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Chapter 5 Butterflies

  • Theodore POV
  • “Ah, Mr De’leon, you are here, let’s go to the garden.” Mr Giovanni Romano welcomed us.
  • “This is my aunt Salma and my cousin, Renee.” I introduced aunt Salma and Reneè.
  • “You are all welcome.” Celine flashed a wide smile.
  • My eyes involuntarily checked around the room for Aria, but she wasn’t present.
  • “Honestly I have to say, this union will definitely be the best for our families.” Mr Romano exclaimed with a stupid grin.
  • I mentally rolled my eyes wishing we would just get this over with .
  • Aunt Salma cleared her throat and spoke up,
  • “so where is our bride?”
  • “Oh, Celine dear, please call her in.” He beckoned to his wife .
  • The door opened, but it wasn’t Aria. It was Martina, their second daughter.
  • My jaw clenched in anger, what does he think he’s trying to do?.
  • “What is this Mr Romano?” I asked coldly.
  • Aunt Salma and Renee stared at me in confusion.
  • “This isn’t the daughter I chose, I chose Aria, your first daughter.” I gritted, trying to control the rage I was feeling.
  • He chuckled nervously and sat up,
  • “Yea, I know, but A..Aria”
  • “She said she isn’t interested.” Mrs Celine chimed in.
  • I raised an eyebrow as I glared at the both of them, then I stood up and adjusted my suit .
  • “I clearly stated my condition to you Mr Romano, I don’t know what these games are.
  • If your daughter isn’t interested, then you make her interested, or this partnership of ours, goes out the window.” I warned sternly and strode out.
  • “What was that Theodore?” Renee attacked as soon as we got out of the mansion.
  • “That wasn’t the girl I chose.” I explained simply.
  • “But wasn’t the plan just to marry one of the Romanos’ daughters, why are you so hell bent on the first daughter?” She yelled, frustration laced all over her tone.
  • “Yes, that is the plan, but if we are going to hit them, we have to hit them where it hurts the most, it’s obvious they don’t want to give Aria out because she’s their princess and that is just perfect.” I clarified.
  • She walked closer to me, “I hope that’s the only reason, don’t ever forget you have only one woman in your life, one wife and that’s me.” She warned harshly, then got into the car with her mom and left.
  • I let out a frustrated groan.
  • Everything would have been so much easier if grandmother didn’t insist on me marrying Renee.
  • Yea, the truth is I don’t love her.
  • Renee happens to be the granddaughter of My grandfather’s closest friend before he died, my Noni always treated her like her family.
  • One day, Noni suggested we get married , and Renee, having feelings for me, totally agreed and now here we are.
  • I sighed, rubbing my temple, then turned around to get into my car , but stopped when I saw Aria.She was heading towards the Ranch.
  • I signalled my chauffeur to close the car door and wait, then I followed her.
  • Aria POV
  • I hummed a song as I walked through the ranch, my hair blowing wildly as a result of the wind.
  • I walked into the stables and Silvia neighed immediately.
  • I chuckled lightly and rubbed her back gently.
  • “Alright, I will sing you a song.”
  • Then I began singing the song my Noni always sang to me whenever I cried, I miss her so much.
  • I kept on singing as I brushed her hair softly.
  • “Nice voice.”
  • “Oh my God!.” I jumped startled as I turned around to see Theodore.
  • He chuckled, “I’m sorry if I startled you Bella.” He said in his deep manly voice .
  • I blushed, then I remembered he’s probably already engaged to Martina already.
  • A frown suddenly appears on face as I looked away from him.
  • “What are you doing here?” I asked, acting non-chalantly.
  • “Followed you.” He replied with a shrug.
  • I furrowed my brows, “Why?”
  • “Well I wanted to see where my future wife was headed.” He said with a small smile and moved closer to me.
  • I scowled at him and turned to leave but He held my arm stopping me.
  • “Let me go.” I grumbled.
  • “Is something wrong?.” He asked in a concerned tone.
  • “I’m not your wife.” I hissed at him .
  • “I heard you rejected me, why?” He demanded.
  • My face scrunched up in confusion.
  • “What are you saying?”
  • “Your sister was presented to me today instead of you, they said you didn’t want to marry me, is that true Bella?” He asked staring intently at me, I shifted backwards a little.
  • “W..What are you saying?, you chose my sister, not me.” I argued.
  • “I picked you, I mentioned only one name from the beginning and it’s you, Aria.” He said softly and I loved the way my name rolled off this tongue so smoothly.
  • I blushed again, why does he have this much effect on me?.
  • He smirked walking closer to me again, I shifted backwards, then I remembered last time how I was caged in between him.
  • I gulped nervously as his eyes roamed all over me, then he smiled, brought out a box and opened it.
  • It contained was a very beautiful bracelet.
  • I smiled, “it’s so beautiful.”
  • “Just like you.” He commented as he placed it on my wrist and kissed my hands.
  • I blushed again. I know at this point, I probably look like a tomato but I don’t care, he’s so charming.
  • Could he be the one?, my saviour?, my Prince Charming?.
  • “See you soon Mi Cara( my beloved).” He whispered in my ear softly, which sent tingles all over my body.
  • He smiled at me before he walked out, leaving me blushing like a fool.
  • I looked at the bracelet and giggled, “so pretty.”
  • Martina POV
  • I leaned my ear closer to the door to hear their conversation.
  • “Are you just going to let this go Gio!” Mom yelled.
  • “I really don’t have a choice Celine, this partnership is so important, if he says he want Aria, then we just have to give her to him.” Dad argued.
  • “Gio, that can’t..” mom still tried complaining.
  • “Enough Celine!, this is my final decision.
  • Maybe it’s best we don’t even give our precious daughter to such an arrogant man.” Dad concluded.
  • “But she’s in love with him, Martina is in love with him.” Mom defended.
  • “It’s just a crush, she will get over it, I will find a good wealthy potential suitor for her when the time is right, come on let’s go to bed.” He dismissed the conversation.
  • I clenched my fist in anger,
  • “No, this can’t be possible. Aria can’t marry the man of my dreams.”
  • “No!” I screamed as I trashed my dressing table.
  • Theodore De’Leon is mine and if Dad won’t do anything about it then I would.