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Chapter 2

  • The conditions are right
  • Christopher looked at his family, and picked up the sheets, put on his glasses to start reading, and everyone, full of nervousness, stood still watching him.
  • "Tell us now, father!" Eloise pleaded, "Get us out of this uncertainty.
  • "Well, as you all know, my will has been modified, there is a new condition.
  • Francisco clicked his teeth and looked defiantly at Christopher, "Grandpa, it's not necessary, we all know that I am the executor of your fortune and the new CEO of the company, did you call us to tell us when I am positioning myself in the position? Cause I don't see any other reason"
  • Christopher shook his head and gave a copy to each of the members of the family "In this, the new parameters for the delivery of his fortune were drawn, although an equal share had already been set for all, most of his assets would only be ceded under one condition”.
  • "This is absurd!" Francisco shouted angrily, "What do you mean that Maximilian will also be part of the inheritance? If this man is not from our grandfather family".
  • Maximilian rolled his eyes at what he read; Christopher put it as part of his condition.
  • "Father, I can't do this, don't commit me to something that doesn't interest me, for me, you can give my part to Francisco immediately, let him be the one who takes control of everything, I'm not interested".
  • "Maximilian, the first of the two to marry and start a family, will be my executor, I don't have more than three years to live, everyone knows it, the doctor already said it, but it seems fair to me that my grandson and you have the same possibility." Christopher argued
  • Francisco tore into a thousand pieces the sheet that his grandfather gave him and threw it at his chest.
  • "Don't even dream of it, grandpa, I'm not going to compete with anyone, besides, I'm going to marry Madison, that was the condition, that I marry that woman, the marriage is in two weeks".
  • "Francisco, Francisco," Christopher stood up, "I recently received notification from the organizers of the event, Madison's mother passed away and she called off the marriage, are you going to tell me you didn't know?".
  • Eloise and Merida looked at each other, and the young man's mother got up furious.
  • "What happened what? Francisco: What happened, what did you do? ".
  • "Mom, Madison found me in the apartment with another woman, and she left like crazy, that was yesterday. Francisco said calmly, "But I am sure that if I look for her, she will return at my feet, I will only give myself a break from her annoying presence."
  • Merida, his sister, shook her head, and went straight to him.
  • "You're a complete, you damaged our family's name, and now? Grandpa's inheritance is supposed to be only from the three of us, just look, Uncle Maximilian, now he can keep it too! "
  • Maximilian crossed his arms when he saw how they were arguing among themselves, they were a complete disaster.
  • "I'm getting out of here," Maximilian said disinterestedly, while Francisco took him by the arm and gave him a strong fist in the face
  • "Imbecile, this is all your fault, but you know something, Maximilian, you're not going to keep your grandfather's inheritance, because I'll be the one to get a spouse, I'll marry Madison, whatever it takes. Damn apparition! ".
  • Maximilian moved his jaw, felt only a spasm of pain, shook his head and stared at his nephew.
  • "I'm not interested in your inheritance, I have a lot of money, so for me, you can keep everything. I am not interested in you or your family, loser. Maximilian cleaned himself where his nephew had beaten him and sighed, "You're not worth it, Francisco."
  • Christopher cleared his throat and looked at them all.
  • "Silence! The conditions of the will have changed, whoever gets married first will have control, ha, yes, it must be a marriage for love, not arranged, you know that I realize everything".
  • Maximilian turned and looked Christopher straight in the eye, while a drop of blood came out of the corner of his mouth.
  • "Dad, I'm not really interested, I don't want your fortune, leave it to your family, I have mine."
  • Christopher grabbed his arm.
  • "The proposal is open son, I trust you".
  • Maximilian kissed him on the forehead again, and looked at all those present with disdain, went out to the door, while Francis shouted expletives at him.
  • "Take care father," was the last thing Maximilian said to Christopher.
  • "Damn mafioso, I swear you won't keep my family's money; I'll make your life miserable. I declare you my greatest enemy" Francisco yelled at him.
  • Maximilian smiled ironically, and left, the threats of his nephew, a boy younger than him by three years, did not cause him great importance, his real enemies were worse, however, curious about what happened and eager to know about what he heard in his father's house, he set out to find out about the said Madison.
  • Maximilian's limousine parked in front of the mansion, and he got in.
  • "Geronimo, take me to my office.
  • "Of course, sir."
  • As they walked away, he pulled out his phone and began looking for information about Francis' fiancée and his father's interest in him marrying her. When he saw her photo, he felt a connection, he was the most womanizing man, and never was a woman catching him before, but seeing the image of the enigmatic woman, he immediately sparked a sudden interest in her.
  • That afternoon the funeral honors of Madison's mother were celebrated, she made an announcement on the local news expecting company, but on the part of her fiancé's family it was nobody, everyone was waiting for the reading of the will.
  • Maximilian, curiously, asked his driver to change the destination, and in thirty minutes he was in front of the cemetery.
  • He walked slowly to where the funeral was being held, he knew who Madison was quickly, because her blonde hair fell to her waist, her small body and her short stature made the woman easy to recognize, she looked much more sensitive than in the photos.
  • She was crestfallen, alone, only a few people accompanied her in her misery, her best friend Susan Donovan was by her side giving her comfort, but when she looked up and saw the imposing Maximilian, she moved her friend's arm.
  • "Look, who is that man? Must it be an angel who escaped from the cemetery, or rather a demon? " Susan completely forgot about Madison's moment.
  • However, Madison raised her head and inadvertently looked where her friend pointed, and like her, she thought it was an illusion.
  • The most spectacular man that his eyes saw in life looked straight into his place, Maximilian was tall, with dark hair, gray eyes, a seductive look, and a body too corpulent, he was only thirty years old, but his imposing presence made him look like an expert seducer. He was dressed in a fine dark satin suit, and his footsteps looked like they had slowed down in slow motion, to give a better view.
  • "Good afternoon, Madison," Maximilian greeted "Good afternoon, miss," He looked at Susan.
  • "Good afternoon," Madison replied, "How can I help you? How do you know my name? " She asked, confused.
  • While Susan was barely dripping with drool.
  • "My name is Maximiliano Ferrer, and I come to do business with you," the man said in a seductive and striking voice. He reached out to take Madison's, however, she felt a chill run through her body, Ferrer? The same last name as her fiancé.
  • "Who is this man?" She asked herself.