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Chapter 195 Scaling The Vulcan Mountains

  • Olive gathered her strength and rose from the black sand. She dusted the grains off her body and hair the best she could and took in a deep breath. The hot air burned her nostrils and she let out a cough. She could still feel the chill of the ocean water against her skin even while standing in a place about 60 degrees hot.
  • Olive looked around again and could not find her bag anywhere. She had thought her bag would be strapped to her back like it was before the drowning illusion. The bag required a lot of straps and lock-in, and would take her at least a minute to take it down from her back. But it was no longer on her, and it had disappeared altogether.
  • Even as worry for her mate and Guard ate at her, she knew she had to start moving. The dragon was waiting for her and she couldn't show any weakness. Her mate and Guard would find their way. They'd be fine.
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