Chapter 5
- "So the devil who ruined me now stands before me."
- Riley examined the from head to toe. The man was non other than Richard Sinclair, the owner of the largest pharmaceutical company. He was also richest and the most influential figure there. The father of Alexander and Sarah Sinclair, and the man behind the downfall of Riley Smith.
- Richard's presence exuded authority as he stood in the room, his eyes fixated on his son.
- "I have to hand it to you, doctor. They did say your hospital had doctors who work miracles. Now I believe..." He wore a smile, intended to convey a fake sense of appreciation, however fear was the only emotion running through the doctor's veins as he saw the smile manifesting on Richard's face.
- The doctor's attempts to respond all failed. He found himself at a loss for words, trying his best not to shiver. He was acutely aware that the individual in front of him had the potential to significantly impact his life—positively or negatively.
- Sensing the doctor's discomfort, Riley sought to divert Richard's attention. "Can we go now, Dad?" he asked, feeling a wave of nausea wash over him as he referred to Richard as his father.
- Riley had never known his own father, in his previous life. He passed away while Riley was young, but Riley knew the father he never met could have never been anything like the monster in front of him.
- Richard turned his attention to Riley, remaining silent.
- As Riley's gaze matched Richard's, he felt a brief fluctuation in his heart rate. "Wait... Fuck... I should've thought about it. How exactly did this guy talk to his father..." Riley's mind raced, as a slight feeling of regret ran through him.
- Getting caught up in the uneasy atmosphere, his mind had skipped an important aspect in adapting to his new life without suspicion from others.
- Not like they could completely figure the whole situation out, but the less eyes he had on him, the better.
- "Come on, say something..." He whispered and he laughed nervously, waiting for Richard's response.
- "You're feeling completely better? I thought the doctor would want to watch you for a few days before letting you leave." Richard finally responded, lifting a bit of weight off Riley's shoulders.
- The silence only existed for five seconds, but to Riley, each second felt like an hour.
- "I'm feeling completely better, so I don't think that's necessary," Riley replied confidently as he hopped off the bed.
- Richard observed his son with a hint of surprise. "Well, it's hard to believe you're not fully recovered with that energy," he remarked with a soft laugh.
- Despite the seemingly casual exchange between father and son, the tension in the room was heavy, like it had mixed in with the oxygen in the environment.
- The doctor stood by, silently watching, trying to maintain his composure.
- "Breathe, Breathe, Breathe," He kept repeating in his mind, like a mantra.
- "Am I breathing too loud?" He'd pause to wonder in-between. He questioned every movement he made, wondering if even the slightest movement could ruin him if it offend Richard Sinclair.
- Riley discreetly analyzed the doctor's nervous demeanor before glancing at Richard, who was currently focused on his wristwatch. "What kinda monster is he?" Riley wondered, marveling at the influence Richard held over those around him.
- Richard glanced up at Riley. "Well, since you say you're fine and you look fine, i guess we can go."
- "I have a meeting to attend to so we're leaving now."
- When Richard and Riley stepped outside, they found Sarah waiting a short distance away.
- She shifted her gaze to the opening doors of the VVIP room. Noticing her father and her brother coming out, she immediately rose from her seat, stating, "It's about time."
- For Sarah who was the primary contributor to her brother's downfall, seeing that same figure walking in front of her, she felt like the world was trying to toy with her mind.
- The doctor followed closely behind, offering his gratitude to Richard. "Thank you once again for trusting us, Sir." Despite playing no role in Alexander's recovery, he thanked Richard to maintain appearances, to ensure that no negative rumors would arise.
- Richard continued his praises, "I'm actually impressed, really. I guess St. Raphael is going to be my family's hospital now."
- The doctor humbly responded, laughing, "You give me too much credit, sir. Your son also played a large role, by being strong."
- Richard glanced down at his son, "He is my son, after all," he remarked, a fake sense of pride evident in his voice.
- Riley would've normally been irritated, hearing this from Richard, but for some reason he felt nothing, as if his emotions were gradually fading away.
- "Tch... If you're so good at pretending, you should've gone into acting instead of business."
- Turning his attention back to the doctor, Richard stated, "Albert will make every payment necessary. Have a nice doctor."
- The doctor released a heavy sigh of relief as he watched the Sinclair family step out, Albert holding the door for them. "It's finally over."
- His gaze lingered on the departing family before turning away, and uttering a silent prayer, "God, please don't let them ever come back to this hospital again."
- Although he had managed to maintain his composure in the face of Richard Sinclair, the doctor was more than happy to see the back of the influential man and his family as they left St. Raphael Hospital.
- ****
- Riley emerged from the shower, wiping his wet hair with a towel as he walked outside. A thin trail of steam followed him through the door, dancing gracefully into the cool evening air.
- "Ahhh, what a drag," he sighed heavily.
- He moved to a nearby mirror, assessing his new body while naked. "For a 17 year old, this guy's build is actually not kinda impressive," he thought, hopping up and down a bit. "I didn't notice earlier, but his body also feels really light."
- "And he's also handsome... The glowing black hair and red eyes... I'm actually jealous," he laughed softly.
- He slipped into some shorts and a top, and settled on the bed, his eyes locked on the ceiling.
- As the moonlight pierced through his window casting a calm silver glow on him, his mind raced with thoughts of actions he would take next.
- "If I'm going to move around without suspicion, I need to gain his trust first."
- He was in no rush. He intended to return everything he went through at their hands, with interest.
- Thoughts of torturing them slowly flashed in his mind. A sudden smirk crept onto his face, his heartbeat accelerating with excitement.
- Abruptly, he froze, a hint of surprise coloring his expression. "What was that thought? Was I excited just now? Even if I was, that wasn't normal..."
- He didn't take note of it, but after Riley had woken up in Alexander's body, he had begun to exhibit subtle traits that were strange to even him. His unnatural calmness while looking at Richard and his nauseating feeling disappearing.
- His hand drifted to his chest, his pulse quickening. This isn't me.
- His breath hitched as a chilling thought crept into his mind. "Could it be... His body isn't the only thing I've gotten?"