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Chapter 8 The Pendant!

  • Author's POV
  • "are you ready?..."
  • Xavion asked as he saw Eira standing near the window, admiring the view outside. The day was rainy with dark thick clouds in the sky. Her long platinum hair were swinging with the breeze, her blue orbs were mesmerizing but they were still cold. Plump lips were set into thin line and he was eager to see smile on them. His eyes admired her slender figure, she has a body of athletes. His wolf growled proudly looking at his beautiful mate.
  • When he got no response from her, he walked towards her and stood behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders gently and inhaling her scent which never fails to drive him crazy.
  • "What are you thinking about?"
  • Eira turned around and shook her head not wanting to say anything.
  • Within two days her life has taken 360 degree turn. She is not a human but a werewolf which she had no idea about, the hallucinations she was getting was not hallucinations it was her inner animal. She was living her life in silence, there was no Chaos and no confusion and now suddenly this man in front of her is revealing secrets one by one. And the most concerning thing was, she is not feeling anything, like he said that she has switched it off.
  • Eira always felt different from others, she got control over her emotions too easily while others were struggling for years and still they can feel it but she can't.
  • Xavion grabbed her chin gently making her look at him.
  • "I know this is very confusing but trust me, everything will be fine. Just trust me..."
  • His voice was softer than necessary. She still couldn't understand how can someone be so perfect, Eira was never fond of attention or crave love and care from anyone. Trusting someone was not in her nature and profession, and it has become a habit after years but this man was changing it. Don't know why but she was trusting him, his gentle words were awakening something good in her heart. Even with all the Chaos he was feeling appealing.
  • The feeling of 'He is the one' was very disturbing for her.
  • "Can you please explain, what switching it off means?..."
  • She asked and he nodded in understanding.
  • "Originally Vampires had this power, they can switch off their feelings and after that they don't feel anything just like you are not feeling anything. But when witches made us immortals they used vampire blood for the rituals which is magical and also contains their powers, through their blood werewolf got few of their powers too, along with immortality. Powers of switching off emotions, supernatural speed and so on."
  • He explained while she was listening to him carefully.
  • "I hope this is clearing your doubts..."
  • "How does it happen, I mean why this happened with me and how are you going to cure it..."
  • She questioned.
  • "It's very difficult to do with grow up wolf as they have stronger minds than pups... For switching off your emotions without your knowledge, you must have fragile and naive mind so whoever is commanding you can control it easily. You were three years old when they started your training right?..."
  • He asked and she nodded.
  • "When they started your training your mind was weak and fragile. You had no developed thinking capacity and that's why when your chief command you to switch off your emotions, your mind obeyed him. He must have good manipulating techniques. That's how you lost your ability to feel..."
  • He finished and waited for her to say something but as usual she was blank. He can't see any expressions or feelings when she asks questions either.
  • "How do we stop this... Can I ever be able to feel it?..."
  • He smiled at her questions and answered with full confidence.
  • "Yes, you will!... I'll try my best. I will make you feel everything..."
  • She sighed nodding, not sure if it's really possible.
  • "I have something for you"
  • He said pulling out a box from his pocket and she looked at him confused.
  • He opened the red velvet box which has a beautiful pendant in it With blood red diamond. It looked expensive, something heirloom kind of thing.
  • "It's a necklace which belonged to my mother, she told me to give it to my mate."
  • "I already have one around my neck..."
  • She said showing it to him.
  • "What's this?..."
  • He frowned looking at the key she was wearing around her neck.
  • "This is a master key... It opens every lock..."
  • She answered.
  • "You don't need it anymore... You won't be going on any missions from now on."
  • He removed it from her neck and handed her.
  • Eira kept it aside as xavion tied new necklace around her neck.
  • "It looks beautiful on you..."
  • He complimented.
  • 'and this will keep you away from the people I don't want near you.'
  • He thought with the smirk while she was busy in looking at the mysteries pendant
  • *****
  • Eira looked at the roads surrounded by big trees in the middle of the forest. The ground was wet and the smell of first rain was invading whole forest. She has no idea where xavion was taking her neither she asked him. They were heading out of the main forest area and she noticed that he has a large area occupied by his private property. There was three large buildings behind his mansion which he called the pack houses, where his wolf members stay. Everything was empty when she stepped out from the mansion so no one saw them.
  • "What do you think about me, Eira?..."
  • Xavion asked as he smoothly handled the steering wheel of his range rover.
  • "That you are a smooth driver... And taking too much time to reach the destination"
  • She answered nonchalantly, Eira were used to rough driving and compared to her xavion was too gentle with his car.
  • Xavion let out a hearty chuckle hearing her words.
  • "I'll take it as a complement. I like to enjoy nature. The weather is peaceful and beautiful... But that's not what I was asking... as a man what do you think about me."
  • "You are handsome and you think before speaking anything. sometimes I feel suspicious about you but still I am attracted towards you..."
  • She confessed truthfully but with straight face.
  • "You are straight forward..."
  • He chuckled looking at her teasingly.
  • "So, I am attractive..."
  • Eira cleared her throat, promptly looking away.
  • "I am sure... I am not the only woman telling you that..."
  • She said nonchalantly and now it was his time look away awkwardly. His reaction was telling her that she is not wrong.
  • Xavion pulled in front of cemetery and Eira looked at him confused thinking why would he brings her to the graveyard.
  • "Why are we here?..."
  • She asked looking at him.
  • "I want to show you something... Come..."
  • He stepped out and opened the door for her.
  • When Eira got out she saw two coffins which were surrounded by the people in black clothes. Two women were crying their hearts out sitting beside it. This was the first time for her to be in a funeral before this she was a reason behind the funerals.
  • "These are the hunters you killed that night..."
  • Xavion said standing beside her.
  • "And these two women are their wives..."
  • "But why are you showing me this?..."
  • She frowned.
  • "I want to show you that your doings has after effects. Your chief have told you about the satisfaction of killing but that satisfaction bring pain to others..."
  • Eira looked at him unsure as he spoke.
  • "Look at those women, Eira. they are crying and mourning for their partners, their lovers. The only people who were holding their families strong. Look at those children, they won't get the love of father anymore, just because of you..."
  • He looked at her frowning face.
  • "You destroyed their families..."
  • Eira looked at those women, crying and screaming. The pain on their faces moved something in her heart.
  • "They weren't innocent... They deserved to die..."
  • She defended herself.
  • "Yes, they deserved it but their families?... Do they deserve this?. Don't you think its repellent?..."
  • He countered.
  • Eira shook her head furiously, walking away from the scene.
  • "No, I don't feel anything... I am not the reason behind it..."
  • She denied.
  • Xavion grabbed her hand jerking her towards him.
  • "Stop running away from this, Eira. If you can't help yourself then no one can... The feeling you are getting right now is guilt, feel it... Let it out instead of caging it in. You can feel Everything Eira but your mind is making it disappear before you could recognise it. Try to control your mind... You have feelings because you saved the wolf without any reason..."
  • Eira closed her eyes trying to think about it, about the screaming and crying. Those innocent women and children but when she tried a long wave of pain travelled in her head making her eyes snapped open.
  • "I can't..."
  • She scrunched her eyebrows.
  • Xavion clenched his jaw and closed his eyes frustratingly. The motive behind the visit was just to make her feel something. He himself doesn't care about the hunters or their families. For him they are enemies and he would love to bath in their blood.
  • Eira saw xavion walking away furiously, she didn't followed him this time, instead she walked inside the forest. The scene in front of her was suffocating her.
  • Few minutes later she saw xavion coming back with 2 years old child in his arms. It was a little cute boy with blonde hair.
  • "Follow me..."
  • Xavion Said walking pass by her and she quickly did, not knowing what is he upto.
  • They were away from the cemetery, total silent space. Xavion placed the child on the ground and stepped back.
  • "He is a the son of Leader of hunters, when he grows up he will be the leader and will come for us. He is our enemy."
  • He informed looking at the child hatefully.
  • "I want you to kill him... This is what you are good at right?... I want you to kill him, now!..."
  • Eira looked at him in disbelief as he handed her the dagger.
  • "He is a child!"
  • She said looking at the baby.
  • "So what... He is still an enemy."
  • Xavion said carelessly.
  • "I brought you here to show this but let's do something good that we are here now... Go ahead, kill him..."
  • Eira clutched on the dagger and turned towards the baby who was playing on the ground, giggling and making cute sounds.
  • He looked at Eira with his big dove eyes and smiled.
  • Xavion saw Eira taking steps towards the baby but her hands were shaking, which was clearly indicating that she is not ready to kill the child. The girl who kills people without even blinking was now unable to lift the dagger.
  • "I can't do this..."
  • Eira shook her head and turned towards xavion.
  • "I can't... I don't have a reason to hurt him, he is innocent."
  • Xavion looked at her angrily.
  • "If you can't then I will..."
  • He growled making her look at him with wide eyes.
  • Xavion stepped back and shifted into his wolf form. Eira stepped back as she saw Angry, growling wolf in front of her. His Torn clothes were lying on the ground and the sharp fangs were enough to skin someone alive. She was looking so tiny and vulnerable in front of him.
  • The wolf growled loudly and jumped towards the child.
  • Eira's eyes widened in horror.
  • "NO!..."