • Since their arrival, they’ve practically engulfed me. My actions and even my thoughts were focused mostly on them. Imagining pulling away made my stomach churn and a stab of pain shoot through the center of my chest.
  • “I…”
  • I stand up and shake my head slightly as I turn my back on them and leave the office. I hear Miriam calling me, but I need to think. I need space and staying here won’t help me at all. I don’t even wait for the elevator, heading straight for the emergency exit that gives access to the stairs. I look up and remember which level I’m at, and start my ascent up the stairs.
  • ‘No. No… I can’t go with them… It’s crazy. My friends, my home, my life, everything is here…’
  • 'I'm just being paranoid... They're not him. Nothing is going to happen...'
  • ‘What if something does happen? I won't have anyone to help me...'
  • 'Claire would go with me if I asked her to... No... No... It would just give them someone else to use against me and threaten me with.'
  • ‘Why would they hurt me? I don't know! Why did he hurt me?'
  • 'He was no good, he's a psychopath!'
  • 'He wasn’t at first... How am I supposed to know that it won’t be the same?'
  • ‘I won’t know, that’s why Marcos says to take a leap of faith.’
  • 'Faith! What a joke! How am I supposed to have faith in people who I know for a fact, are able to hurt me at the drop of a hat, and then still also still be able to get away with it?'
  • 'The world is not filled with monsters only... I know that... I know... but I can’t risk it, I couldn’t bear it if the past repeats itself.'
  • ‘How could I possibly know what would happen? I don't have a crystal ball... All I know is that, here I am safe, here I have my friends, I have my home, and my life.'
  • It didn't take me long to reach my destination. It's on one of the service levels. About three steps from the emergency exit door, there’s a metal door that gives access to the maintenance area where all the generators, plumbing and air-conditioner machinery is. I start walking towards one of the corners. The one, which I fondly claimed as “My corner”. The noise of the machinery around me didn't bother me. It actually helps to drown out the constant noise in my head and all the jumbled thoughts. I know that once I start to spiral out of control, the way I’m doing now, it is very hard to ground myself again. I only stop walking when I reach a metal air duct grid in the floor, and just stand there, in the center of the grid, waiting. I took several deep breaths until I felt the cold air coming up through the grid, from below.
  • The world stopped for a few seconds as I felt the air pass over and around me. It doesn’t hurt me, but it’s strong enough to lift my hair, part of my lab coat and give me the feeling that I could fly at any moment, and part of that weight that I felt just a short time ago disappeared, albeit only temporarily. I left the center of the grid and leaned against the wall running my hands through my hair, straightening myself out a little.
  • ‘Is it worth allowing what happened several years ago, prevent me from living my life to the fullest now? Is it worth letting him affect my futureAlways having to carefully consider all my actions for fear of the possibility of meeting him again?'
  • ‘What if it happens? What will change? Will they really not be able to protect me if it comes to that?'
  • ‘The Houroux’s ended up here because of an attack on them, but nobody on their side died. I’m not part of their family though. I would, however, be employed by them.'
  • 'But why? Why do they want me? Without that answer I will not accept.'
  • Now I know what to do, I can visualize my options and the ramifications of the responses that might come. I took out my cell phone and texted Miriam.
  • Me [Hey Miriam. I need to talk to Hyperion. I am needing some some proper answers before I rush into any hasty decisions.]
  • I waited for her reply, which was taking longer than I expected it to.
  • Mi [He's in his office. He said you should go there. He will be waiting for you.]
  • Me [No. Inform him to meet me in my office. I'll be there in 10 minutes.]
  • Mi [Alright. I'll let him know. You really don't make things any easier, do you, huh?]
  • Me [I love you too, Mi]
  • Mi [Are you, are you…]
  • The good thing about the floor I was on was that it was only one floor below mine, where my office was. It didn't take long and I was already in front of my office door and maybe it was the last time I would be there. Something told me that if I accepted the service I wouldn't be going back to the Gillians Hospital so soon, but contrary to what many would do which would be to stay behind the glass table, I just sat on the sofa in the left corner, took the cell phone and stayed looking at Instagram posts.
  • "You may come in." I spoke when I felt Hyperion's presence in front of the door.
  • I put my cell phone away as soon as Hyperion opened the door and motioned for him to have a seat on the sofa opposite from me. He wasted no time coming in, closing the door and taking the seat offered to him.
  • "Why? Don't tell me it's because I'm good, or anything like that... I know there's more water under that bridge.” I asked bluntly.
  • “Yes, yes, at first it was because you are the head of nursing at the number one hospital in the United States, being only 26 years old. So, no matter how much other people cringe at being around us, you just seem immune.”
  • Hyperion then stood up, not to intimidate me, but as if sitting still wasn't enough to help him get what he wanted to say, I saw him pace back and forth a few times.
  • “Look. I will be honest with you. As you have asked... I have the ability to sense and perceive things, where to others it would appear that there is nothing to see.”
  • I arched my left eyebrow as he walked over and knelt down, taking my hand. I could feel a surge of power flowing through his hands into my body, it was strange but not intimidating, just different.
  • “I've met many people through the years, but very few with a resolve as strong as yours. You have built a strong barrier around you. You possess the ability to look into someone's eyes and see their soul and those are but a few the many things that I perceived about you. I've found that there are only two reasons for people to be like you. They are either born that way or you were forced to become that way by circumstances, which are out of their control.”
  • I draw in a deep breath and try to pry my hands from his, but he holds on tighter.
  • “Please. There's no need to be afraid… I'm quite old Miss Turner and truly mean you no harm. I am actually much older than I appear to be. I can see that you have seen and experienced many things that you didn't deserve to. I also know that you survived through even more. I don't know the specifics and won't push for you to tell me, unless you want to tell me about it. But, if anything, I know what brought you to where you are now. You are very strong willed and determined to move on and live your life. Your past is holding you back though. You shouldn't let your past deprive you of a better future because of your fears.” Only when he stopped speaking, did he let go of my hands and rose to stand again.
  • “This is one of the reasons I want you to accept my proposal, there are others, I won't deny it, but they are things I can't talk about here, but I ask, trust me. Perseus is the head of the family, now that he's awake, you'll find that people will ask his permission for just about everything.” I tilted my head slightly to the left and saw him smile. “I can explain all this better later… But what I want to say is this, I still have influence and a lot of it. I don't usually use my power to overpower my son's, but I promise you that the moment you want to come back, you will be free . I cannot promise eternal safety, but I promise that I will protect you as if you were my daughter.”
  • Hyperion started to turn to leave my office, but I stopped him. “Wait! Why can’t you tell me all the reasons now? Before leaving.” I know he isn't lying and that he is true to his word. He is not the type of person to just make random promises. He clearly takes his word very seriously, but I need more re-assurance.
  • “I could, but the possibility exists that you won't believe a word of what I tell you. There is no use in wasting time in such a way.” Hyperion said as he headed for the door where he halted and said "What I have to tell you, is something you will have to see with your own eyes to believe, which might not be ideal, but it is the best. Knowing what little I know about you, I am sure that my words alone will not be enough to satisfy your insecurities and questions at this time, but for now, that is all I can offer you. So I ask again, will you please come with us?"
  • I got up from the sofa before he could exit the office and meet him at the door.
  • “I trust you, and accept everything you've told me” I take a deep breath and look out window to the landscape and scenery outside, before continuing. “Are you really able to guarantee that I can leave if I want to? That if, at some point, I want to come back here, I will be able to?”
  • “Yes. I promised you that. And I will keep my word. You will never be forced, in any way, to stay or do anything you don't want to do. At least not if it depends on me.” He replied.
  • “Fine. then I will come with you.” I told him.