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Chapter 2 Two

  • Veronica's POV...
  • On the night of my birth, a full moon illuminated the sky. Jia Beta, my mother, and Alpha Jeon, my father, held the esteemed positions of alpha Luna within our Mariana pack. After two years of marriage, my parents welcomed their long-awaited child, an occasion that was cause for celebration among our pack.
  • Alpha Jeon often recounted the grand three-day festivity held in honor of my birth, while my mother would fondly reminisce about how joyous my uncle, Alpha Thomas, was following my arrival. It took my father three years to find his mate, my mother. Many believed the moon's blessings had not graced him, and he was plagued with sadness and loneliness due to the unkind words of others.
  • Despite his tireless search, my father continually came up empty-handed. Moved by my father's sorrow, my grandfather decided to intervene.
  • At the age of 19, my father's engagement was arranged with Beta Katrina from the lavender pack. However, fate had other plans. Upon entering the University of Pack, my father finally crossed paths with Jia, his true mate, and their hearts were entwined. He courageously called off the engagement with Beta Katrina, and my parents were married. Beta Jia proved herself an exceptional Luna, taking excellent care of the Mariana pack. My father and grandfather held great admiration for her skills. Tragedy struck when I was just three years old.
  • My grandfather passed away, leaving my father and Uncle Thomas, who was then 18 years old and still in high school, under his care. Taking on the role of a father, my own father raised Uncle Thomas as his own. Eventually, Uncle Thomas expressed his desire to wed Katrina, who happened to be both my father's ex-fiancée and the daughter of the lavender pack's leader.
  • Understandably, my parents agreed, and Uncle Thomas and Katrina were married. At that time, I was a mere four years old. Uncle Thomas and Aunt Katrina went on to have twins, Sara and Lara, who were five years younger than me and possessed remarkable beauty.
  • When I was seven years old, tragedy struck once more as my parents met their untimely demise. The loss was immeasurably painful, and I felt an indescribable void without my father's guiding presence and my mother's unconditional love. Yet Uncle Thomas stepped in, assuming the role of provider and protector for me and our pack. Sara, Lara, and I became siblings, growing up alongside one another.
  • Despite my efforts to befriend them, circumstances always seemed to drive a wedge between us. Although I was an omega, my father had always envisioned me as the future leader of the Mariana pack.
  • Through their support and encouragement, my parents instilled in me the resilience needed to face any challenge. Though I was lonely following their passing, Uncle Thomas ensured that their absence was not keenly felt; he loved me as if I were his own child, surpassing even his love for Sara and Lara.
  • My higher education was supported by my uncle, and time passed by. I successfully passed all my exams, and, alongside my studies, I also commenced leadership training. Under my uncle's direct supervision, I underwent rigorous training. At the age of 13, my uncle began to include me in business meetings, where he would enlighten me about politics and teach me history.
  • When I reached the age of 16, I vividly remember my first encounter with my wolf companion, Tira, on a moonlit night. The pain that accompanied the transformation into a wolf is nothing short of overwhelming. Waves of excruciating agony surged through my entire body as my bones elongated and reshaped. My muscles contracted and expanded, tearing and regenerating, sending sharp jolts of pain coursing through my limbs. The transformation itself was a violent process, as my human skin gave way to a thick, coarse fur sprouting from every pore. The experience of my internal organs reorganizing themselves was nauseating, and the pressure in my head was unbearable. Nevertheless, amidst the torment, there was a peculiar exhilaration that accompanied the embrace of my primal nature. The pain served as a necessary sacrifice for the liberation and authority that being a wolf bestowed upon me.
  • Once I met Tira, my wolf companion, I found solace in conversing with her as if I had found a true friend. I no longer felt alone. Every day before sunrise, we would run together in the mountains, relishing the feeling of freedom. During our runs, we would sit by the lake, patiently awaiting the arrival of the sun. In the depths of my mind, I would engage in conversations with my parents.
  • I proudly identified as the brave omega, although Aunty Katrina would often undermine my position, making me feel weak. Sara held the rank of beta while Lara was the alpha, but these labels held little significance to me as omegas enjoyed a special place within our pack and were highly respected.
  • The credit for this goes to my mother, the esteemed Luna, who established the rules that every member of the Mariana pack was obliged to follow. As omegas, we took pride in our pack. However, I remained oblivious to the impending changes that would soon disrupt my life, causing restlessness. Little did I know that those who once loved me would soon bring ruin upon me. I was unaware that I would soon face accusations so damning that I wouldn't be able to meet my own gaze.
  • *
  • I awakened before sunrise, noting that I still had ample time before I needed to head to the palace. Hence, I reclined and gazed at the ceiling above me. Yesterday marked my 29th birthday, yet, as per usual, I refrained from celebrating. Each day, for me, was a monotonous blend of sorrow and weariness. In my room, I rose from my bed and opened the window. It is beneficial for your health to breathe in the fresh morning air.
  • This place where I reside is inhabited solely by wild animals, devoid of any human presence. I shut the window and proceeded to relocate the mattress, which lay on the floor, placing it in the corner. My next destination was the bathroom, where I found myself standing before the mirror.
  • I embarked on an introspective examination of my own reflection, noting the gradual disappearance of the wound near my lips. Time had a way of healing the numerous scars on my body, only for new ones to arise after a few days. It so happens that my cousin Lara has a unique fondness for me, making me the unfortunate recipient of her venting of anger. I do not claim to be exceptionally attractive or repulsive, but the presence of this scar renders me unsightly.
  • I once made a plea to Lara, allowing her to strike any part of my body except my face. Alas, she interpreted my request as an invitation to target my face specifically. After washing my face, I made my way towards the kitchen. I placed the kettle on the stove and then redirected my steps towards the living room. I proceeded to change my attire after removing the clothes I had been wearing.
  • Thereafter, I returned to the kitchen, indulging in a cup of tea before washing it and making my way back to the room. It was there, in front of the mirror, that I cast my final gaze upon my own countenance. With a comb in hand, I meticulously arranged my black, curly locks.
  • My deep blue eyes stared back at me, bearing a striking resemblance to my father's, just as my hair mirrored that of my mother's. Although my eyes used to exude brightness, sadness has now claimed them entirely. "Come on, Veronica, a fresh day brings new hope. Remember, you are the most cherished and endearing child of Jeon and Jia. Better days will surely come," I said with a grin, embellishing the words in writing and affixing them to the mirror. Though challenging to embody, I made it a point to recite them daily.
  • When I stepped outside, I recognized that the days of happiness had waned, leaving behind a trail of misery. Brushing away my tears, I departed with a melancholic expression etched upon my face.
  • *
  • Mariana's collective was once my own. Within this palace, I once dwelled as a princess. However, with the passing of my parents, my claim to this empire diminished. In the presence of my parents, they all revered me, yet since their demise, I am met with disdain in the eyes of those around me. And all of this has transpired due to a sin I never committed.
  • Upon entering through the rear entrance, my immediate destination was the kitchen. Speed was of the essence, as I needed to swiftly prepare breakfast for everyone. My first order of business was to whip up breakfast for Alpha and Luna. Alpha always came first.
  • With the coffee maker brewing in the background, I gathered the necessary ingredients for pancake batter, carefully adding them to the mixer before setting it in motion.
  • Within our Mariana pack, each member had their own designated living quarters. Betas occupied one block, Alphas another, and so on for the rest of the werewolves. This organization was mirrored in our educational institutions as well. However, in our pack, the omegas held a unique position, a consequence of my mother's influence. Omegas in our pack were not solely tasked with childcare. Many of them held diverse professions, such as teaching in schools, running businesses, or holding esteemed positions. My mother established a code for the Omegas, which was dutifully followed by all. The Omegas held my mother in high regard. Though I reside among my own people, they view me as their servant.
  • Regardless, I am grateful to have found a kindred spirit among them in Sophia. Sophia, being four years my senior, was Meera's only daughter and an omega. Meera had served in our palace since childhood, starting as my parents' attendant before becoming an omega. She held a special place in my mother's heart, and after my parents' passing, Luna Katrina took Meera under her wing.
  • After the tragedy that occurred to me, everyone's treatment changed; their gazes were averted. Everyone, except Sophia, stood by my side. The coffee machine's persistent beeping jolted me back to reality. Subsequently, the sound of footsteps descending the stairs and chairs sliding across the floor reached my ears. It became apparent that everyone had gathered at the dining table. With a deep breath, I hastened towards the dining table, assisted by the other servants.
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