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Chapter 5 Lack Of Father's Attention

  • (SYA)
  • Master Tyron has waited for five long years, hoping for a miracle to do its magic and revive his father. I knew him too well so his face couldn’t hide any sadness from me. But he needed to take courage or everything he’s built would crumble to dust. Master James had been in that dilemma too, when he had chosen Tyron over Mitchel in her dangerous labor.
  • I still remembered the hushed conversation between the couple before that fateful day. Miss Mitchelle herself said that if ever a complication would occur in her birthing, Master James must choose the child in her womb over her life.
  • The doctor gave him a measly two minutes to make the decision. Mitchelle pleaded, in between pangs of extreme muscle contraction, that James should do what they initially decided. He should choose Tyron no matter what.
  • “I love you very much,” James cried as he held her hands tight “But if this is what you want, I will.”
  • Miss Mitchelle turned to me. Never in my life would I forget how her eyes brimmed with sadness. “Sya, please look after my son and make him feel a mother’s love. Remind him every day how much I love him.”
  • “Do it,” James’ voice broke as he spoke to the doctor. “But I could pay how much it would take if you could save them both.”
  • He turned back anxiously from his wife as the doctors moved on with the delivery. It was erratically noisy; the clanking of medical tools, the medically related mumbling of the doctors, the beeping machine, and his wife’s wailing which, after a few minutes, eventually stopped. …He listened for it all at the corner of the room, his eyes closed and wet with tears. Then finally…
  • …the cry of his newborn baby.
  • He didn’t turn at the sound of it, still patiently waiting for the doctor to confirm both was alive.
  • “I’m sorry Mr. Cantheliz.”
  • It was all he needed to hear to know they weren’t able to save his wife. Strength escaped him as he sat heartbroken on the chair. It was the first time I saw him weep that much. I couldn’t hold my emotions any longer so I let myself cry at the loss. Miss Mitchelle was a very kind person and her presence would be sorely missed by the household.
  • After that, Master James threw all his time to work. He wanted to avert his grief to something useful than get eaten by it. All the while, his son, Tyron, grew up reticent from the lack of his father’s attention.
  • ( Sya )
  • Heeding the words of Miss Mitchelle before she died, I took courage to speak to Master James. He noticed me and let me in his study room that day. He was busy as usual and gathered the things he needed for work. But he spared some time for what I have to say.
  • “Oh. How’s Tyron?”
  • “He’s good. His tutorial class have just begun.”
  • “I see” he said detachedly. “Tell my secretary if he needs something.”
  • He was about to leave so I willed to say what I came there for. “Tyron needs you. He needs a father to grow up with. Please do consider having some free time out with him.”
  • “He’s a smart kid. He should be able to understand my reasons.”
  • At loss for words, I wasn’t able to hold myself back. “But it wasn’t his fault…”
  • He knew exactly what I meant so he looked at me with strong coldness. I was surprised when he raised his usually monotonic voice, “Enough! I’ve been slaving myself already with work! Don’t you think I also need some time to rest by myself?”
  • As far as I could recall, there has just been one time that Master James and Tyron talked to each other. A real conversation. I was glad he finally admitted to himself that his wife’s death wasn’t Tyron’ s fault. Or anybody else’s. But fate played tricks too I guess, since it was also after that same day that Master James fell ill.
  • “Headmistress,” someone called me. It was another maid, the newest one. She’s young and it was unsurprising since poor families usually send their young for work. I wasn’t an exception.
  • “Mister Wenziel said that the wake will be held here,” she said, her head bowed down. “Master James’ body will be transferred here tomorrow.”
  • I smiled shortly at her. “There’s no need to be so formal. Please lift your head when talking to me.”
  • Breathing in the somber air of the mansion, I turned around to look at how big it was. I have worked there for so long that I’ve seen things transition from happy to sad. Master James’ wedding has been held here and it was the happiest day the mansion has ever witnessed. But it has also been the place where Miss Michelle’s death has been grieved. Few years passed and it was James’ turn.
  • My eyes wandered up the stairs leading to Tyron’ s room. I knew he expected the news I was about to tell him the next day.
  • (TYRON)
  • Sleep felt like a dream. I was awoken early by a phone call. It was Deo.
  • “What is it?” I slurred.
  • “The news has reached the company’s major stakeholders. They knew your father has died,” his tone felt anxious. “They called me for an early conference and your presence is direly requested.”
  • “I’ll be there before eight.” I hung up the phone and closed my eyes for a few more seconds. My body felt less heavy compared to the other night. I was so exhausted when I got home that I went straight to sleep without even changing clothes.
  • A knock rapped on my door.
  • “Come in.”
  • It was Sya, with a tray of food. I did forget to eat last night.
  • “Leave it there on the table,” I said before going for the toilet.
  • My reflection stared back at me like a ghost. My face has lost its healthy color and was pallid from exertion. The chilly water helped a bit but the thought of the conference and my father’s corpse arriving later made my face heat up. I was so done with everything.
  • “Are they here?” I asked.
  • “Not yet.”
  • I nodded in reply, dressed up and went to the car without even touching the food Sya made for me. Eriez was in casual clothing when I met him in the company lobby. I guess he was off from work. I was not in the mood to listen for what he’s about to say but I didn’t have a choice. I can’t escape the truth anymore. The meeting was still an hour ahead so I used some time to talk to him.
  • “A wake will be held for your father before the cremation,” he said passively.
  • “Is that what he wanted?”
  • Eriez nodded. “It was stated in his will that his ashes be placed beside your mother’s urn.”
  • I agreed. They should be inseparable, even in death. “And by the way, please tell Wenziel I request him for the conference at eight this morning.”
  • I gave him a quick nod before heading to my office. Deo was idling around while he waited for me, white folders jutting from the side of his arm. Those were the papers I needed to sign and on the bottom of it all was a compilation of photos. Women.
  • “They’re the women that passed by the chapel through the description that you made,” he said.
  • My eyes scanned them quickly and was disappointed when I couldn’t find her there. “Throw these out. She’s not there.”
  • Deo agreed and handed me another file, “Here’s your schedule for the entire day. In fifteen minutes, the conference with the Board will start. In about three hours, a meeting will follow with the Cryzastic group of trustees…”
  • Cryzastic? I almost forgot.
  • “So, both companies were alarmed huh,” I smirked.
  • I dismissed him while I still have time before the meetings. I was all ready for every question both companies have for me. At the corner of my eyes, I caught some newspapers piled up at the side of the settee. Deo gathered them diligently for me every day. On the top of it, the big bold headline read, ‘Business Tycoon, CEO James of Zel Cantheliz, Dies at 58. His Heir Should Follow Him to the Grave’.
  • It was a hate article by the company’s enemies. Nothing new about it. I just laughed at all the ill wishing those people did against me.
  • @SenaMangampo