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Chapter 4 Four

  • Xena’s POV:
  • The closing bell rang, signaling that the school had come to a close.
  • I hurriedly picked up my items and made my way out of the school.
  • My mind was still clouded with the thoughts of what happened earlier.
  • The thought of mating with Ryder was literally the worst thought that could ever cross my mind.
  • His earlier words didn't sit quite well with me as I felt dread at the pit of my stomach.
  • Layla continued to plead with me to stay calm, but I was far from staying calm.
  • I pulled open my car door and was just about to get in, when I felt an arm pull me backwards.
  • I yelped as I was pulled away from my car and towards the other side of the garage, one only made for the elite kids of the school.
  • I looked up to see Ryder taking me to his car that was parked at the other side.
  • "Ryder!" I yelled in anger at being dragged like a rag doll by my student.
  • "Let go of me this instant!" I yelled again, but he was no where near listening to me as he unlocked the passenger sit and tossed me inside.
  • I was so mad at being treated this way by a junior.
  • Seriously, why did this have to happen to me?!
  • I tried to unlock the car door which seemed futile because Ryder had locked it and went around to get into the driver seat.
  • Thankfully the garage was located at a secluded corner and not much students could be seen here.
  • Or else, how do I explain to them that there was nothing going on between Ryder and I when he was dragging me like some doll?
  • Ryder turned to look at me, his eyes flashing with a mix of hurt and happiness.
  • "Calm down, Xena" he pleaded, but I wasn't listening to him.
  • "Unlock the car, right now!" I commanded, my voice coming out weak instead.
  • Goodness, I hated how this was happening to me.
  • "Not until you listen to me" Ryder said and started the car.
  • He drove off from the school and I yelled at him even more.
  • "My car!" I remembered I had left my car at the side of the college gate.
  • I would definitely not forgive Ryder if anything happened to my car.
  • "I'll send someone to get it for you" he said calmly as he drove through the still wet streets and past my streets entrance.
  • Where in the world was he taking me?
  • "Where are you taking me?!" I asked, agitated and I heard Layla groan in my head.
  • "Will you keep it down?! He isn't about to kill you!" She said in frustration.
  • Ryder too groaned in frustration.
  • "Please keep your voice down, Xena. I won't kill you" he said and I narrowed my eyes at him.
  • Did he just hear what Layla said to me?
  • I decided to listen for once and stay quiet as he drove through the streets and arrived at a renowned restaurant that was opened up a week ago.
  • I heard alot about the restaurant as they said it was owned by the pack Alpha.
  • The restaurant had always being advertised day and night on every news channel as they couldn't stop talking about how grand it looked and so on.
  • Having seen it in person right now, I was convinced that the place was only for the rich.
  • Ryder climbed out of the car and came to my side to pull the car door open for me.
  • I glared at him before stepping out of the car.
  • His car was hundred times better and more expensive than mine.
  • Well it wasn't like mine was expensive though.
  • The car belonged to my mother and it was more like an inheritance from her.
  • While Ryder's car was a red Bentley, the latest and most expensive one.
  • I knew just how rich the Pack Alpha was, but seeing all the riches, made me marvel all over again.
  • Ryder pulled me into the restaurant and the manager led us directly to a private booth.
  • Everyone including the manager was staring at me weirdly.
  • Maybe because I was with their young Alpha and he was holding my hand like his life depending on it.
  • Speaking of hands, I hurriedly pulled hand away from his and he turned to look at me.
  • I glared at him again, making sure to send a message across to his dumb brains that I wasn't liking any of this.
  • The manager looked at the both of us, but he remained quiet and continued leading the way to our booth.
  • Once he showed us our private booth, he turned around and left to maybe call a waiter of waitress.
  • Ryder sat down and stared at me expectantly, maybe hoping for me to sit.
  • I rolled my eyes and stood my ground.
  • "At least just sit" he said softly, in a pleading tone.
  • "Why am I here?" I questioned him instead, still standing on the same spot. "Surely you didnt bring me here to show me your father's fancy restaurant" I added sarcastically and not caring if I was crossing the line.
  • Ryder crossed that line first when he dragged me here against my will.
  • Ryder growled slightly as he narrowed his eyes at me.
  • "Xena, sit" He used his Alpha voice and I couldn't refuse this time.
  • My legs unwillingly moved to the sit before I him and I sat down.
  • I gritted my teeth in anger at what a junior was doing it me.
  • Ryder sighed and tried to take my hand again, but I pulled my hand back and kept on, a stoic expression.
  • "Ryder, I'll ask you again, why did you bring me here?!" I snapped suddenly, feeling that inner anger erupt because he tried to take my hand.
  • Ryder rubbed his forehead and looked me dead in the eyes.
  • He was trying to show me how sincere or whatever he looked.
  • I didn't even want to see his face right now, because despite the fact that I was mad at him, I just couldn't help admiring his handsome features.
  • Ryder was drop dead handsome for someone his age.
  • "Now start talking" I countered and waited for him to speak.
  • I swear to the moon goddess that if he was here to ask me to mate him, then I would never hesitate to do something very stupid.
  • His next words made me freeze in my tracks as I hadn't seen that coming.
  • "I love you, Xena"