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Chapter 3 Too Broken To Be Saved

  • "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"
  • Alice shook her head. “Just handle your work. I’ll go home with Ed.”
  • “Wow, I like that spirit. Good luck, Alice. Let me know when you two have hugged and kissed."
  • After snorting a laugh, Alice got out of the car. Her heart was full of hope even though it was still covered in wounds. However, seeing Elizabeth at the entrance, her spirits loosened. She slowed down.
  • "Mom?" Her hands subconsciously moved to protect her stomach.
  • “As I thought, you would disturb my son again.” With a sour look, Elizabeth walked over and handed her a brown envelope.
  • "What's this?" Alice asked, wary.
  • Elizabeth smiled crookedly. “Isn't it what you’re looking for? The real reason why Ed divorced you. The reason why he had the heart to break his promise and stop caring about you.”
  • Alice's eyes widened. Her heart started beating erratically. She opened the envelope with shaking hands. As soon as she found the contents, a lightning struck her right in the chest.
  • "This? Ed and Giselle?”
  • Alice's breath suddenly became ragged. Her shoulders shook as she tried to calm the turmoil in her heart.
  • "No. This must be fake. Ed couldn't possibly sleep with another girl, let alone Giselle. She ... she's my friend, and Ed is a faithful husband.”
  • “Come to your senses, Alice. Why do you think Ed forbade you from accompanying him on out-of-town work for the last few months? And why was he often coming home late and rarely staying at home?"
  • Elizabeth smiled cynically. “It's because of Giselle. Edmund no longer cares if you die or disappear from the earth, Alice. You want to jump off that bridge? Just do it. You should have drifted down that river a long time ago. That way, my son wouldn't have to marry you."
  • "No." Alice shook her head quickly. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
  • "That’s not true. This must be your trick to keep me away from him. Ed did make those promises to save me. But then, things changed. We began to love each other and Ed proposed to me with new sincere promises.”
  • While Elizabeth was cooking the things up, a black car drove towards the basement. Alice recognized the vehicle. Ignoring Elizabeth, she went after it.
  • At first, Alice just walked, afraid that her little baby would be shaken. But as time went on, she got faster. When she found Edmund, she gasped.
  • Giselle just got out of the other car door. She walked beside Edmund, embracing his waist, and Edmund put his arm on her shoulder. They then walked side by side, with absolutely no distance. Edmund even whispered affectionately in Giselle's ear.
  • In that very second, tears slowly melt down on Alice's cheeks. "So it’s true? Ed left me for Giselle?"
  • With her eyes closed, Alice let out a painful breath. She realized her heart was too broken to be saved. She had returned to the cold and dark past. But this time, no one would reach out to her.
  • ***
  • When he arrived at the sofa, Edmund immediately slapped Giselle's hand away. "I told you, I can do it myself." After that, he leaned back while massaging his temples.
  • “But you're still sick, Ed. You shouldn't force yourself. Taking a day off won’t make the company lose money.” Giselle wore a concerned look. “Besides, why are you still thinking about Alice so much? Just let her be happy with her new lover. She doesn't need you anymore. Now, do you still have a fever?”
  • Again, Edmund pushed away the hand which was almost touching his forehead. "I'm fine. You just go home."
  • "But—"
  • "I can't rest if you're still here," Edmund said with an uncomfortable look. His tone not only pierced Giselle, but also froze a servant's footsteps. Ed noticed her presence.
  • “What's wrong, Mrs. Klein?”
  • “Sorry, Sir. We ....” The middle-aged woman blinked in hesitation. Every now and then, her eyes glanced at Giselle. “We found this while cleaning up this morning.”
  • Edmund's eyes widened when he saw the box in the servant's hand. His whole body stiffened.
  • “Why is that thing still here? Throw it away! I don't want to see it," he said before looking away. Doubt emerged in his eyes.
  • “But, Sir, I think you should see what’s inside. You have a right to know.”
  • Taking a deep breath, Mrs. Klein took out the test pack. Finding that thing, an explosion tore a hole in Edmund's chest.
  • “W-what’s that?” His face turned pale, his throat sore.
  • The servant handed him the test pack. Seeing the two stripes there, Edmund sighed in disbelief. "Alice is pregnant?"
  • Giselle secretly grimaced. Before her mission failed completely, she quickly grabbed the tool and shouted, "Gosh! Alice not only betrayed you, but also tried to deceive you? She must intend to show the child from her affair as your child. How dare she?"
  • However, Edmund didn't care. After a few breaths, he got up from the sofa and took out the car key.
  • "Ed, where are you going?" Giselle flinched.
  • “Taking Alice home.”
  • Giselle spontaneously held his arm. “You forgot? You guys are divorced.”
  • Edmund looked at Giselle closely. His breathing was rough, his jaw clenched.
  • "Watch your mouth! She is still my wife and she is pregnant. I shouldn't have treated her that harshly yesterday. I've made a big mistake."
  • “But it might not be your child, Ed. She has slept with another man.”
  • "I don't care!" Edmund's voice boomed. “Alice has wanted a child for a long time and I promised to always accompany her while she’s pregnant. Even if it wasn't my child, I shouldn't have abandoned her. I swore to always protect her from anything and I shouldn't break that. Now please step aside. Don't get in my way."
  • Giselle gaped as she watched Edmund walk away. She tried to catch up, but the man was too fast. “Ed, but you're not feeling well. Ed?”
  • Edmund showed her no response. He got into the car and left. While driving, he tried to contact Alice. But since her number was not active, he called another person.
  • “Scott, do you know where Alice is?”
  • "Sorry, Ed, didn't you tell us not to monitor her anymore?"
  • Edmund sighed heavily. Right at that time, a place flashed in his mind. Wasting no time, he drove there.
  • ***
  • “Emma? Emma?”
  • As soon as the door opened, Edmund walked in. His head darted around looking for traces of his wife. "Where's Alice?"
  • “Alice?” Emma furrowed her brows. "Isn't she with you?"
  • “I don't have time to play around, Emma. Don't hide my wife.”
  • Emma shook her head quickly. "I am not kidding. She's not here. I took her to your office this morning."
  • Edmund shook his head in disbelief. After one breath, he started checking every corner of that house.
  • “Alice, where are you? Please come out. I want to apologize. I didn't know you’re pregnant. I admit I have done a huge mistake. I shouldn't vent my emotions like yesterday. Alice?”
  • Emma could not be more confused. “Ed, Alice isn't here. Didn't you two meet earlier?" Her face was full of seriousness.