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Chapter 2 Facing Shadows From The Past

  • Chapter 2 - Facing Shadows from the Past
  • "Marlon, what should I do? Where will I get 20 million?" I pleaded with desperation in my voice.
  • Marlon, my loyal friend and confidant, looked genuinely sorry but equally helpless. "If only I could help you, I would. I don't even have a million," he said, sympathy etched across his face.
  • My mind raced, grappling with the harsh reality of the situation. "If I end up in jail, take care of my child," I said, the weight of desperation heavy in my words.
  • Marlon, always the pillar of support, took my hand and held it firmly. "Don't worry, girl. Gerald and I will treat Kurt as our own child. We'll visit you in prison once a month."
  • " Marlon, come on," I said, trying to lighten the mood, leaning away to break the heaviness that hung in the air.
  • "I'm just kidding," he laughed, providing a brief respite. "But seriously, girl, the best thing to do is to go into hiding."
  • "No, I would never do that. Our family's reputation is at stake here. I'd rather go to jail knowing that they think my business partner duped me than have them believe I ran off with their money."
  • Marlon, understanding the gravity of my decision, inquired, "So, what's your plan then?"
  • I just shrugged, feeling the weight of defeat. Sipping my coffee, bitterness lingered on my tongue, mirroring the bitter situation I found myself in. Even if I were to sell all our properties, it wouldn't be enough. Smith Construction Supplies, my father's legacy, was already drowning in debt. The hope I had when we secured the contract for a large mall construction project was now replaced by the cruel reality of betrayal.
  • Suddenly, the piercing ring of my cellphone cut through the heavy silence. Evelyn, my secretary, displayed on the screen. "Hello, Evelyn?"
  • "Ms. Smith, Northstar Corporation called. They said they need the materials now."
  • "Do we have anything left to release?" Dread seeped into my voice.
  • "We don't have any materials left, Ms. Smith."
  • "Okay, I'll take care of talking to them," I replied, hanging up the phone. The impending confrontation awaited me. I bid farewell to Marlon and made my way to Northstar Corporation. It was time to face the CEO.
  • "Can I see Mr. Laiken Northstar?" I asked the secretary at the entrance.
  • "Do you have an appointment?" the condescending secretary inquired.
  • "No, but I really need to see him."
  • "Miss, sorry, it's not allowed. Mr. Northstar is a very busy person. If you want, you can just wait for him to come out," she replied arrogantly.
  • "Can you at least tell him that I own Smith Construction Supplies and I really need to see him?"
  • The secretary's demeanor shifted. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were one of Mr. Northstar's girlfriends." She pressed the intercom. "Mr. Northstar, the owner of Smith Construction Supplies wants to see you."
  • "Send her in," came the response.
  • "That way, ma'am." She pointed to the brown door.
  • Entering the room, uncertainty gripped me. The expansive space housed a black leather sofa, a large TV, and a floor-to-ceiling window providing a stunning view of Everwood. A massive desk sat at the end, and in front of the window was a swivel chair occupied by Mr. Northstar, engrossed in a phone call. The familiarity of his voice sent a shiver down my spine. Patiently, I stood until he concluded his conversation.
  • As he faced me, the shock was palpable. "L-Lake?"
  • "Take a seat, Miss Smith," he said, devoid of any expression. Hesitant, I sat in the chair opposite his desk. I scrutinized his features, confirming the undeniable truth. Lake Northstar, a haunting figure from my past, was sitting before me.
  • "Explain to me why you haven't sent any materials to us. Didn't I give you one month?" His voice, once warm, was now cold and demanding.
  • "I- um..." Stammering, I struggled to compose myself.
  • "Come on, Miss Smith. I don't have all day," he uttered impatiently.
  • "My business partner ran off with the 20 million," I confessed, the words finally escaping my lips.
  • "Well, that's not our problem," he dismissed callously. "You can go now."
  • "Lake, please, don't send me to jail." The words spilled out, a desperate plea.
  • "If we can't get the materials, then we would have to sue you," he declared, unwavering in his resolve.
  • Hell, you should have been in jail 7 years ago! For raping me, but I kept my mouth shut! I masked the truth, shielding you from the consequences of your actions. I yearned to confront him, to expose the pain he inflicted on me, but the words remained trapped within me. He exhibited no remorse for the torment he caused. I couldn't suppress the tears; they flowed freely, an uncontrollable release of pent-up emotions. Days of stress converged into this moment, leaving me emotionally drained and disoriented.
  • "I know a way how you can pay me back." A subtle smirk curved one corner of his lips.
  • I ceased crying, curiosity replacing my anguish. "H- how?"
  • "It's simple. All you have to do is have sex with me," he stated matter-of-factly.
  • "What? That's insane!" I exclaimed, rising abruptly from my seat.
  • "I know. Twenty million for sex? Some whores only get paid, what? Five thousand? And you, you're worth twenty million." His smirk intensified.
  • "I am not a whore, Lake."
  • "I'm not Lake. I'm Laiken Northstar."
  • "Even if you change your name and drown yourself in your money, you can't cover up the stench of your character," I declared, mustering my strength before storming out of his office.