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Chapter 2 Free From Traitor's

  • Nicklaus Mikhail
  • I like to think that I follow Maquiavel's motto of being the one who elects enemies, watching with a certain necessity the pale and helpless face of one of these fools under my moccasin, the blood dripping down his nose, bruises marking every bit of his skin as he lacks oxygen for his lungs. I bring the cigarette drinking from the nicotine searching calm that I need for the doubts in my mind.
  • "You know Carlo, I always imagined you were smarter" spoke cutting the silence, bending over the man and putting out the cigarette on his cheek.
  • The moan of pain is all that excites me, the spectacle of showing everyone how a traitor dies never ceases to be pleasurable, as macabre as it may seem the wheel of power moves this way.
  • "Don Mikhail ... "Your voice comes out slurred. "Spare my family."
  • I snort out a restrained laugh, the man in his fifties should have known by now that there is no mercy I can give anyone was not something I intended even for my father.
  • "You should thought better before betraying the organization," I answer, pulling the dagger from the sheath I carry around my waist. - "But don't worry, your daughter's little whore will keep you company in hell."
  • "She is your wife."
  • The man struggles screaming, but I'm already tired of this nonsense, using the blade to cut his throat from one end to the other, making blood spurt out on the floor while he drowns in his breathless fluids.
  • "Hugo," I call out to the soldier while cleaning the dagger on the dead man's clothes.
  • "Sir?"
  • "Take care of the problem that is my mother-in-law and call the driver, I make it a point to deal with Mikaela."
  • I crack a satisfied smile, for despite the problems I have to solve with the ammunition charges hijacked by my idiot father-in-law, I have gained just one more reason to get rid of the annoying woman who thinks she is on some kind of pedestal.
  • There is something very unholy about marriages that ordinary people don't usually admit to the desire to get rid of the wife and the mother-in-law, especially when both of them are two vipers dressed in the purest beauty surrounded by expensive jewelry. The lies that drip like poison from Mikaela's lips were not a bother until she imagined herself to be more than intelligent when in reality she is just one more on the list.
  • Walking out of the shed and picking up the third piece of the suit with Dimitri, the counselor knows that although the move is risky nothing will be able to prevent the death of that woman, the most conservative families within the council expect her to receive my forgiveness. They are too foolish to understand. I was born into this corrupt world, created to destroy and to command.
  • I never knew the meaning of forgiveness, so why would I give it to anyone?
  • "I already know how to free you from the wrath of the council. " Dimitri breaks the silence when we are inside the car and the driver starts it.
  • I snort, because I wouldn't go looking for forgiveness from them however having them by my side is always good, I remain silent until my idiot brother decides to keep talking.
  • "Yes brother the pair of horns suits with you" His laughter inside the car annoys me, and I glare at him. " The baby Mikaela is expecting is from Yago."
  • I lock my jaw with fury, but I don't answer him, let him enjoy himself, and when he least expects it, I'll be watching his wedding with a huge smile. The streets of the city bustling with people who pretend not to know about the underworld go on and on in a constant flow. When the car stops in front of the luxury spa that my beloved wife likes to go to, the surrounding soldiers soon exchange suspicious glances; in five years of marriage, under no circumstances have I dedicated time to the woman who bears my last name.
  • Marriages are not about feelings, in reality, they are contracts of coexistence, and in my case, besides needing the status to rise in the hierarchy, I needed the power that the Dobriev family brought with it. Now they are just rats that infest the streets I command and to their misfortune, I am like a poison for the extermination of plagues.
  • I got out of the car, buttoning the second button of my suit, and waved to the soldiers who soon opened the door to the light-colored salon with its luxurious equipment.
  • I find my wife sitting on a chair with her short blond hair being combed by a dark-skinned young man.
  • "You are such an incompetent bitch you are not even good enough to make a cup of coffee." Her irritating voice is the only one to be heard in the place.
  • She raises her hand and throws the liquid to a girl who keeps her eyes down on the ground, looking young, dark hair covering her face as she bends down to clean up the mess, so conniving... My thoughts leave the girl when Yago's huffing draws the attention of Mikaela who quickly disguises the surprise on her features and brings her hand to her barely protruding belly.
  • I already knew that she wasn't pregnant with my child, I haven't had sex without a condom since started practicing besides checking all the ones that I use, so I don't have the slightest hesitation when I pull the gun from my back, and shoot Yago in the middle of the forehead before he can react. The chorus of screaming and crying is even exciting because of the show I provide, none of these people will leave here before confirming the obvious, the devil collects his debts.
  • My wife's pale, frightened face contorts into tears for her dead lover.
  • " Mikhail ... my love ... I..."
  • " Shiuuuuuuu... don't say something that will increase my anger, Mikaela."
  • " I am pregnant with our child Mikhail" - Your whiny voice only makes me even angry.
  • " You can raise this child together with his father in hell." - I replied that I would love to take the time to torture them if I didn't have to organize the things her father had made a point of messing up within my organization.
  • Raised the gun again, shooting it between his eyes, making the hairdresser who was already in a state of shock fall to the floor in despair, screaming for the blood that now stained his face, the girl who was being humiliated looked at the lifeless face with a placid expression.
  • I saw her expressionless face, the lifeless brown eyes, the rounded shape of her face, and the well-drawn nose, perhaps at most twenty years old, wearing a gray cleaning woman's outfit. I walk up to her interested by her lack of reaction.
  • "What is your name?" - I ask without even noticing how close I am.
  • I can notice the green spot in the iris of her left eye, her hair that looks black from afar is a very dark shade of brown, the smooth shape that comes from the roots to the ends in a wavy shape, and not even her carotid artery shows whether she is nervous or not.
  • "Carolina " - Her voice doesn't sound afraid and this only intensifies the beast's desire to make her afraid.
  • "You're coming with me." I declare smugly.
  • Her mouth opens twice, but she can't seem to find a voice, holding her arm I lift her off the ground before puddles of blood start to stain her pants, dragging her with me to the car, giving a look to Dimitri who nods in agreement.
  • Finally, I am free of Mikaela and ready to do some cleaning up inside the Bratva, I throw the girl into the back seat of the scalad, and to make everything better I have gained a new unexpected toy.