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Chapter 81

  • “No!” Bradley screamed as he raced toward the cliff and grabbed the edge with both hands. “It is already too late! You cannot save your dear Leila Aragon!” Adam made a snide remark while grinning maniacally at the same time. Bradley paid no attention to this remark and instead leapt off the cliff. Leila and how she is doing are the only thing that are going through his mind right now. “Fantastic! There’s a beach at the base of the cliff... Leila is not going to...” But the moment Bradley recalled Leila can not swim, he immediately changed his mind about his beliefs. “Damn it!” Bradley let out a terrified roar. After that, he dove headfirst into the water. Bradley remained submerged for a considerable amount of time while he searched for Leila. However, his oxygen supply is diminishing, and he still hasn’t spotted Leila. Therefore, the only way for Bradley to get a breath of air is to rise above the water. After drawing a breath of fresh air, he immediately descends back into the depths of the ocean... Time and time again. “Leila!” Bradley screamed repeatedly, until his voice became hoarse from shouting, but there was no sign of Leila anywhere. “Damn it! I am certain that she is still alive, but I cannot pick up on her aroma!” While he was looking around, he hissed. In the meantime, Adam was having a good time perched on the edge of the cliff as he observed Bradley’s obvious anguish. “This is just the beginning of your downfall... Leila will be the one to bring you to an end! From this point forward, you will experience a gradual loss of the will to live, culminating in the desire to pass away.” “Is that the case? Do you believe Bradley Silva will evolve into a weak alpha in the future?” After turning around, Adam saw Arnold standing there. “Yes! Bradley Silva can never get over his loss! The powerful alpha of the Sapphire pack is going to turn out to be a terrible pack leader!” He answered with a gleaming smile. Arnold directed a glare in Adam’s direction, but Adam walked with no sign of surprise or confusion in his eyes. “Do you seriously believe that a cowardly, pitiful individual like you can outdo Bradley? That is not likely. Because Bradley will always be in a better position than you, regardless of what position he holds... Do you have an interest in the reason?” The sarcastic grin that Adam had initially displayed faded. “Superior? Because of his father, Bradley Silva could get his position. If he is not the son of the previous alpha, then he can never beat me! If anyone should be the Sapphire pack’s Alpha, it should be me! I should be known to everyone, and they should all be afraid of me! Not him!” Arnold sneered. “Wait for Bradley to come to you if you think you have a chance of winning. If you are successful in defeating him, then you will be in the position of alpha...” Adam was surprised by the news. He believed that because of what he had done to Leila Aragon, Arnold would easily defeat him. “Ha Ha Ha! Who are you to respect those who have fought? You’re a nobody!” “—I hold him in esteem...” Both Adam and Arnold shifted their focus. Bradley was seen by them standing on the precipice of the cliff. Because of the depth of the rage he is experiencing, flames are emanating from his eyes. Besides this, the fuel contributed to him missing Leila. Because of this, he felt the need to let out his frustration. Adam made a sneering face, which caused his eyebrows to raise. “Sure, let’s duel. But are you sure that this is the right time to do it? You may grieve the loss of your sweet little Leila...” Bradley did not lose his composure. Because he knows Adam will take pleasure in witnessing him in his state of depression, he will not do that. While he was taking off his wet clothes, he retorted, “Leila Aragon is not dead, so there is no reason for me to mourn...” “Ha Ha Ha! Did you snap just like that? Bradley Silva, you must have been completely insane to think that Leila Aragon could survive that!” Adam rebutted with condescension. Bradley put his signature on it. “Leila is my mate, and I can feel her presence; this is how I am certain that she is still alive... Do you really need me to explain the connection that exists between mates?” Adam tightened his grip on his fists. He yelled at her, “Damn you!” Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m just pointing out a fact. Sorry about that. Bradley responded to their statement. “Tell me you’re not engaging in all of this simply because you want to be the leader of the Sapphire pack, because that would be ridiculous. I take it you are doing all of this because of what took place with your partner, right?” Adam’s face darkened. “Yes! I want to completely wipe you out! You are the reason my potential partner turned me down. She claimed I did not meet the requirements to become her partner because I was not like you. Therefore, I will show to everyone that I am superior to you!” Hunter, who had been remaining still and listening in the back corner, barked out in surprise. He did not know that Adam’s reasoning would be so straightforward. “Therefore, let’s get this fight started... Because you wanted to show that you were better than me, right?” Bradley uttered. Adam is extremely self-assured regarding his capabilities. Since he was turned down, he has never stopped working on his physical fitness. He took part in rigorous training alongside top-tier combatants hailing from a variety of packs. “Fine! I’ll show my strength to you right now!” Both Bradley and Adam were getting ready for a fight. While this was going on, Hunter was standing on the edge of the cliff and staring down. While signing the document, Hunter murmured, “Leila’s survival with this high is great; regardless, if she doesn’t know how to swim—this is another matter...” ‘ It is not a lie that Bradley has stated that Leila is still alive... The question that needs to be answered is: where is she? Before confronting Bradley and Adam, Arnold heaved a sigh into the air. The two are positioned so that they are facing each other, and they are both prepared. “This guy... He is the guy with the golden mask. He is the actual leader of that association.” [Case in point] As Arnold sensed the shift in energy coming from Adam, he murmured to himself. He had stated in the past that the man in the golden mask could compete with Bradley’s strength... But he was uncertain about it this time. Before charging forward, Bradley inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. The rage that is building up inside of him causes him to lose control. He never goes into a fight unprepared and always takes the time to analyze his adversary beforehand. “Ha Ha Ha! Is this the best you can come up with? Is this the limit you’ll go to?! Disappointing! You are a disgrace!” Adam poked fun at Bradley when he caught him with his fist. After that, with a smirk on his face, he attempts to break Bradley’s wrist. “Hmm... Do you have any idea what Leila’s doing that’s interesting?” Adam made a comment playfully. “You have no business discussing her with anyone else! Therefore, stop bringing up Leila’s name!” Bradley yelled and then punched Alexander with his other fist. Adam fell to the ground. Adam could avoid the damage caused by this attack. “Hmm... But you absolutely have to find out what I learned before I sent her careening off the edge of the cliff...” Bradley bared his teeth in a grin while giving Adam the cold shoulder. “You worthless cretin! I—” “I thought I heard a faint heartbeat...” Adam responded, just as Bradley was about to make a furious remark.
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