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Chapter 5 Headlines

  • “No way,” I yelled angrily, swearing “that is bullsh!t. I won't marry Damian Delance! I believe in love, and would marry for love!”
  • Dad chuckled devilishly on the wheels as he loosen his neck collar with his left hand. He stamped his feet on the accelerator and drove madly, barely avoiding the cars on the road.
  • “Ahhhhhhh,” a scream escaped my mouth. “Dad, do you want to kill us?” I screamed louder
  • “You think I just want to give my daughters out in marriage?” He muttered through clench teeth “You must see me as a bad father, don't you? Do you think I am happy about this??!” He yelled and drove like a lunatic. Other cars, trees, traffic lights, had become blurry. The wind was choking me.
  • I feared for our lives. “Please, Daddy. Please stop, I’ll do as you want,” as soon as the words left my mouth, the car stopped.
  • Dad leaned over the wheel, “We have gone bank—rupt, Pum— p—kin,” he said with raking shoulders as a loud sob slipped from his lips.
  • I shook my head briefly, not believing what he said. Then the rumors of Dad’s company ‘going bankrupt’, the late payment of our school fees, the domestic staff leaving one by one. The bitter truth was there all along. Hot tears kissed my cheeks…
  • Pom! Pom! Pom! Four police cars surrounded our car.
  • ***
  • “I am sorry about that,” Dad said as we left the police office. I simply nodded, and walked briskly to our car. I entered the passenger seat while waiting for him to enter and start the car.
  • I just wanted to drown myself in my thick duvet and cry my eyes out. I felt so miserable for my life. Tomorrow, the headline about “Mr Wright and his daughter, Sarah, in Police Custody” would be everywhere.
  • Dad entered, deeply and started the car. He drove us to the house, all the while stealing glances at me via the rear-view mirror.
  • I never said a word, even when he called my name umpteenth when we got home. Like fire on my skin, I jumped out of the car and ran all the way to my room. I bolted my door and climbed onto my bed to cry.
  • I didn't know how long I slept for, but when I awoke. A sound was buzzing in my ear and I was putting on pajamas. I knew Linda had clothed me while I slept.
  • I smiled faintly before stretching to pick up my phone. It was Zara. I mentally groaned before sliding the “accept” button.
  • “Wake up, Zara! You’ve got to see this” Zara said quickly
  • “What?” I grumbled. My head was pounding.
  • “Check the internet, there's something you should see,” she said again. I rolled from the bed, and sluggishly walked to my table. “What’s it about?”
  • “It’s about you,” she said, stunning me. I wondered if it was about dad and I breaking the traffic rule or something.
  • Quickly, I unlocked my laptop and searched “Sarah Wright,”
  • A lot of news came up.
  • I breathed a sigh of relief when I clicked on the first news blog, and it was about my Dad and I in the police station. There were also pictures to prove the claim. I wasn’t surprised, and just shrugged.
  • “Yeah, about my Dad and I in the police station,”
  • “Yes, but that isn't all. There are news, rumors about you and Damian getting married!”
  • “What!” I screeched into the phone.
  • “Exactly my expression. I couldn't believe that, I know that you aren't into him and he isn't…” Zara was saying but my fingers had gone back to my laptop’s keyboard.
  • I saw so many news of Damian and I, even photoshopped pictures of us staring at each other with love, and going on secret dates. Worse of it all, was a video of Mr Delance telling the world that his son was getting married to me in a week’s time.
  • A week’s time!!! Daddy said in one month’s time!
  • “…and then there was Damian’s father claiming that his son was going to marry you. I could tell it was all made up, but why would anyone do this?” Zara murmured sadly.
  • I didn't know what to say. I was stunned. Shocked. Scared. This was Zara’s dream, her getting married to Damian. I wouldn't want her to find out like this, even more I was yet to accept all of these.
  • “Are you there?” Zara asked into the phone
  • “Ye—ah,” I answered slowly.
  • “You know what, I’m coming for a sleepover,” Zara suggested. I panicked “No, no. Don't. I know its weekend but let's meet on Monday.” I said and ended the call.
  • I crouched to the floor, hating my life.
  • A loud knock jilted me from my reverie. Linda doesn't knock like that.
  • “Who’s that?” I asked, hoping it was Dad. I needed to clarify the marriage time. He told me a month’s time and Mr Delance told the world a complete different thing.
  • The person behind the door wouldn’t answer, it caused me to frown. I peeped into the door vision hole and saw Stephanie. My heart somersaulted.
  • I could count the number of times Stephanie visited my room this year. The first was when she needed me to do a school project for her, the boy who she bullies to do her school work fell sick. The second was because she needed the perfect dress for Damian’s homecoming party. Now she is here— and I was scared.
  • It can't be good. Could it be because of the news, Damian and I?
  • The knock came again loudly, this time with a crack sound. I opened the door slowly “Hi, Steph,” I said nervously
  • She pushed her way in, before standing to look at my room with contempt. Her hands shook with anger “You!” she turned to look at me again
  • “Yes,” I answered fearfully. I knew what Stephanie could do in anger. I watched her once bashed a teacher’s car and fought a boy.
  • She. was. dangerous.
  • “Tell me, what did you do to steal my man?” She said slowly, walking predatorily towards me. I swallowed, fighting the urge to run away.
  • “Your Man?” I feigned ignorance, cleaning my sweaty hands over my pajamas.
  • “Damian!” she snarled “How come Daddy just affirmed to me that you two are getting married in a week’s time?”