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Love Conquers All

Love Conquers All


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 Mr Stranger

  • Aria POV
  • I quietly picked my shoes and tiptoed out the door. I had to be really quiet so I won’t wake them up.
  • I slowly opened the gate leading to the stablest
  • “Hey Silvia.” I smiled rubbing my horse, it neighed .
  • “Shh!, we have to be quiet so we won’t get caught.”
  • I gently removed the rope and walked her outside.
  • The morning was just dawning, everywhere was so quiet.
  • “Please God, keep them fast asleep.” I prayed silently.
  • I succeeded in getting out of the mansion’s gate.
  • I grinned and climbed on Silvia, riding her to our favorite place .
  • Silvia has been my best friend as long as I can remember and surprisingly she’s the only thing they haven’t taken away from me .
  • She was gifted to me by my Nana when I was five.
  • My eyes watered, I miss her so much .
  • She was the only member of my family that treated me like I was really human.
  • Well she and Simon.
  • Simon is my Older cousin who lives with us , he’s my dad dead brother’s only son , but Dad loves him just like his own son.
  • I live with my family in the Romano mansion located next to the big ranch.
  • I am not sure whether I can consider them my family though cause of the way they treat me.
  • My mother died when I was just two years old, I don’t really remember her much.
  • My dad got remarried to Mom or as she prefers I call her, Ma’am Celine.
  • She has never accepted me as her daughter and she made it so clear that she doesn’t even like me.
  • and sadly my dad doesn’t like me much either, he accuses me of killing my mother and that I was a bad luck child.
  • I always cried myself to sleep anytime he says that.
  • My mom died in an accident, It was just me and her in the car but I survived, so I was told.
  • I have just two step sisters, they are ma’am Celine children.
  • Martina and the youngest, the baby of the house, Paola.
  • Paola is so cute and small even though she is five.
  • I love her so much and she loves me.
  • We have a special bond, maybe because I practically raised her.
  • Martina is the first daughter of Ma’am Celine and also my Dad’s favorite daughter.
  • She’s exactly like her mom.
  • Rude, arrogant and proud.
  • She also treats me so badly, she doesn’t consider me as her sister at all .
  • She is twenty and in college but she goes from home.
  • I remember begging my dad to enroll me in college but he refused, he stopped my education at just high school, which I was home-schooled.
  • I have a passion for arts, I Love painting and drawing .
  • I also loved to sing , But ma’am Celine and Martina mock me all the time, they say I have a really bad voice, so I don’t even bother singing anymore.
  • I had small painting equipments and a painting board .
  • Simon got them for me as presents for my 15th birthday, But the moment Simon left the house that day, Ma’am Celine took everything and burnt them .
  • Simon is really nice to me. He treats me well and considers me his little sister .
  • He is also very protective of me.
  • He stands up to Ma’am Celine and Martina sometimes when they treat me badly .
  • The only person he can’t really face is Dad , but he tries his best .
  • Recently, Dad sends him on so many Mafia errands.
  • He’s presently in Mexico.
  • I feel so sad because I can’t even talk to him, I have no phone .
  • He left me in the mercy of the people I call my family .
  • I don’t know why they hate me so much .
  • All my life, all I have ever done is try to fit in, I try so hard so they can accept and treat me like one of their own.
  • Maybe I understand Ma’am Celine resentment towards me, I’m not her biological daughter , but what of Dad? I am his daughter for God’s sake!.
  • I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks and sat on the swing .
  • I’m never allowed to leave the mansion. So I always sneak out to come here so early in the morning to enjoy the serenity and the view, then I return back before they wake up.
  • I found out about this place the first time I tried to escape .
  • I shut my eyes, trying not to remember the horrible scene that followed when I got caught that night.
  • I was just sixteen, I couldn’t take the ill-treatment any longer.
  • That very night, they had guests. I was so sick but Ma’am Celine insisted on me serving them. I cooked all the meals and prepared everything.
  • We had servants but I also considered myself one of them.
  • I slept in the servant quarters and worked non-stop in the mansion and even on the ranch and stables.
  • They made sure I always had work to do, not that I care though, I actually loved it .
  • I practically grew up with the servants, they were the ones that actually treated me like i was family.
  • The head Chef, Ma’am Serena, was like a real mother to me.
  • She has been working for us for as long as i can remember and I love her so much.
  • Her son, Matteo, was a friend to Simon. He works on the Ranch.
  • He was also like a senior brother to me .
  • I felt so loved and welcomed with them .
  • *flashback*
  • My head throbbed so badly, my eyes felt dizzy and the plates I carried on my hands suddenly slipped and shattered.
  • “You stupid girl, you can’t even do one thing right!” Ma’am Celine yelled as she slapped me.
  • She dragged me to the kitchen by my hair.
  • “You wait here, I swear I will deal with you this night, Little scum.” She hissed at me and went back to attend to her guests.
  • I knew I would be dead meat if I waited there, she would beat me up to a pulp. So I did the only thing my mind could think of .
  • I escaped through the back door and ran away. I managed to leave unnoticed, but I kept running until I was far away from the mansion.
  • Then I saw flashes torchlights and heard voices, my dad had sent his men to look for me.
  • I gulped fearfully and hid behind the big tree which was opposite the swing hoping it would shed me from them as I couldn’t run further .
  • Unfortunately, it didn’t, they saw me and grabbed me.
  • “Please!, Let me go, don’t take me back there!.” I screamed, struggling to get out of their hold.
  • I was taken back home forcefully.
  • The look my dad had in his eyes was fierce, he looked at me with so much hatred as he brought out the horse whip and gave me several strokes on my back.
  • *Flash back ends *
  • I touched my back, the scars are still there. I sniffled, wiping away the little tears that escaped from my eyes.
  • Then I noticed the day was already getting brighter.
  • Oh no!, I shouldn’t have stayed this long.
  • I panicked and quickly got on Silvia.
  • I decided to take the tarred road meant for cars since it was faster.
  • They weren’t any cars by this time anyways.
  • But I thought wrong. All of a sudden, I saw a car approaching me closely, with full speed.
  • Out of fright, I lost control of Silvia and before I could adjust myself, I was on the ground.
  • >
  • I opened my eyes slowly and groaned as I sat up holding my head.
  • Then I noticed I was in the back seat of a car.
  • Huh?.
  • I looked up in confusion and saw an unknown man driving.
  • I shrieked in fear.
  • “Who are you?, Are you trying to kidnap me?, Let me go now!.” I yelled, and tried opening the car door but it was locked, I banged on the window desperately.
  • “You should calm down, seeing as you almost got into an accident.” The man spoke calmly, in a really deep voice.
  • “Accident?.” I muttered in confusion but mouthed an ‘Oh’ as I remembered.
  • My mind instantly went to Silvia and I quaked with worry again.
  • “Silvia, my horse.. What of my horse?.” I trembled.
  • “She is safe, I have got her handled. Now give me the directions to your house.” He requested.
  • No, he can’t drop me at the mansion. They already probably know I am gone by now and must be looking for me.
  • I gulped, sweat-beads began to form on my forehead, dripping to my face.
  • “Drop me here.” I demanded hastily.
  • “I can’t, It’s the least I can do since I almost ran you over. Give me your address.” He insisted calmly, his voice completely lacking any emotions.
  • Is he a robot or something?.
  • “I said drop me here!.” I screamed, holding the steering, which made him stopped the car abruptly.
  • “Are you trying to get us killed or what!.” He snapped now.
  • “Unlock the door.” I ordered.
  • He looked at me as if I was crazy but unlocked the door regardless.
  • I got out immediately and tried running but I discovered I had an injury on my leg.
  • “Argh!” I groaned in pain but ignored it and continued limping.
  • This pain is minimal compared to what Dad would do to me if he sees me with this man.
  • The Stranger drove his car to where I was and ordered me to enter again. I refused stubbornly and continued on my way.
  • Suddenly he got out of his car and carried me, placing me above his shoulders.
  • “Hey!, Put me down. Stop it, you can’t take me home please.” I argued, hitting his back in an attempt to make him put him down.
  • But his back alone was harder than my weak hands.
  • He ignored my struggles and placed me in the car, buckled me up with the seatbelt.
  • Then he walked to the driver’s side and got in.
  • I simply stared at him in surprise. Why is he doing this?, He barely knows me.
  • He drove for while then I sighted the mansion from our present location.
  • It wasn’t far anymore, I gulped fearfully.
  • “Please drop me here.” I pleaded.
  • “I live in that mansion over there, It isn’t far anymore.” I pointed out, fighting the tears brimming up in my eyes .
  • I was already very afraid of what my dad would do to me.
  • I know I could easily escape from here right now, but Dad would find me eventually and moreover where could I even go to, I don’t know anywhere.
  • “You live in the Romano’s Mansion?.” Mr Stranger asked now, sounding much colder than before.
  • I replied with a small nod and got out of the car, limping as fast as I could.
  • Out of impulse, I looked back to see the man still standing there, his eyes fixated at the mansion.
  • Does he know Dad or something?.
  • I tore my eyes away from him and continued, dreading whatever awaits for me ahead.
  • I arrived at the mansion and stood in front of the big gate. My palms immediately got all sweaty.
  • I hesitantly pushed the gate open quietly and walked in, scurrying quickly to the servant quarters, as it was much closer to the gate .
  • My eyes found Ma’am Serena, sitting outside the balcony, looking very worried.
  • Her eyes widened as she saw me.
  • “Ohh child, my dear.” She hugged me, sighing in relief.
  • “Why didn’t you tell me before you left , I would have covered for you. Your dad has been looking for you all over.” She informed, with so much fear in her eyes.
  • Then, her eyes trailed down to my legs which were much more bloodier than before.
  • “What happened to you?!” She cried worriedly.
  • “It’s nothing, I..” I tried explaining but was cut off by Dad’s thunderous voice.
  • “Aria!.”
  • I quavered in fear as he stormed towards me with Rage, striking me hard across the cheeks which made me fall to the floor.
  • “You disgusting brat!, You tried to escape again, didn’t you? Do you know how much trouble you cause for this family, huh!.” He cursed, kicking me on tmy ribs . I cried out .
  • “I will handle you for real this time , I will find a permanent solution to your stupidity!” He growled and walked away.
  • I coughed out , tears kept rolling from my eyes. I saw Martina smirked at me before she walked away.
  • I held my hurting ribs. Times like this make me miss Simon so much .
  • “Oh dear, get up. I will help you clean up.” Ma’am Serena offered sadly, helping me get off the floor.
  • She helped me dress the wound on my leg and massaged my belly.
  • “Why me?” I sobbed. She hugged me and placed my head on her Chest.
  • “It will be fine Aria, it will all be fine.” She consoled.
  • >
  • After resting a little, I decided to go to the stables to check if Silvia was there.
  • I prayed the unknown man kept his word and returned her safely.
  • He did, immediately I walked in, She neighed loudly.
  • I happily rushed over to where she was and hugged her.
  • “Oh Silvia, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” I cooed as I rubbed her soothingly.
  • I didn’t know what I would have done if I lost her. I just hope Dad wouldn’t take her away from me eventually.
  • I sat outside the stables looking at the stars , it was pretty dark already.
  • My mind drifted to the stranger, I remembered the way he carried me back to his car and suddenly my cheeks felt hot.
  • That was the closest I have ever been with any man .
  • I have never had a boyfriend before, I couldn’t possibly have.
  • Ma’am Celine and Martina would rat me out to Dad and he would kill me.
  • So I never imagined what it would to even stand near a man, but for some reason, I couldn’t get this particular man off my mind.
  • I have to admit he was very handsome though. His Silky black hair, slicked backwards, gave him a classy yet mysterious look.
  • He was wearing a suit but I noticed he had a tattoo creeping out of his neck, he must have them almost all over his arm then.
  • And his eyes, I couldn’t get a good long stare at them, but those grey eyes surely didn’t go unnoticed.
  • He was so tall and muscular, which made him look really sexy.
  • My cheeks got hot again, I shook my head to get rid of the wild thoughts running through my head.
  • I closed the stable and walked to my tiny room.
  • I laid on the bed but wasn’t able to sleep. I kept tossing around.
  • The famous thoughts about having a Prince Charming clouded my mind again.
  • I have always imagined how my life would be if I finally got married.
  • Most people are happy in their Marriage, so I guessed mine would be the same.
  • He would take me away from this bondage and treat me like a princess.
  • He would love me so much and care for me.
  • Probably Then, my fate would change.