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Chapter 4 Entangled Hearts

  • I became caught up in an emotional web I never saw in the foggy light of morning. Something profound within of me triggered by Jenny's presence was both unfathomable and unavoidable.
  • "Leonard," her voice was a gentle tune, "we can't deny what's between us."
  • Tense between obligation and desire, I hesitated. What of Rosy, Jenny? What I owe."
  • My spine shivered as she reached out and her fingertips brushed mine. Leonard, put aside what other people think. Aspire after your heart.
  • My chest thumped with the effort to find the words. Whose family, though? We live in quite different worlds."
  • Determined eyes blazed in Jenny's direction. Leonard, it makes no difference to me. Together, we are all I care about."
  • In the shadow of my bewilderment, her words were like a ray of optimism. But suppose we get found out? If they try to break us up, what then?
  • We'll deal with whatever comes our way, Leonard, she said, her voice unflinching. In concert, we are unstoppable.
  • She was right, I realized at that very moment. I felt unbeatable, prepared to take on the world, with Jenny at my side. "Then let's get this done, Jenny. Let's overcome the challenges and create a future together."
  • And I knew that this was only the start of our trip, one that would be difficult but also promise a love greater than any barrier in our way, as the first rays of sunshine streamed through the window, illuminating our entwined figures.
  • We felt an urgency as we welcomed the dawn of our newfound love. There was no time to squander or space for doubt. It became imperative that we move, and move quickly.
  • Jenny gripped my hand with a resolve that gleamed. Leonard, this is no place for us to stay. We must go before they learn.
  • Adrenaline hammering in my heart, I nodded. "Where, though, can we go? They will be searching for us.
  • Jenny gripped harder now, her determination unflinching. Leonard, together we shall work it out. We can overcome anything together."
  • We hurriedly collected our possessions and sneaked out into the early morning light, motivated by a sense of mission. Everything sounded louder and every shadow more dangerous. But I had never known courage like I did with Jenny at my side.
  • I couldn't get rid of the impression that I was being followed, like prey, as we moved through the streets. But Jenny was a rock in my life; her unflinching faith in our love was a ray of hope in the shadows.
  • We stopped dead in our steps when a voice boomed down the passageway. Over there they are! Nevermind them.
  • Our hearts hammering together, we launched ourselves into a sprint and raced through the maze-like streets. Driven by a ferocious will to get away, we continued even while the noises of pursuit got closer.
  • When at last we arrived at the city's outskirts, we sank against a tree, our breath coming in short gasps. There was, therefore, no time to pause or gather our breath. Up until we were at last free, we had to keep sprinting.
  • Jenny had determined eyes, and I glanced at her as we carried on our desperate run. I realized at that same instant that we could conquer anything as long as we were together, no matter what obstacles were ahead. And our pulses pounding together, we vanished into the forest, that notion propelling us on.
  • As I descended farther into Leonard's realm, the guilt that was eating at my conscience persisted. Though the attraction of money and love tainted my judgment, I realized I was in peril.
  • Leonard said, "Jenny," breaking through my thoughts, "We can't keep living like this. Rosy is entitled to the whole story."
  • Knowing what lay next, my heart fell hearing Rosy's name. Leonard, though, I am too weak to injure her. Nothing about this happened by my design."
  • When he touched me, sparks shot through my veins. Jenny knows. But we are not able to conceal forever. We have to live with the results of our deeds."
  • Nodding, I braced myself for the fight that was to come. "All set, Leonard. We'll deal with it together, whatever happens."
  • But when we got ready to face Rosy, I couldn't get rid of the uneasy sensation that had crept up my tummy. I was afraid of the consequences of our forbidden love and I knew there would be a hard fight ahead.
  • And as we approached insight, I couldn't help but wonder if our love would be strong enough to survive the storm or if the forces that wanted to keep us apart would tear it apart. Our destiny was in jeopardy, hence only time would tell.
  • Every second seemed to last forever as Leonard and I stood on the edge of truth.
  • Leonard said, "Jenny," in a hardly audible whisper, "there's no going back now. Surely you're prepared for this?"
  • Breathing deeply, I mustered every last bit of bravery. Leonard, I have to be. For us.
  • Leonard nodded, clasped my hand, his hold solid and unflappable. "Let us then face the music together."
  • The weight of approaching conflict was palpable as we entered the lion's lair. Rosy looked at us, disbelief widening her eyes, a storm building behind her.
  • "A what?" Her voice cut through the stress like ice. What on earth are you doing here, Leonard?
  • Leonard looked straight ahead, squared off his shoulders. "You should know this, Rosey. Noting significant."
  • Leonard started talking, his words rushing out of him, and my heart hammered in my chest. "Rosy, I can't do this any more. I can't act as though everything is OK when it's not. I can't keep from saying that I love Jenny."
  • Fury twisted Rosy's face, her fists clinched at her sides. You betrayer you! To us, to me, how could you do this?"
  • But before she could lash out, a voice froze us all in place.
  • Exists a problem here?
  • We rounded to see a person standing in the doorway, their features hidden by shadows. And dread swept over me as they entered the light.
  • That was the rich patriarch, Rosy's father, whose influence was unbounded. And I knew our lives would never be the same when he fixed his cold eyes on us.
  • Smiling sarcastically, he said. "All right, all right. We seem to have a small issue, don't we?