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Married For Revenge, To My Ex's Uncle

Married For Revenge, To My Ex's Uncle


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • Chapter 1. The pain of a betrayal
  • The tinkling of bells above the door of the bridal boutique echoed through the air, mingling with the soft rustle of fabrics and the murmur of excited conversations.
  • Madison walked down the elegant hallway, her finger brushing against the fine fabric of the suits in front of her.
  • Her eyes shone with fascination, her heartbeat excitedly, because that would be a wonderful day, she would finally choose the dress she would wear on her wedding day.
  • She had known Francisco Ferrer, her fiancé, the great love of her life, two years ago, a young millionaire, eccentric, handsome, but loving.
  • She barely sighed as she imagined herself walking with him down the path to the altar.
  • "Perfect Miss Fiorency! The dress you asked us for is ready, do you want to try it on? "
  • A woman spoke to her, taking her out of her thoughts, the salesperson arrived in a beautiful wedding dress, full of sequins, a long train, and a beautiful heart-shaped neckline.
  • Madison opened her eyes, welcomed, hugged to her chest, and excitedly wanted to try it on.
  • "Of course I do! It is what I've been waiting for the most. I go to the changing table".
  • On the way to the dressing room, her phone began to ring insistently in her wallet, she skipped the call, as she was too busy for any interruption, however, it rang again.
  • She, disappointed at not being able to measure her dress immediately, delicately left it on the hanging clothes and answered.
  • "Hello?"
  • "Miss Madison Fiorency," an unknown voice asked on the other end of the phone, Madison, confused, got it right.
  • "Yes, who's calling?"
  • "Miss, this is Romina from Manhattan's central hospital, I'm too sorry for what I have to tell you, but your mother died. Could you get closer as soon as possible? "
  • "What?" Everything vanished before Madison's eyes, a painful emptiness settled on her stomach, she thought she was going to faint at that moment and had to sit down, the beautiful dress she was planning to marry was left aside, the first thing was to bury her mother.
  • With a broken heart and a wet face from crying, she ran out of the boutique, took out her phone and began to call her fiancé.
  • "Answer Francisco! Please answer" She kept repeating as she drove to the apartment, she shared with him. His mother had been ill for a few years, and although it pained her, she was waiting for the news of his death, but he did not anticipate that it would be around those days.
  • She drove with such desperation, that in a few minutes she was in front of the large building where her beloved's bachelor apartment was, she ran in, the news of her mother's death threw her out of control and she did not know exactly what she was doing, she just needed the hug of the person she loved the most.
  • "Mrs. Madison, where are you going?" The doorman of the building wanted to stop her
  • "Well, for Francisco's apartment, I live here, José, do you know if he's there?"
  • The doorman, nervous about what he had to answer, turned pale, and his tongue became tangled.
  • "Yes, I mean, no, miss, it's just that... "
  • "Thank you, José, I'll go upstairs." She ignored the man's nervousness and followed her step.
  • Madison entered the elevator that happened to arrive at that moment and dialed the number of her beloved's floor, her tears rolled down her cheek, her mother, the woman who sacrificed so much for her and her little sister, was now dead, just a couple of weeks before her marriage, Madison wanted to faint, she just needed Francis to comfort her at that moment.
  • When the elevator arrived, she ran to the large front door of the apartment, took the keys out of her bag, but a strange hunch took over her being, because on the other side of the fine wood, strange sounds could be heard, they could be voices, screams, or moans?
  • Feeling that her heart was not going to resist, she opened the door cautiously, she entered the apartment little by little when she heard that the main room where she slept with her fiancé, was where the sounds stood out, an agitated female voice asked Francisco "not to stop doing it."
  • A thick knot pierced Madison's throat, little by little she approached the door and through an opening she realized that a spectacular blonde woman was riding fiercely on her beloved.
  • "Oh! Francisco, keep it up, do not stop! You make me the happiest woman in the world. You are fantastic! " The woman shouted at him during passion.
  • Francisco looked at the woman with fascination, with lust, his eyes were ablaze with eroticism, he never looked at Madison with such cadency as he was looking at the woman who piloted him. That just broke Madison's heart
  • "When I marry Madison and receive my grandfather's inheritance, we'll go together honey, we'll go away from here and we'll be very happy," Francisco said in the middle of gasps.
  • "Why can't I be your spouse?" The blonde asked anxiously.
  • "I can't explain it now my love, my family wouldn't accept a woman with a child from another man, but I love you just like this, now move doll, I want too inside you".
  • Madison was watching the spookiest scene of her life, her heart shattered into a thousand pieces, and what was left of hope inside her vanished. First the death of her mother, and now, her boyfriend cheating on her with another woman, just now when she thought she needed him most.
  • However, she wiped away the tears on her face, and with a single push he pushed the door wide.
  • "You damned wretch! You are a traitor ". Madison yelled at him in pain.
  • The couple stopped immediately, the woman on top of Francisco jumped up and wrapped the sheet around her body, while he, with his red cheeks, glared at Madison furiously.
  • "You didn't tell me you were going to arrive early!"
  • "What?! But if we live together, Francis, what is all this? Why are you cheating on me like that? " Madison threw herself on him and began to pound his chest, her sadness and frustration was so great, that at that moment she only wanted to murder him.
  • Francisco, angry at his fiancée's reaction, went to the closet, took out a suitcase and inside it began to throw all of Madison's belongings. With fury, he crushed everything inside the suitcase and went straight towards her, throwing it on her chest.
  • "Get out of here Madison"
  • "No! But if I live here, damn it, I sold my apartment to pay for the wedding, and will you pay me with this? Francis: You are a traitor!"
  • Madison began to cry inconsolably, she felt that she was going to faint at that moment, she did not want to leave that place, she begged for her love to tell her that it was not true, that they were lies, that everything had an explanation, on the contrary, he simply ignored her.
  • "I don't care if you have to sleep on Madison Street, I just want you to get out, you're a nuisance to me, a disgrace, I don't love you".
  • "I don't love you, what? Doesn't he love me?" Madison repeated herself inside, incredulous by everything she was seeing and with her mother's corpse waiting for her, she felt that she could not take it anymore, she grabbed her suitcase and humiliated left there, ending the relationship that for years she believed to be perfect.
  • Hudson Yards, Manhattan
  • In one of the most opulent and elegant mansions in the neighborhood, in their living room, the Ferrer family was gathered, it was the day of the reading of the will of grandfather Christopher, who decided to advance the conditions of the delivery of his inheritance before his death, they were last minute changes, because in his previous reading, he had named Francis as the executor of his estate, as long as he married Madison.
  • It was an unimaginable fortune, a torrent of cash, property, cars, clubs, and an established auto parts company booming in the market, the perfect inheritance to live without ever having to work again.
  • "Father, I don't understand why this meeting is about, look at the time," Eloise Ferrer, Christopher's eldest daughter, asked him while shaking her glass from side to side.
  • "We are delaying since your beloved son Francisco does not arrive." Christopher replied calmly.
  • Christopher in his first marriage had a daughter, Eloise, a woman who was already fifty years old, when Eloise's mother died, he started from scratch with a woman much younger than him, Mary, the mother of his youngest son. Maximilian, the most sought-after bachelor, abruptly millionaire and coveted in the city, but also the most feared, because he did not dedicate himself to his father's legal business, but, on the contrary, everyone murmured that he leaned towards the mafia, but he was also present at the reading of the will.
  • "Father, I have to go, my business awaits me," Maximilian got up from his chair, fixed the wrinkles in his suit and approached Christopher. "I don't care about your inheritance father, do what you think is appropriate, just take care of yourself, you're not well surrounded". Maximilian kissed his forehead ready to leave, but Christopher took his arm.
  • "You are not going to go Maximilian, you must stay here, because now you are part of the will, dear son".
  • Maximilian raised an eyebrow, and snorted, he couldn't refuse his father's request, so he took his place again. About thirty minutes later, the mansion's large door opened to make way for those who were missing.
  • Francisco entered imposingly, and arrogantly, with his gaze fixed on his family and an air of anger at seeing his uncle sitting there.
  • "Wow! I see that we have undesirable visitors today, it is supposed to be an exclusively family reunion," Francis said sarcastically as he walked to his place.
  • Christopher stood up and cleared his throat.
  • "Grandson, first of all, education, good afternoon greets your family, your mother, your sister and your uncle are not invisible.
  • "Oh! Good afternoon! Family" Francisco couldn't help but his tone of irony, he was full of anger when he saw Maximilian sitting there, "What is this gangster doing here? Ah! Damaging my family's reputation," Francisco slowly approached Maximilian and looked at him with disdain.
  • "I'm not a gangster nephew, I'm a great businessman, something you don't get to be even in your wildest dreams," Maximilian replied with his relaxed air.
  • "Businessman? Ridiculous! That's not what they say out there" Francisco looked at his grandfather "and you grandfather, I hope this is important, because I don't want to be in the same space anymore as this despicable man."
  • Christopher sat down and snorted; his conceited grandchildren could not stand it.
  • "Sit down Francisco, we have to talk," Christopher took some documents from a paper folder and put them on the table, it was his will, everyone fixed their eyes on them, Merida and Eloise did not stop looking at the papers, while Maximilian, only gave himself challenging looks next to Francisco, they hated each other since they were children.