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Chapter 4 Wants You Back

  • Melody
  • "Ready?" Dorian's sweet gruff voice sounded from behind me. He hugged me from behind and kissed my nape.
  • "Almost." I moved to arrange the rest of the cakes and cookies. Like an obedient child, Dorian was already working. He sorted the rest of the trays and cleared the tables.
  • "Now we're good to go." He raised his hand and huffed.
  • "Aww _ You're such a darling." I pulled his cheek and wiped his sweat with my handkerchief.
  • "Then do you think I deserve a kiss?" He flapped his eyes and opened his arms expectantly.
  • "Of course."
  • I went into his arms and kissed his cheek and the side of his lips. I was out of his arms before he could catch me.
  • "Teasing me, huh?"
  • I gasped dramatically and covered it up. "I wouldn't do that."
  • "You naughty little sheep." He moved to catch me, but I moved away and ran towards the counter.
  • Dorian launched forward with his hand outstretched as he tried to catch me, but I slid past him and made for the door. I was caught before I could. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. He slipped and fell on the couch, pulling me down with him.
  • I fell on his chest and his hand landed on my waist. He tightened his hold on my waist as I moved to leave and pinned me to him.
  • Dorian moved my hair from my face and slowly tucked it behind my ear. "You're beautiful, Mel."
  • "Thank you." I bit on my lips and made sure I was looking everywhere else but his face. My eyes settled on his chest.
  • He stared at me with deep emotions, but I didn't dare look into his eyes, afraid of getting pulled in. I'd rather stay away than suffer another rejection.
  • Dorian's face was slowly inching closer. I could feel his breath on my face, his index lifted my chin.
  • Our lips were inches apart now, and he locked our gazes, but I reverted mine; glancing down at his lips.
  • "We should go." I moved, and the kiss landed on my cheek.
  • "Yes, it's getting late." He agreed and released his hold on me. I stood up and arranged myself.
  • Dorian's eyes settled on me. He was looking nowhere else but at me. I offered my hand, so he would get up, but he pulled down instead.
  • I fell on his lap and his neck dropped on my shoulder. "What do I lack, Mel?"
  • I sighed and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to say because I knew that this wasn't about him.
  • "Dorian _ It's not you." I came clean.
  • "Then what is it? The kids?" He flipped me around, and I was now straddling him. "You know I can talk to them, right? They'll understand."
  • I shook my head and pursed my lips. "This isn't about the kids either."
  • "Then what is it? You can tell me anything. You know that, right?"
  • "It's nothing, really." I opened my mouth and closed it, then I shrugged. "Perhaps I'm just not fit for love."
  • "Then let me change that." He said, his hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled me to hug him.
  • "Just give me some more time." He buried his face in my nape. Deeply inhaling my scent. His hands tightened around my waist as if he wanted to bury himself in me.
  • "How much longer, Mel?" I dipped my finger in his hair and kissed his cheek.
  • "Not much longer."
  • Another kiss landed on my nape and I felt his canine brush my neck. He couldn't wait to mark me. I didn't move until he got a hold of his emotions.
  • He released his grip on me and I stood up. I gave him my hand. He took it, and this time he got up too.
  • "Let's go."
  • We went out of the cafeteria and Dorian locked the door. He led me to his car and settled me in. Then he drove out of Ma-Belle.
  • Dorian Flame is the Alpha of the Dark Flame Pack. He is my best friend and boyfriend, and he is the best of both.
  • When I first arrived here, I was pregnant and homeless. This cold Alpha gave me shelter in his home, against the protests of the council and people.
  • I offered to do the laundry, so I wouldn't have to stay for free. Dorian agreed at first upon my insistence, but as time went by, and I became heavy, he stopped me.
  • He offered me his holiday home on the outskirts of the city. I lived there until I delivered my pups.
  • Dorian never left my side from the day I moved to the holiday home. He stood by me and was there with me throughout the entire journey.
  • We became best friends, and after I delivered my pups, we became close as we spent time together. He offered to help me with my business and I took it.
  • During my stay in the holiday home, I made some sweets and several treats which Dorian offered to sell after tasting them.
  • I was able to earn enough money from selling those desserts, and after I delivered my pups he advised me to make a business out of them, and then boom! That was how it all started until it is what it is now. Ma-Belle keeps growing with more customers pushing in orders every day.
  • Dorian started to court me when my pups celebrated their first birthday. I became his girlfriend after six months of courtship. We've been together for two years, and now he wants me to marry him.
  • After his mate died, Dorian chose to be celibate, hence everyone was stunned when he introduced me as his girlfriend and future wife.
  • I was rejected by my mate, and his mate died. We're perfect for each other. I don't see why I shouldn't accept his proposal, but something keeps pulling me away.
  • Perhaps what I need is to open my heart and let love in.
  • "We're home, Ma Belle." Dorian opened the door, pulling me back from my train of thought.
  • He loves to call me that and that is why I chose the name for my cafe.
  • "Dorian is back!"
  • "Mama is back!"
  • Two energy boxes rolled out of the house as soon as we reached the door.
  • "Hi, Aaron." Dorian picked the hyperactive pup in his arms.
  • "Momma!"
  • "My sweet Gio." I picked my other pup in my arms.
  • Aaron becomes a chatterbox once he sets his eyes on Dorian, but Giovanni always wants to stay with his mama.
  • I don't know where my pups got their good looks from, but they always make heads turn wherever they go.
  • I try not to think about whatever happened those years ago, since that terrible incident gave me the two most beautiful gifts I could ever get.
  • My pups are everything I could never be. Intelligent, smart, sweet, handsome, and most important of all, they have their wolves, and to my absolute surprise, they were able to shift on the night they turned four.
  • This has never happened before; at least not to my knowledge. But Dorian believes they are special.
  • Aren't I lucky?
  • I wasn't bestowed a wolf, but the moon goddess compensates me with two special wolves.
  • What more could I ask for?
  • "Did you two eat?" Dorian took Jio out of my arms, and we walked inside.
  • "No. We were waiting for you."
  • Dorian was chatting with the pups while I prepared to make dinner.
  • "Babes, I made dinner for us all." Claire set the table and asked me to go take a bath.
  • Claire is Dorian's sister and I live with her. We've been living together since my pups turned two and she's been nothing but loving towards us. She cares for my pups as much as Dorian.
  • "Thank you, hon."
  • I went to the room to take a bath and returned to the living room. Dorian was still busy with the pups. They had a lot to tell him about their day, and he was ready to listen.
  • "It's dinner time boys!" I clapped to get their attention, but Aaron growled.
  • "Aaron, how many times do I have to tell you never to growl at me?"
  • I made sure that my face wasn't smiling. He hated my frowning face and that is what I show him when he misbehaves.
  • "I hate it when you call me boy." His eyes twinkled as he spoke.
  • The color of his eyes amazes me, especially when his wolf is near. His eyes changed from blue to gold. Like the color of flames.
  • "Oh really?" I left the table to go to him. "Then tell me what should I call you?"
  • "Anything but boy."
  • Dorian stood up and ruffled his hair. He purred, and his eyes slowly changed to blue. "Perhaps he would like to be called a man?"
  • "Not bad," He gave a mysterious shrug.
  • Sometimes I wonder if he is just five years old.
  • "Come on, Wolf boy, it's time to eat," I repeated with a pat on his head. He glanced at me as if he would revolt, but he smiled instead.
  • "I like that."
  • I shook my head and returned to the table to serve the food, but the phone suddenly started ringing.
  • "You might want to answer that," Claire called out from the dining table. "It's some guy..." Claire tried to recall the name.
  • Dorian was off the table and beside me in a flash. He stood as if he was about to kill anyone who came close to me.
  • "... Ah, it's Malfoy," Claire announced as she remembered who the caller was. "He's been calling all day, and says it's urgent."
  • "Malfoy?" Dorian repeated. He was staring at the phone as if it was his enemy.
  • "It's my brother," I announced.
  • His body relaxed, and he glanced at me as if to confirm. "My younger brother." I repeated, then he smiled.
  • "If Malfoy is calling, then it has to be important."
  • I dialed the number and it was answered immediately.
  • "Melody, it's mother!" Malfoy shouted from the other side.
  • No greeting. No formality. He sounded desperate.
  • My body froze as I heard the urgency in his tone. "What happened to mother?"
  • "She's ill. She has been sick since you left."
  • "What?" I staggered backward and the phone almost fell. Thanks to Dorian's broad chest, I was steadied. "Why_ why didn't anyone tell me?"
  • After I settled in Dark Flame Pack, I called my brothers and informed them of my whereabouts, and we sometimes exchanged phone calls.
  • "Father didn't want you back and mother has been stubborn. She won't take any drugs unless you come back."
  • "Goddess, why would she do that?" I hissed.
  • My eyes were brimming with tears. I miss my mother and brothers, but I cannot go back.
  • "She wants you back home."
  • I closed my eyes and sighed. The silence was long, and Dorian hugged me to give me support. Malfoy must have guessed my thoughts because he immediately spoke before I could.
  • "Melody, she's dying. She has refused to take drugs."
  • Damn!
  • I'm in a fix. I can't let my mother die.
  • Malfoy breathed into the phone. He was expecting a positive response. I know how much they must have argued with father just to make that call.
  • I can't forsake them just because of my father. My mother doesn't deserve that.
  • "Alright, I'll come."