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Chapter 3 Best Friends

  • It was already dawn, the sun was gleaming so bright and the sunlight was cordial and not intense. The birds kept chirping, and the waft was cool in the atmosphere. The leaves of the plants were covered from the dew drops, and people who were already outside loved the weather.
  • KIRA
  • I stretched my body as I turned over to the other end of the bed, but the reflection of the morning rays that came from my opened window didn't welcome my face.
  • I immediately switched my lying position. Keeping my face downwards, on the pillow, to prevent the rays that came from the sun from disturbing me for the second time.
  • “Kira!” I heard a voice call my name and in no time, I felt something tugging me from the leg.
  • In the next few minutes, I saw myself struggling. I held on to the bed so tight as I tried everything within my power to free myself from being tugged out of the bed.
  • “Leave me alone!” I shrieked in anger, but whoever was behind it wasn't giving a hint of leaving my legs anytime soon.
  • “Let me go!” I shrieked again, aggressively.
  • “It's 9 am already.” The voice said again as I blinked. I opened my eyes, only for me to realize I was dreaming. Not completely a dream because the moment I opened my eyes, I saw Derek tugging my legs.
  • “Wake up! It's morning…” he said.
  • I couldn't take it any longer.
  • “Okay, okay, okay…” I said as I sat up, rubbing my weary eyes.
  • “Good morning.” He greeted me and suddenly started to tickle me.
  • “Stop! Stop! Stop! I spoke as I was unable to stop myself from laughing out loud, even though I felt some discomfort from my injuries under my pajamas.
  • In no time, luckily, he stopped.
  • “I got tired of waiting for you downstairs. Uncle Isaac told me you were still asleep, so I wondered if… were you drunk last night? Why are you still sleeping? Or did you forget about the hangout?” He asked as he held my hands and was pulling me out of the bed.
  • “Ouch!” I felt a slight pain in my foot as I staggered, trying to regain my balance.
  • “What's wrong?” He asked, looking worried.
  • He made me sit back on the bed as he raised my foot.
  • “Jeeez." What happened to you?” He asked, giving me a serious gaze filled with novelty and anxiety.
  • “I… I joined uncle Isaac for… For research…” I stammered.
  • “You did what?”
  • Derek got so angry.” You joined them after I told you not to because of your health?”
  • “I'm sorry. Please…” before I could say another word, Derek angrily stood up from the bed and walked out. He was quick to anger. He finds it so difficult to control his anger.
  • “Wait…” I shouted, but it didn't seem to have an impact on him. I wasn't worried in any way, though. Furthermore, I knew he would return once he is calm because I had already gotten used to his attitude. This isn't the first time he keeps walking out whenever he isn't in a happy mood.
  • Besides, the hangout was important to him, and he wouldn't want to omit it for any reason. I knew he would come back.
  • “Whatever…” I said reluctantly.
  • I gradually got up from the bed. Thank God, my fever was gone, and my body temperature was relaxed.
  • I took a few steps towards my fancy little mirror that was hung on the wall of my room and stood in front of it. After looking at how horrendous I looked in the morning with my scattered hair, I walked into the bathroom to shower and at least get prepared before Derek would return.
  • A few minutes after I got out of the bathroom, I got a knock. It was Ma'am Tera. She was the second in charge of the orphanage.
  • “Good morning mom.” I greeted with a smile as I continued to dry my hair in front of the mirror.
  • “Good morning, sweetheart, breakfast is served.” She replied and greeted my cheek with a peck.
  • “How was your night?” She asked, “my night was fine, mom.” I replied as she took the towel from my hands and made me sit while she helped me dry my hair.
  • “I saw Derek leaving… Aren't you both going out anymore, or there's an emergency?” She asked.
  • “We will… he will be back,” I replied, and a few moments later, my hair was already dried up by her help as I immediately stood and hurried to my wardrobe to get dressed while she walked out.
  • Derek and I have been friends for some months now. I got to know him 3 months after I graduated from the University.
  • That very night when he saved me from some group of thugs who were trying to steal from me on my way back home. How he managed to overpower three men was something my heart never stopped wondering about.
  • Ever since then, he had been a nice friend. Always being there for me whenever I needed help. Uncle Isaac from the orphanage knew him including my younger siblings in the orphanage too and every other person.
  • At some point, many thought we were lovers because of how close we became, but despite how close we were, I didn't get the opportunity to meet with his parents or siblings.
  • “I lost my family as a kid. “ He would always say and because I was also an orphan like him, I always tried to understand his pain and also try to be there for him just as he has always been there for me in times of need. We were more like best friends.