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Chapter 11 Eleven

  • Two months have passed since I started working for Sir, and this is what I like the most, Payday!
  • “You look like an idiot, don’t smile, stupid,” and in every story, there’s always one person who doesn’t want the main characters to be happy, and that’s him, ew.
  • “Payday Sir, who wouldn’t be happy, you, wouldn’t you be happy when you’re about to get paid?”
  • “I never got paid, I have a business, I don’t do salary,”
  • “Omg, you’re not doing salary,” I mimic him, he just looked at me angrily, he’s used to me anyway, and somehow I feel comfortable with him. Sometimes he’s just messy, sometimes I’m Samantha, but not just Samantha, good thing Charlotte gave me the right boss, speaking of Charlotte, she often calls me.
  • We used to be friends, since we were kids, we even bathed together in the river, while in panties only, but when her father married someone else, she changed too, but that’s a family issue, I’m just a playmate, not family, not a co-heir.
  • “Here’s your salary, I added some, for all the errands I’ve been asking you,” Sir said and handed me the brown envelope, I happily took it, I didn’t open it because I didn’t need to, I knew it was more than enough.
  • “You’re day off tomorrow, right?” I just nodded, “Maybe you have somewhere to go this time? Don’t you have a family? Friends?”
  • “Boss, how many times have you asked that, I do have, but they’re in the province, one day off is not enough to go home, so it’s okay, I call them anyway,”
  • “Whatever, tomorrow is my rest day, so, cook something for me before you go,”
  • “Are you okay, Sir? Does your chest hurt? Oh my! I told you about your regular check-up, don’t— " I stopped when I noticed that he raised his eyebrow while folding his arms, “Hehe, sorry, got carried away by emotion,”
  • “As far as I can remember, I’m the boss here, not you,”
  • The next day, I woke up early, everything was still quiet, I washed up and changed clothes. Sir allowed me to use his workout room. He said I should stay healthy, it’s a hassle when I’m sick, he suddenly becomes a maid, he has a point. I had coffee first before starting on the treadmill.
  • I spent almost forty minutes inside, before I finished, it’s been my second week doing this, and my body is getting used to it, but it still hurts, and I still get cramps. I took a warm shower and cooked. It was almost seven, I heard Sir coming out, I could smell his shampoo, he probably showered already. He was wearing four six pocket shorts and a black v-neck shirt.
  • “Sir, eat now, I’m done,” I said and placed the cup of coffee on his seat, he didn’t say anything and just ate, I used that time to take a bath and fix myself. I didn’t know where I was going today, but I’ll just roam around all day, until I get tired, then I’ll go home in the evening.
  • As I was about to leave, I saw Sir wiping the table, my eyes widened, and I quickly ran to him, “Sir! Let me do that!” I tried to take the cloth from him.
  • “Samantha, today is your day off, meaning, you don’t dare to touch any of the cleaning material or tasks, that’s what we talked about, didn’t we?” I let go of his hand, because I was indeed taking the cloth away from him.
  • “Well, yes, Sir, but the thing is, I’m not used to—”
  • “Shut up, and just enjoy your off, make sure to come home, I mean, safe,” I sighed before going back to my room.
  • I’m just going around, so I just wore denim shorts and a white v-neck, Charlotte bought me shoes, it’s my first time to wear them, because the heels are high, I didn’t know there were shoes like this. I tied my hair and grabbed the sling bag I always bring, I bought it before I left home. Once I was sure I looked presentable, I went out, Sir was already on the sofa, doing something on his Ipad.
  • “Sir, I’m leaving, okay?” he looked up and nodded, “I’ll also go home tonight, I’ll just roam around all day,”
  • “And where do you plan to roam?”
  • “I don’t know yet, I’ll see. So I can memorize it too,” he looked at me for a long time before returning his attention to what he was doing.
  • “Alright, go, and have fun,” I smiled awkwardly and left the condo.
  • I took the elevator, when I reached the lobby, I greeted the receptionists and the guard, of course, in the two months I’ve been here, they’re my friends already. Sometimes when Sir isn’t around, I go down here to join them for lunch.
  • “Looks like it’s your day off today, ma’am Samantha ah!” greeted Kuya Ronald, he’s the longest-serving guard in his batch. He’s almost the same age as my father, so somehow, I know how to talk to him.
  • “Yes, I’ll just stay here, roam around, maybe find a handsome guy,” I winked at him.
  • His eyes widened, and he approached me, “Do you have my number?” he whispered, so I nodded, “You know who to give it to, right?”
  • I nodded and stepped back, laughing as I left the building. Kuya Ronald in the morning, Teresa at night, she’s gay, not just a cross-dresser. I caught him once trying on lipstick.
  • I stopped at the curb of the street, looking around, I didn’t know where to go now, “Oh shit!” a car suddenly stopped in front of me! Damn, my heart almost dropped!
  • I was about to scream when he lowered the windshield, “Hey, get in!”
  • I furrowed my brows, “Sir?”
  • He rolled his eyes and looked at me annoyed, “Get your ass off inside! The light is about to turn green, come on!” In my confusion, I just followed and quickly got into Sir Kalix’s car, I almost stumbled, damn, “Seat belt,” he reminded, so I fumbled for the belt.
  • “Where are we going, Sir? Are we doing something again?” He always takes me with him whenever we need to go somewhere.
  • “Where do you plan to go first?” instead, he asked.
  • “I was thinking of going to church, sir,” he didn’t answer and just drove, after about twenty minutes, we stopped at a church.
  • “Let’s go,” he said and got out of the car, he just walked straight, wearing what he wore to whoever, he was wearing black sneakers.
  • “Wait, Sir, what’s happening? Are we doing something? I thought today was my day off?” I’m still confused, he said it was my day off earlier, then now he’s taking me with him? It’s confusing.
  • We entered the church, like others, we paid respect and I prayed for a while, Sir stopped and looked at me.
  • “Consider this your bonus, I’ll accompany you throughout the day,”