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Quintuplet's Surprising Daddy

Quintuplet's Surprising Daddy

Solstice Bell

Last update: 2024-05-28

Chapter 1 Betrayal Etched Deep In The Heart

  • It felt as though Charlotte Sherrod had been immersed in a dream where she vaguely perceived someone holding her waist tightly, his body colliding with hers with an intensity reminiscent of a wild beast.
  • His arms were firm and strong, and no matter how much she resisted, she couldn't prevent his advances.
  • This night was painful, yet it was filled with an intense passion that was etched deep into the bone.
  • Boom!
  • Suddenly, a flash of lightning streaked across the sky, jolting Charlotte awake. The room was empty yet filled with a potent, suggestive atmosphere.
  • Charlotte, being an adult, understood fully well what that implied.
  • She abruptly rose to her feet, glancing down only to see her own body completely bare, littered with bruises all over her skin. Instantly, her face turned deathly pale.
  • All she could recall was sharing a drink with her sister, Belinda Sherrod, the day before. After that, her memory went blank.
  • Before she could figure out what to do, the door was abruptly kicked open. A middle-aged man, radiating with fury, stormed in. He raised his hand and harshly slapped her, his roaring demeanor resembling that of a demon.
  • “You wretch! You've completely tarnished our Sherrod family's reputation. You shamelessly slept with some random man. I would have never brought you back from the countryside if I had known!”
  • Charlotte was icy cold all over, pleadingly looking at the man in front of her. She was like a drowning person clutching at a life-saving straw. “Dad, someone plotted—”
  • Before she could finish her sentence, the middle-aged man slapped her again, roaring in anger, “Shut up! I don't have a daughter as reckless as you. You're coming home with me right now, and you'll never step out of the Sherrod residence again!”
  • A torrential downpour ensued outside the hotel, with the sky as gloomy as the night.
  • Charlotte returned to the Sherrod residence in a daze, confined to a remote attic in the courtyard. From then on, she became disoriented, unable to distinguish between day and night, and her sense of time was completely upturned.
  • Ten months later, accompanied by the piercing wails of a newborn, she screamed in agony, her face pale as she clutched the bedsheet. This was followed by one cry after another.
  • Through her tear-blurred vision, Charlotte heard Belinda's timid voice. “Dad, is it really okay for us to treat Lettie like this?”
  • Quintus Sherrod spoke indifferently. “Hmph, she lucked out and had children with the young master of the Quille family. But how could she ever be accepted by the Quille family? Belle, our Sherrod family still relies on you. The upbringing of these two boys is in your hands. Remember, from this day forward, you are their biological mother. I believe that you can use this opportunity to marry into the Quille family. As long as you can win over the young master of the Quille family, their wealth will be ours.”
  • Belinda's heart swelled with joy, but she managed to contain her excitement. Her voice trembled as she said, “Dad, rest assured. Once I get married, I will never forget my roots. But the thought of parting with you all is just so hard to bear. Being your daughter has been the greatest joy of my life!”
  • Soothingly, Quintus said, “You are the treasure of your mother and me. All that matters is your happiness.”
  • Belinda quickly glanced at the person on the bed, uneasily asking, “Dad, what about Lettie?”
  • “As for this wretch, I'll cast her off to a foreign land and let her fend for herself!”
  • Before her thoughts were completely engulfed by darkness, a wave of profound sadness and helplessness washed over Charlotte. Silent tears streamed down her face.
  • She made a mistake. She shouldn't have returned.
  • Three years ago, she discovered that she was the Sherrod family's child who was mistakenly taken away by someone else.
  • She had thought that returning home would bring her the warmth of familial affection, but what greeted her instead was endless cold stares and mockery.
  • The contrast between her and her parents' adopted daughter, Belinda, was stark. It was like comparing a toad to a swan. She was stuck, barely surviving in a foul-smelling ditch, while Belinda elegantly danced under the vibrant and dazzling spotlight.
  • The Sherrod family's private jet took off into the dense night, carrying all its burdens into the thick, dark clouds, disappearing without a trace.
  • The following day, Twitter's homepage was flooded with news of the engagement between Belinda, the second daughter of the Sherrod family, and Nathan Quille. The online world was filled with joy and laughter.
  • Six years later, at Quocester Bay Airport.
  • Four figures, an adult and three kids, emerged in the VIP passageway, instantly capturing the attention of everyone present.
  • The adult was as stunningly beautiful as a celestial goddess, every strand of her hair and every smile brimming with allure. The younger ones wore masks and hats, concealing most of their faces. However, their large, shiny eyes sparkled with a lively light.