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Chapter 6 Trying To Escape From The Big Bad Alpha's Pack

  • Olive woke up in a soft, comfortable but small bed and wondered how she got there.
  • She sat up and stretched. Her body ached terribly, but other than that, she was fine. And she was alive. But where was she?
  • She looked around the small, cozy room. The floor was pure white and matched the walls and ceiling. The bed was cushioned up with lots of pillows and had the fluffiest blanket ever. No wonder she slept well. She stepped out of the bed and walked to a window which was covered by a light blue cotton. She pulled it away and looked outside.
  • Olive gasped when she saw how far the ground was from where she was. And how exquisite the environment was. Was she at some castle in England?
  • She looked to her right and her heart froze instantly. A flag was fluttering tirelessly in the morning breeze on a pole. A red flag with a golden wolf head baring its fangs. The official flag of Balendin Pack. Olive was in Balendin Pack. That was her worst nightmare.
  • She moved backwards with her heart thumping fast. She needed to get out of the castle or she would be humiliated publicly and executed. She had tried to murder the Alpha.
  • She looked around the room and wondered why she was kept in there.
  • “Maybe to deceive me,” she thought. Her wolf scoffed at her stupid reasoning.
  • ‘Keep calm, Olive. Wayne won't hurt us,’ her wolf said to her. There was something about the way she pronounced Wayne's name. Something like possession dipped in fantasy. But Olive didn't want to understand anything.
  • She looked out the window again and tried to see if she could escape from there. But she couldn't. It was too high up, and she could be seen easily by the security or even passers-by. So, she turned to the door. She was going to escape calmly by just walking out. She had to try.
  • Olive pulled the door's handle and it opened immediately.
  • “That was easy,” she said to herself. But, she wasn't even the one who opened the door. The door was opened from the outside by one of the guards guarding it, and it was for a maid to walk in. Olive staggered back as the door swung open. A maid had come with food.
  • “Good morning, ma'am. Your breakfast,” the maid said. Olive blinked repeatedly at the food, the maid and the now shut door. She nodded and the maid walked to the small table to drop the tray. A knack by Olive on her neck after dropping the tray, rendered her unconscious and she fell to the floor.
  • Olive closed the door and looked at the girl. She took a few pancakes hurriedly and poured honey on them. She stuffed them into her mouth and chewed the strawberries and grapes all together. She didn't care about the combination, she needed the energy. She gulped down all the milk in the glass and dropped it. Next, she stripped the maid of her uniform and wore it instead.
  • Then took the tray, and walked out of the room gently with her head slightly bowed. The guards wondered why the maid was returning with the tray instead of dropping it down for Olive, but they actually said nothing to her.
  • Olive, now dressed as a maid hurried away and while she was in a lonely hallway, she dumped the tray at a corner and hurried away. She would slow down and walk like she belonged whenever she came across people.
  • She didn't know where she was going, but she walked on. The castle was magnificent and beautiful that Olive was beginning to get lost in the numerous hallways with exquisite decors everywhere. And the people looking at her with weird eyes wasn't helping. Everyone walking by was glancing at her. And the guards kept glaring. Now that she noticed it, she was the only one wearing a different uniform.
  • “Are you new?” a harsh female voice echoed through the hallway behind her. She stopped walking and turned around. A petite and chubby woman was standing there, with spectacles that she looked over at Olive.
  • “Yes, ma'am. I resumed today but lost my way around,” Olive pretended.
  • “And you are?” the woman asked, while scrutinizing her from over the top of her small glasses.
  • “Cynthia,” Olive answered and mentally slapped herself for making use of that name. But that was the first female name on her mind.
  • “Hmm,” the lady hummed and sized her up and down.
  • “Guards, take her to the kitchen and make sure she knows the way. I wouldn't want a kitchen maid roaming around my hallways,” the lady said and walked away with her hands clasped behind her.
  • Olive's mouth almost fell. Kitchen maid? How was she going to escape from the kitchen? A guard stepped forward and gestured that she followed him. She gulped and began to follow him. She needed to play along. They got to the kitchen in about ten minutes and Olive thanked the guard and mixed up with the maids wearing her uniform. Turned out their job was just to serve the meals to the dinning area only. And they were supposed to walk in pairs, carrying food on a straight line. That maid that served her food must have been given a special order which was why she came alone.
  • Olive however was thinking about her escape. She kept looking around for exits and tried asking which way it was to go out of the castle from other maids. She asked them with wisdom, in such a way that they couldn't realize she was an imposter. She had gathered enough information about the way out and planned to dash out any minute now. If she could go outside the walls of the castle and enter Aspen City, she could find her way out of Balendin. And out of the country, where The Vrek Cult and The Big Bad Alpha wouldn't find her.
  • Olive finished arranging pastries on a set of plates and covered them. It was time to go. She would first go to the changing room and change into clothes meant for janitors, according to what she overheard some girls arguing about. Then she would go outside the castle and pretend to be a worker. From there, she would go through the passageway for servants and fight her way outside. She could overcome any obstacle in her way. She knew she could.
  • Therefore, Olive set out and soon found the changing room. In less than five minutes, she was dressed as a janitor and had a name tag. She was no longer Cynthia, but Julie Hewitt.
  • Luck however just wasn't on her side, as she ran into the real Julie Hewitt just a few steps from the changing room.
  • “Why are you wearing my name tag? And is that my uniform?” Julie asked as she recognized her property.
  • “Oh, I... I'm sorry, I didn't realize I wore someone else's.”
  • Olive was trying to lie her way out.
  • “Are you in this department?” Julie asked and pointed to the changing room.
  • What? Department? Olive didn't know the janitors had departments.
  • “Uh, yes. I am,” she answered.
  • “How come I haven't seen you before? And aren't you supposed to register under me?”
  • Olive's heartbeat increased and Julie could sense it. She realized what was happening.
  • “Guards! There's an imposter!” Julie screamed and the next thing that happened to her was a terrible blow on her jaw. She screamed again and Olive ran past her. Two guards heard the scream and saw Olive running away. They pursued her but she fought and injured them with their own batons. She kept running towards the exists, but more guards came running towards her. She fought, but they were much and she was rendered unconscious by one of them.
  • Next she woke up, she was chained to the iron wall in a cold and dark dungeon.
  • “No, no, no, no,” Olive cried as she struggled with the chains. The darkness closed in on her despite the little light coming from a very high opening in the wall and she screamed.
  • She hated the darkness. Her eyes became dizzy as it all flowed in.
  • ‘Get on the floor.’
  • ‘Spread your legs.’