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Chapter 6 Those Hazel orbs

  • Excited, we three settled n the taxi—the churning of thoughts, the turmoil of enthusiasm keeping us on our toes. As the tires screeched in front of the gigantic building, my heart skipped a beat, thinking what was waiting inside was more than enough for me. There were so many people entering the building.
  • Olivia stopped us and told us to come from the back door.
  • “Guys, follow me,” she said.
  • “But why are we not going from this entrance?” We asked.
  • “That is for VIP guests, and for employees, there is a back door.”
  • We followed her and entered the back door while she was busy greeting her boss.
  • Ivy and I walked inside and saw a beautiful sight.
  • A gigantic chandelier was hanging in the middle of the hall, sprinkling colorful light over every being presented inside.
  • The hall was filled with beautiful people; some held their masks while others covered their faces. That reminds us to wear masquerade masks.
  • “Mask,” I said to Ivy.
  • The booming sound and colorful lights filled our spirit with enjoyment. The orchestra was enough to tap our feet on the floor. We looked around and saw an extensive bar serving free drinks with hundreds of options. A big champagne tower glass caught our attention.
  • After some time, Olivia joined us.
  • “This is amazing.” I couldn’t explain my excitement.
  • We never knew when we started dancing and exhausted ourselves to a limit where we needed to look for the bar.
  • “That was great,” I muttered when my eyes landed on the men chatting in the lounge. The trance of my thought broke when a man came up to me and said,
  • “Hello, Alyona. I am happy to see you here.” A familiar but not traceable voice dropped in my ears.
  • I turned towards him as he took out his mask. My jaw dropped with the shock, “Hello,” I said in a lower voice.
  • He pecked a kiss and hugged me; I stood there in shock.
  • Ivy glared at him and looked at Olivia as she was unsure who this person was.
  • “He is Shawn,” Olivia whispered in Ivy’s ear. They tried to stop their giggles in front of him.
  • “Can I get you a drink?” He was eager to talk.
  • “No thanks, I am with my friends,” I said and turned towards Olivia for help.
  • “Hey, Shawn, I am Olivia, and she is Ivy.” Olivia introduced themselves. I stared at her for not interacting with him.
  • “How come you know my name?” He asked.
  • “Alyona told us,” Olivia replied.
  • “Oh! Really? I never knew she talked about me. All I knew was that she always ignored me and my feelings.” Shawn smiled, looking toward me. My face was pale with this unwanted admirer.
  • Today I came here to enjoy myself with my friends and with a bit of hope of finding Mr. Right for me. But It seems like this man will always pop up whenever I think about him.
  • I sighed and turned towards the bartender, and asked for a drink.
  • He passed me a drink, and I took a small sip to gulp my thought.
  • “Did she tell you? She has a boyfriend,” Olivia said.
  • I literally choked with her words; my drink came out like a sprinkler from my mouth; I started coughing.
  • “Are you ok?” Ivy patted my back.
  • I took a napkin and wiped my face as I glared at Olivia.
  • “What is she saying?” I whispered in Ivy’s ear.
  • “I don’t know what she is doing?” Ivy replied, pressing her lips.
  • I didn’t know what was happening here; Why I met Shawn again and again in an unexpected place.
  • “Do you have a boyfriend?” Shawn questioned me.
  • I coughed and tried to think of what to say.
  • I nodded my head with a pretend smile.
  • “Oh,” his excitement gone.
  • “Where is he?” He fired another question.
  • I glared at Olivia to answer this question. She smiled and said,
  • “He is here somewhere, will come in some time. Will you please get us a drink,” Olivia purred.
  • Shawn walked toward the bar to get drinks for Olivia and Ivy.
  • I yanked at Olivia’s hand,
  • “What the hell was that?” My pitch was low, but my blood was boiling. “You wanted to get rid of him. What should I say?” She replied, rubbing her hand.
  • “Now, please tell me where my boyfriend is?” I snorted. She looked around to find a handsome man.
  • “There,” she pointed to a man sitting on an oversized leather couch, clasping his glass with his back on our side.
  • “Do I know him?” I said.
  • “No, just tell him he is your boyfriend.” She replied.
  • “What if he wants to meet him?” My intelligent Ivy came with a twisted question.
  • “Then?” I shrugged my shoulder. Confused, Olivia looked at me.
  • “Ok, what can you do? Ask him for dance.” She said.
  • “No,” I rejected firmly.
  • “If you want to save your ass, then do it.” She replied.
  • Dancing with him will hint to Shawn that he is your boyfriend; he might leave you. Suddenly, Shawn tapped our shoulder.
  • “What are you girls talking about?” He passed the glasses.
  • “Nothing, just girl talks,” Ivy replied with a strange, noisy laugh.
  • “So, where were we? Where is your boyfriend? Alyona,” he turned towards me and said.
  • I gulped a big lump of saliva and answered.
  • “He is not....” I wanted to answer.
  • Olivia cuts my words and turns Shawn towards that stranger.
  • “There he is,” she pointed.
  • “Fuck,” I rubbed my temple in stress.
  • “Let’s meet him,” Shawn said.
  • We three released heavy breaths. Now what?
  • I glared at Olivia for such a big mess she had created. This literally reminded me of my mom’s words; one lie will lead to thousands of lies.
  • He grabbed my hand, and we walked toward that stranger.
  • Even though the sight looked colorful, the environment inside me was heavy and scary. What if that stranger man shouts at me? What if he already had a girlfriend? I looked back; both of them were chewing their nails.
  • Today I am going to die of stress. Oh! God, help me.
  • My body was icy like ice as Shawn followed me. He stopped a few steps back. I walked towards that stranger man and said,
  • “Hello,”
  • He stood up and said, “Hello.”
  • I looked at him as my eyes were stuck to him. He was attractive. He was tall and looked handsome in his tux.
  • With broad shoulders and long hands, he turned to keep his champagne glass down on the table.
  • My breath was stuck in my throat when I saw his Hazel eyes blinking at me. Perfect black curls.
  • My pupils dilated when I saw his jawline, which seemed to be the sexiest jawline I had ever seen.
  • My eyes glanced down at his chest and realized the Roman Gods had carved his body. It was the first time I saw a handsome man in front of me.
  • We all love actors and sports persons, but watching a handsome hunk in front of your eyes was like a treat for me. I stood there for a second without uttering a word.
  • I didn’t want to move; I really didn’t want to blink my eyes.
  • He gazed at me for a few moments; I was about to faint when he touched my hand.
  • Oh, God! What a handsome man you have created, and what is happening to me?
  • My body was shivering internally; I looked back, and everything flooded into my mind; Why did I come here?
  • “Would you mind dancing with me?” I asked in a stuttered voice.
  • He smiled and agreed.
  • Did he really agree? Am I dreaming?
  • Glancing towards Shawn, he stood there with an open mouth, watching this stranger. Shawn’s peer spun jealously against this stranger.
  • I looked at Olivia’s face; she seems stressed than before, hiding her face.
  • I shrugged my shoulder and asked what had happened now.
  • She signaled me not to go with this man. It was not the time to play dumb charades with her. I walked confidently with him on the dance floor.