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Chapter 2 Leonard's Deception And Jenny's Dilemma

  • Leonard moved to see the hotel manager, a sliver of hope flickered within of him, his heart beat with expectation.
  • He thought this unplanned help would be a way out of the difficulties in his marriage to Rosy.
  • Leonard welcomed the hotel manager with a charming smile and well rehearsed charm, his head already racing with ideas for what he believed would be a quick fix to his problem.
  • "I appreciate your concern," said a calm, smooth-spoken Leonard.
  • I think we can work things out even if my wife and I had a little argument. But if you could give us a little privacy for the time being, it would be very appreciated."
  • The hotel manager gave a sympathetic but businesslike nod. Although he had seen his share of marital conflicts over the years, something about the intensity emanating from Leonard and Rosy's chamber made him stop.
  • "Of course, sir," the kind hotel manager said. Kindly do not think twice to contact me if you require anything. I never lock my door."
  • The hotel management turned to go with that, retreating to his office with his footfall resonating gently in the hallway.
  • Knowing he had effectively deflected attention from the real cause of his problems, Leonard watched him go with satisfaction.
  • Leonard trailed the hotel manager to his office, thinking of all the possibilities, and saw this as the perfect opportunity to carry out his plan. Expectant, he said, "What do you say we make a deal?"
  • The motel manager raised his eyebrows, interested. Repeating, "A deal?" he crossed his arms in front of him.
  • Leonard sat down, a conspiratorial voice low. Engaged, he added, "I need a favor, something that requires your... discretion."
  • The hotel manager gave a knowing smile. Reclining on his chair, he murmured, "Go on."
  • Leonard sketched a clandestine meeting that would take the shape of a simple request and described his scheme with controlled precision. He continued, in private, "I need you to arrange a meeting with someone."
  • Leonard immediately went to work carrying out the plan after offering the hotel management a bribe. Having swiftly glanced at the security cameras, he contacted Jenny and instructed her to come to his office immediately.
  • The desperation in her boss's voice chilled Jenny down as she answered the phone, nervous and bewildered. Doubts swirling in her head, she said, "I'll be right there."
  • Heart pounding, Jenny staggered shakily to the hotel manager's office, attempting to make sense of the situation. Her unease that something was awry and that this meeting with Leonard would change her life in ways she was not yet aware of remained.
  • Jenny inhaled deeply as she approached the office door and then went inside. The scene that met her stopped her in her tracks, astonishment and bewilderment widening her eyes.
  • Jenny was frightened and confused as soon as she entered the hotel manager's office. The reason Leonard, the rich man whose wedding she had unintentionally ruined, would want to meet with her eluded her.
  • She was even more uneasy since she thought she had somehow gone too far and endangered her career.
  • Standing before Leonard and the hotel manager, her hands shook a little as her gaze flitted uncomfortably between them. She understood she needed to move carefully and keep her cool in the face of this unforeseen circumstance.
  • "Jenny, kindly have a seat," the hotel manager remarked, pointing to a chair across from Leonard's. "We ought to talk."
  • With trepidation, Jenny followed, her thoughts racing with concerns and questions. Leonard could hardly want anything from her. Why, therefore, was her supervisor present at this covert meeting?
  • Leonard, meantime, was staring intently at Jenny, his face unreadable. Though he had planned this meeting with a certain goal in mind, now that the time has come, he was at a loss for words. How, without running the danger of complicating matters any more, could he tell Jenny the real story?
  • Eventually, following a period of tense quiet, Leonard spoke, his voice cool and collected.
  • He started, "Jenny, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked to meet with you," his eyes unmoving. "To tell the truth, following our meeting on my wedding night, I couldn't get you off my mind. I'm drawn in by something about you that attracts me in spite of everything."
  • At Leonard's admission, Jenny's eyes grew wide with shock and her head whirled in confusion. The rich groom had never expected to be interested in her, a simple hotel maid with a chequered past. Here he was, if grudgingly, acknowledging a bond that she had also felt.
  • The hotel manager cut in with an authoritative voice before Jenny could answer.
  • I'm afraid I have some bad news, Jenny, he remarked in a serious tone. "I'm going to let you off for the evening. Mr. Leonard here has asked for your attendance on a... straightforward outing."
  • When Jenny heard the news, her head was racing with questions. Given all that had happened on his wedding night, she found it incomprehensible that Leonard would want to spend time with her. Nevertheless, within the turmoil of her life, a tiny ray of hope flickered within her—a possibility for something fresh and unexpected.
  • The hotel manager's comments hovered over the uncertain future that lay ahead as Leonard and Jenny exchanged hesitant looks. And they wondered what fate had planned for them as they were ready to set out on their unplanned trip together.
  • When Jenny heard the hotel manager explain and saw Leonard in the office, her dissatisfaction boiled beneath the surface. She absorbed the circumstances and went from shock to wrath. It baffled her that Leonard would leave his new bride on their wedding night and then come looking for her. She was confused as well as angry at the audacity of it all.
  • What would make you act in this way?Jenny asked in a frustrated tone. Why then would you bring me into your marital problems? I want no involvement in this.
  • Leonard moved uneasy in his seat, a trace of regret visible in his eyes. He was aware that he had gone too far and had hurt Jenny as well as Rosy. He was pulled to Jenny in an unfathomable way, though, and he was unable to suppress the feeling that she had ignited in him.
  • Leonard started, "I'm sorry, Jenny," regretting everything in his voice. I didn't want to trouble you. Simply said, I needed to see and speak with you. But I can understand if you don't want to get engaged."
  • Jenny's disappointment gave way to a steely resolve as Leonard apologised. Before things got much out of hand, she knew she had to stop it.
  • "I can't take your offer, but I appreciate the apology," Jenny responded firmly and unflinchingly. "As things are, I have enough problems. You don't have to pull me into yours.
  • Jenny turned with that, her head held high in spite of the tumult inside her. She understood that in turning down Leonard's offer, she was blocking off a possible way out of her problems.
  • She was aware, yet, that she could not give up her morality for transient pleasure.
  • The harsh comments from her boss pierced the air as Jenny turned to go, stopping her in her tracks. She knew she'd made a big mistake when she heard his authoritative and indignant tone. Heart thumping in her chest, she hesitated as her boss's remarks set in.
  • I mean, how could you leave me?Her boss said, his voice ablaze with rage. And who is sat in front of you, do you know?
  • The words from her boss sliced through the air like a knife, and Jenny stopped dead in her tracks.